Posts tagged "bergamot"

Useful properties of bergamot and how to use it
Useful properties of bergamot and how to use it
The beneficial properties of bergamot are available to everyone. It is an exotic fruit bred artificially, which belongs to the Citrus family. It is a hybrid of orange and citron. A small town is considered his birthplace ...
How to plant indoor and garden bergamot
How to plant indoor and garden bergamot
Tell us how to plant bergamot? I collect exotic plants, growing them whenever possible. We live in the south, winter is relatively warm, thanks to which we even managed to get the first harvest with ...
We can do it - growing bergamot at home
We can do it - growing bergamot at home
Growing bergamot at home, which came to us from Southeast Asia, is not at all difficult. There are several types of this plant, which differ in size and deciduous ...


