We study the properties of St. John's wort oil and the rules of application

natural St. John's wort oil St. John's wort oil, the properties and use of which are known in folk medicine, is irreplaceable in many areas. It contains active ingredients that provide a healing effect. The oil is obtained from a perennial plant that grows in the CIS in the form of a weed. Initially, the main area of ​​its use was medicine, but now the tool has also found application in cosmetology.

Oil composition

carotenoids and cypercine in St. John's wort oil

The composition of St. John's wort oil may differ depending on the manufacturing method. Nevertheless, it necessarily contains some useful substances:

  • vitamins of group A, C, E and P;
  • iron, iodine, copper, zinc and other trace elements;
  • tannins;
  • cypercin, carotene.

Visually, the essential oil of St. John's wort is easy to distinguish from the rest. It has a red tint, and in some cases, brown. In this case, the substance should be liquid and transparent, which indicates the absence of impurities in it.

St. John's wort oil in medicine

St. John's wort oil against sunburnThe properties of St. John's wort oil and its use are known to connoisseurs of traditional medicine. Spectrum of action - various wounds, burns, inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, dermatitis and allergic reactions. When applied to the skin, the oil has beneficial healing effects:

  • anti-inflammatory - relieves signs of inflammation and tissue swelling;
  • pain reliever - soothes pain both locally and with diseases of internal organs;
  • aseptic - has a detrimental effect on a large number of viruses, fungi and bacteria;
  • wound healing - promotes the regeneration of soft tissues, reduces scars.

Due to the chemical properties of St. John's wort oil, it is well absorbed into the deep layers of the dermis. There it has its healing effect for any pathology or skin damage. Also, the agent will provoke resorption of hematomas and bruises, including old ones.

Methods of application in cosmetology

St. John's wort oil for hairThe instructions for St. John's wort oil indicate that it should not be consumed in its pure form. The best option is to add a small amount (10-20%) to the base or other vegetable oil. The resulting product will retain the specific aroma, color and properties of St. John's wort extract.

There are several ways to use St. John's wort oil:

  • as part of lotions for washing, masks and creams for the care of oily skin;
  • as a massage oil;
  • to eliminate skin defects - abrasions, scars, bruises;
  • adding to baths - the method allows you to calm the nervous system, get rid of insomnia and feelings of anxiety.

Cosmetologists advise using St. John's wort oil for the face as a skin care product. It is suitable for oily skin prone to acne. When applied to problem areas, you can eliminate the characteristic oily sheen, reduce the production of secretion by the sebaceous glands, and also get rid of acne. The oil has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, affecting the cause of acne and blackheads. It also helps to soothe the skin, tone it and speed up the regenerative processes.

Homemade St. John's Wort Oil Recipes

collecting St. John's wort for cooking oilThis drug can be found at any pharmacy. However, there are several ways to make St. John's wort oil at home from natural ingredients:

  1. Recipe based on fresh St. John's wort flowers.Grind the raw materials into a gruel, place in a glass bottle and pour in vegetable oil, preferably olive oil. The container must be left in a warm place, uncovered, so that the fermentation process begins. After 4-5 days, the mixture will finish fermenting, and it will need to be tightly corked with a lid. St. John's wort oil should remain in the light for another 1-1.5 months, until it acquires a characteristic reddish tint.
  2. A recipe based on dried flowers. Grind 100 g of raw materials and pour 500 ml of vegetable oil (olive or unrefined sunflower oil). The mixture is brought to a boil and kept on low heat for half an hour. Next, the liquid is poured into a glass container, covered with a lid and insisted for several days in a dark place. After that, the oil can be filtered and refrigerated.

St. John's wort oil at homeThe properties of St. John's wort oil and its use have been known for a long time. It contains a large number of beneficial vitamins, minerals and herbal antibiotics that fight infection and reduce inflammation. The oil has found application in medicine and cosmetology and successfully relieves of problems such as cuts, wounds, abrasions, hematomas, dermatitis, and inflammatory diseases of internal organs. It can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepared at home using one of the recipes.

Cooking St. John's wort oil at home - video


