Posts tagged "elder"
Elderberry Aurea - an ornamental tree plant with edible berries
If the wild elder grows by itself and decorates only forests and fields, then its varietal varieties are widely used in landscape design. Elderberry Aurea is one of ...
Elderberry herb - unpretentious, beautiful and medicinal weed
Tall, spreading shrubs with beautiful feathery leaves grow on the roadsides, along the banks of the river and on the forest edges. And on wastelands, herbaceous elderberry is completely for ...
Black Elderberry Black Lace: highly decorative and frost-resistant variety for your garden
Due to its gorgeous flowering and spectacular appearance of lush bushes, elderberry is often planted in private plots, but in winter it often suffers from frost. However, there is one among its varieties ...
Red elderberry: dangerous, but beautiful and useful
From a distance, lush white tassels or stuffed scarlet bunches of red elderberry can be mistaken for viburnum. But coming closer and inhaling the not very pleasant scent of leaves and flowers, it becomes ...
Elderberry black Pulverulenta - a chic shrub with marble leaves
Tell us, what is the black elderberry Pulverulent in adulthood? Once I saw a young bush at my acquaintances and simply did not believe that an elderberry could have such beautiful ...
Elderberry root use: where and how is the healing tincture used
Where is the use of elderberry root shown? Our grandmother always had bunches of dried berries and flowers at home. She added them to tea and always gave them when we ...
How to get an elderberry out of the garden - popular and effective ways
Tell me how to get an elderberry out of the garden? We bought a dacha, where no one had lived for a long time, as a result, the site was heavily overgrown. The garden was especially damaged - it's already right there ...
Useful properties of elderberry and the ability of a green healer
Tell us, what are the beneficial properties of elderberry? I remember how in childhood my grandmother made very tasty jam and gave it to all grandchildren so that they would not get sick in winter. Now I myself ...
Planting black elderberry in the area with seeds or cuttings
There are about 20 varieties of elderberry, differing in size, shape and structure of leaves, fruits. Planting black elderberry is often carried out for decorative purposes. This culture can be found in nature ...
Unique healing properties of elderberry and their use in medicine
The beneficial properties of black elderberry are known all over the world. Therefore, the plant has found its application not only in the food industry, but also in medicine. Culture is prized for its content ...