Posts tagged "marigolds"

We carefully examine the beneficial properties of marigolds and contraindications for the body
We carefully examine the beneficial properties of marigolds and contraindications for the body
The unique beneficial properties of marigolds and contraindications have interested people since time immemorial. When the flower was brought to Europe in the 16th century, it immediately won the hearts of gardeners with its ...
Charming marigolds rejected - the best varieties of profusely flowering French blackshaves
Charming marigolds rejected - the best varieties of profusely flowering French blackshaves
Lush bushes, in which the foliage is practically invisible under the abundance of inflorescences of the most varied colors - these are wonderful rejected marigolds. The varieties of these branched plants can differ in both height, ...
Marigolds erect and thin-leaved - varieties of favorite black shavers
Marigolds erect and thin-leaved - varieties of favorite black shavers
What is remarkable about marigolds is that among them each gardener can choose flowers to his liking. Take, for example, marigolds erect and thin-leaved: these two groups ...
Your marigold seeds: two important nuances when collecting them
Your marigold seeds: two important nuances when collecting them
When the club blooms with lush bouquets, you immediately want to see such a charm on your site next year. However, when harvesting your marigold seeds, it is important to consider two points: ...
Growing marigolds: becoming a mom for your flowers
Growing marigolds: becoming a mom for your flowers
Millions of novice florist choose this particular culture. Unpretentiousness, as well as a variety of colors and varieties, makes the cultivation of marigolds the most enjoyable experience. In caring for them ...
Sowing marigolds for seedlings to obtain lush bushes
Sowing marigolds for seedlings to obtain lush bushes
Gardeners are sowing marigolds both in open ground and for seedlings. Both options are welcomed by agronomists, but in the latter case there are several significant advantages. First, such ...
Marigolds from cuttings - an extraordinary method of culture propagation
Marigolds from cuttings - an extraordinary method of culture propagation
Few people know, and whether it is necessary at all, to propagate marigolds from cuttings. Some believe that this is a waste of time and also a mockery of the plant. Moreover ...
We grow marigold seedlings: the timing of sowing seeds
We grow marigold seedlings: the timing of sowing seeds
Tell me when to sow marigolds for seedlings? They always sowed flowers immediately on a flower bed, but I want to admire the flowering not only in late summer and autumn. A neighbor suggested that if ...
We grow marigolds in the country for beauty and benefit
We grow marigolds in the country for beauty and benefit
Marigolds are one of the favorite annuals among gardeners. In almost every area, you can find lush bushes with carved foliage and bright flowers, emitting a familiar ...
Planting and caring for wonderful marigolds in the open field is within the power of everyone
Planting and caring for wonderful marigolds in the open field is within the power of everyone
For a plant such as marigolds, planting and care in the open field is not difficult. These flowers can be planted both to decorate a flower bed, and as a medicinal ...
Do you have insect repellent plants growing in your country house?
Do you have insect repellent plants growing in your country house?
It is no secret that some insects cause people a lot of inconvenience. Some pose a threat to the future harvest, while others interfere with a person's full rest by annoying buzzing and even biting. What ...
How to grow marigolds on your site
How to grow marigolds on your site
Marigolds (lat. Tagetes) are a herbaceous plant of the Astrov family with bright flowers of various colors. To date, more than 50 of their species are known. Annuals are found in the wild ...


