Posts tagged "anthurium"
Male flower anthurium - how to care for a capricious handsome man
What features does a male anthurium flower have in growing, how to care for it? I bought a bush at a discount in a store on sale. The seller said that he had been ill, so ...
Why is anthurium drying - causes and solutions to the problem
Tell me why anthurium is drying? In the summer everything was fine, but recently I began to notice that almost all leaves have dry tips. The pot stands on a high stand near the south ...
The correct soil is the key to the healthy development of anthurium: which one to choose and how to cook it yourself
After buying the anthurium, I transplanted the flower into garden soil - I use it for all indoor plants. But recently I noticed that the bush wilted - the leaves have lost their elasticity ...
Anthurium Black Queen - everyday life of the Black Prince
Perhaps one of the most beautiful and unusual varieties of anthurium is the Black Queen variety. It belongs to the green-leaved group and is a hybrid. Due to its unusual coloring, the flower is also called ...
Why a purchased anthurium transplant and how to do it
The opinions of flower growers about the transplantation of newly acquired flowers, including anthurim, differ. Some believe that this should be done no earlier than the plant gets used to new ones ...
How to rejuvenate old Andre Anthurium
One of the most common types of anthurium that is grown at home is Andre. It is a fairly tall plant, capable of reaching 90 cm in height, but the stem has ...
Important nuances you need to know about anthurium
From the Aroid family, anthurium is the most capricious plant that requires special conditions of detention and is sensitive to the slightest mistakes in care. This is especially true of anthuriums after ...
How to properly water anthurium at home?
Last year I was presented with a young anthurium. At first everything was fine, but over time, the leaves at the tips began to dry out. Maybe he doesn't have enough water? Tell me how to water properly ...
When to transplant anthurium after purchase?
Today I bought a blooming handsome man in the store - anthurium. The seller advised to transplant the flower at home. Tell me when to transplant anthurium after purchase and can it be done with a flowering plant? ...
Why does your favorite anthurium turn yellow and dry?
The genus of anthuriums unites from 800 to 1000 plant species, native to the forest regions of Central and South America. The long flowering of certain species and the unusual foliage of others has made many ...
What to do if indoor anthurium does not bloom for a long time?
In South America, they joke, they say, put the anthurium on the ground, and then the plant itself, if necessary, will bury itself in the ground, climb a tree and bloom. Indeed, in subtropical conditions ...
Experienced florists tell you how to care for anthurium so that it pleases with its appearance
The beautiful flower "Man's Happiness" is beautiful with its decorative, heart-shaped leaves. His flowers are beautiful - an ear in a fiery red, pink or speckled bedspread. If you follow the terms ...
We go on a trip for a flamingo flower and get to know the homeland of anthurium
The history of some plants, cultivated by man, has several millennia.Acquaintance with anthuriums, as with one of the genera of the Aroid family, began only a century and a half ago, but also for ...
Photo and description of popular varieties of anthurium
Anthurium Andre, the first of the cultivated and described representatives of an extensive species, was brought to Europe in the 70s of the last century. A little later, in 1889, thanks to missionary Samuel Damon ...
Photo and description of varieties of anthurium
Popular rumor compares anthurium with flamingos, and it owes its name to the similarity of the inflorescence to the tail. And the acquaintance of Europeans and Americans with representatives of a huge genus of anthuriums took place in ...
New Anthurium flower can be grown from seeds
Anthuriums, indigenous inhabitants of tropical forests, attract the attention of indoor plant lovers with their bright foliage, and unusual aerial roots, so necessary for the life of an epiphyte, and impressive inflorescences of a variety of ...
Breeding methods for a home anthurium flower
Anthuriums are one of the most numerous genera in the Aroid family. Today it includes about eight hundred natural species, and breeders have obtained a lot of interesting ...
How to prevent anthurium diseases
The indoor flowers that people from distant countries serve are beautiful, but they are slaves who were placed in a cramped pot and a different climate. Can a plant thrive in aliens ...
Does your anthurium also have flowers drying?
Let's approach the question from the point of view of a living organism. If he gets enough nourishment, is kept in his usual conditions and he has enough oxygen to breathe, then there is no reason to rebel. ...
How to deal with stains on anthurium leaves
When anthurium is healthy, its foliage has an even surface, characteristic of the variety, without traces of yellowness or dried spots. Leaves are quickly renewed, and reappearing without difficulty and damage ...
Features of the methods of carrying out anthurium transplantation
Anthurium is popularly called a flamingo flower. And this comparison is quite justified. Graceful inflorescences on long peduncles really look like exotic birds and leave no one indifferent. ...
We reanimate the dying anthurium plant
A beautiful, long-blooming anthurium in the apartment takes pride of place. Bright flowers and beautiful arrow-shaped leaves of the anthurium plant are the hallmark of a home, where love and care are enough for ...
Anthurium male happiness in a flower pot
The tropics are a plant paradise that has probably not revealed all its secrets over the past centuries. The variety of forms and species that live here still attracts naturalists ...
Anthurium indoor plant care at home
Anthuriums, brought to Europe back in the 19th century, attracted close attention of indoor floriculture lovers only at the end of the last century. Today at the disposal of all who are not indifferent to ...