Posts tagged "adenium"
Fascinating germination of adenium seeds
A tropical desert flower on a windowsill in a Moscow high-rise building or somewhere in the northern regions of the country deserves a round of applause. Adenium is not just a houseplant, but a real work of art. His ...
Cooking the perfect substrate for adenium
Whatever age the adenium is, the same composition of the soil substrate is suitable for it. If it is prepared according to all the rules and technologies, then the culture will not ...
Elite hairstyle for a gorgeous adenium
If the adenium is not cut off in time, then a beautiful indoor baobab will grow from it. However, not everyone shares this passion for tropical cultures. Therefore, crown formation in ...
Propagation of the majestic adenium by cuttings
In order for the adenium to have a lush crown, the plant should be cut off. After such a procedure, cute cuttings remain, which are very sorry to throw away. Therefore, many housewives plant them in pots, creating a real ...
Form a lush crown and fleshy caudex in adenium
Tell me how to form adenium? I got several seedlings of this flower, I want to grow a squat plump bush. I saw this once visiting a friend and just fell in love with him. Perhaps ...
What you need to know about propagation of adenium by cuttings
My old adenium is already so big it won't fit on a window. I want to cut it thoroughly in the spring, but it is a pity to throw it away. Tell us how to properly propagate adenium by cuttings. IN ...
Basic requirements for the composition of the soil for adenium
The neighbor decided to throw out her adenium, she says that it disappears anyway. I just could not allow this, and took the flower for myself, because it seems to me that he just ...
When does adenium begin to bloom and what does it need for this?
Visiting a friend, I saw a blooming adenium. I really liked him so much that I ordered the seeds and soon a young seedling flaunted on my windowsill. However, the plant will soon be ...
Photo describing the types and varieties of adenium at home
In nature, adeniums are perennial tree-like plants or shrubs that grow in the arid hot regions of central and southern Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and Socotra Island. Adenium at home - ...
Adenium at home - how to grow exotic
The adenium that grew up at the Russians' home is better known as "Desert Rose", "Impala Lily, or" Star of Sabinia ". This plant has many romantic names. Adenium is common in Thailand, Arabia, Taiwan, ...
Growing adenium from seeds at home
Spectacular adeniums with a hypertrophied thickened stem, a small bunch of leaves and a scattering of luxurious flowers are becoming more and more popular with amateur flower growers. For all the exoticism, growing adenium from seeds at home ...