Posts tagged "basil"
Why basil is useful - a healing herb from the garden under the window
Tell us what basil is good for. For several years now I have been suffering from high blood pressure. A friend advised me to eat this spice more often and make infusions. She says the basil helps her, the sharp ones disappeared ...
How to grow basil on a windowsill - the subtleties of the process for beginners
Tell us how to grow basil on a windowsill? I love this weed very much, but you can not always find it in our store. I decided to try to provide myself with vitamins on my own, and already ...
Dried basil, its benefits and preparation
Dried basil has great health benefits. In folk medicine, tea is made from it, which has a sedative effect, and it also helps to remove stones from the kidneys and bladder. ...
Basil storage rules
Basil is a very healthy plant. It has a specific aroma similar to mustard. Basil is seasoned with various meat dishes, it is added to sauces, dried, consumed in ...
Some information about the beneficial properties of basil
Basil is a very useful herb. It forms a green or deep purple annual shrub, depending on cultivar and weather conditions. The countries of the Mediterranean are considered the birthplace of the basilica. ...
Growing basil seedlings
Basil is a very healthy plant. It is used in the preparation of many dishes, as a seasoning, it is added fresh to salads and sauces, and oil is flavored with it. Grow ...
Sowing basil outdoors in spring - when can you sow seeds?
I love basil very much and finally decided to plant it. But I had no time to tinker with the seedlings, and there was nowhere to put it, so I would have to sow it immediately on the garden bed. Tell me ...
How and when to plant basil seedlings at home
Basil is one of the most beloved and popular spices that came to us from distant India. Despite the fact that the homeland of the plant is a country with a warm climate, to grow ...
Basil: how to plant seeds
I myself do not really like basil, but my husband simply adores it. Therefore, I had to buy a bag of seeds and set aside a garden bed among the parsley for his grass. Tell me how best ...
Rules for planting and caring for basil in the open field
For a plant like basil, planting and care in the open field is not difficult. This plant is not only a popular spice, but also a source of vitamins and minerals. ...
Photo and description of the types and varieties of the many-sided basil
There is no brighter spicy herb in the summer cottage than basil, the photo of the varieties of which amaze with juicy green, purple and violet tones. The aroma of fresh herbs is no less rich. IN ...
The invaluable benefits of basil for the human body
Basil, the benefits and harms of which are the purpose of our article, is used by lovers of herbs as an additional ingredient in cooking. Besides its culinary uses, basil is used as a ...
Learn to grow basil from seeds indoors
Basil has an amazing aroma and is used as a condiment. Growing basil seeds in a city apartment will provide a family with healthy greenery for the whole year. The value of the leaves lies in the content of essential ...
How to grow basil seedlings at home?
I have long dreamed of growing basil from home seeds, but somehow I could not collect them. And so a neighbor shared her last year's seeds. Tell me if there are features of growing seedlings ...