Posts tagged "garlic"
Last autumn work in the garden - how to process garlic before planting for the winter
Last year, my garlic beds got pretty sick, I don't even know what, but less than half rose. Or some kind of disease killed, or pests. It's time to plant again, ...
We use ammonia for onions and garlic as an ideal top dressing
Like all vegetables grown in the country, natural antibiotics also need an additional dose of ammonia. To solve the problem, gardeners use pharmaceutical ammonia for onions and garlic ...
Do you know how to prepare garlic for planting
Tell me how to prepare garlic for planting? We bought a dacha, there is a small vegetable garden, but this year they did not plant anything there, it was already too late. I just want to land it for the winter ...
The benefits and harms of garlic for the human body
Tell us, what are the benefits and harms of garlic for the human body? A neighbor gave a recipe for alcoholic garlic tincture, she says, she helped her to remove stones from the kidneys. I have this ...
How to cork garlic for the winter - preparing a spicy snack
Please advise how to cork the garlic for the winter? This year there is just an unprecedented harvest, besides, the heads are large and good. Already she gave it to her relatives, and she gave it to neighbors, ...
The best recipes for making fried garlic arrows at home
Few are familiar with the recipes for making fried garlic arrows. Usually gardeners simply throw away this part of the plant. But the arrows have a pleasant taste, they will appeal even to those who do not like sharp ...
Garlic Arrow Salad - an original tasty appetizer
Gardeners who grow garlic know that around the middle of summer, it starts to release arrows. Many tasty and healthy dishes are prepared from them, including salad ...
What can be cooked from the stalks of garlic - replenishing the cookbook with new recipes
Suggest what you can make from the stalks of garlic. A friend gave me a very unusual and spicy salad with fried arrows and meat. They gave the dish an unusual taste and amazing aroma. ...
When to plant garlic - the optimal timing and basic rules for autumn planting
Tell me when to plant garlic in the fall? I decided to save time for spring work, since I haven't been at the dacha often lately. Allocated a site for all crops that can be ...
Harvesting garlic shoots for the winter
In preservation recipes, heads or cloves of garlic are usually mentioned, but few people harvest the arrows of this plant for future use. But in vain, because they contain no less useful substances. Prepare ...
How to cook salted garlic heads for the winter
Salted garlic heads can be prepared according to different recipes. They differ not only in the set of ingredients, but also in the method of preparation. If everything is done as indicated in the recipe, then this ...
Pickled garlic - an original DIY snack
An excellent appetizer for meat dishes and spirits is pickled garlic, the recipe for which is simple, contains a minimum of ingredients, and is prepared quickly. Unlike fresh, its taste is softer, and ...
Arrows of garlic - an unthinkable story
About 30 years ago, no one would have thought of throwing garlic arrows out of the garden. They were considered very valuable and added wherever possible. The ancestors knew ...
How to open garlic after winter and when
Tell me how to open garlic after winter. Our grandmother always plants a lot of winter garlic. And she always "hides" her beds, covering them with leaves and branches of cut raspberries. ...
What are the benefits and harms of garlic for the human body?
The benefits and harms of garlic for the human body have been known for a long time. It is the most popular vegetable and has many health benefits. Garlic is mainly used in cooking to give some ...
We save garlic until next season: popular ways
Tell me how to store garlic correctly? By the spring, most of the heads were empty, while the rest had sprouted. I had to look for him in the market for the Easter holidays, but I was counting on what would happen ...
Fertilizer for garlic in summer - wood ash
Wood ash is widely used in horticulture. When growing garlic, this fertilizer is applied in the summer, in mid-June, when the plant forms a garlic head. In order to receive ...
Autumn fertilization of the site for potatoes and garlic
Tell me, what fertilizers can you feed the beds for potatoes and garlic in the fall? It is not always possible to apply fertilizers during spring planting due to lack of time. Our summer cottage ...
Causes of yellowing of garlic leaves
Garlic is a plant from the bulbous family. Its bulb forms up to 15 babies - teeth that can be eaten. Garlic grows at a depth of 7 cm - 8 ...
Planting garlic before winter
Winter garlic is planted in October or November, depending on the weather. It is important to plant the garlic two weeks before the onset of stable frost, so that it has time to build up the root ...
Features of planting garlic in open ground in spring
Garlic can be found in almost every household plot. Every year, planting garlic outdoors in spring is a whole event for any summer resident. The root vegetable is often used for cooking ...
Harvesting garlic arrows for the winter
Many gardeners, when shooting garlic, simply cut off unnecessary arrows and throw them away. However, this "garden waste" can be used as a spice in the preparation of various dishes. ...
Fertilizing the soil when planting garlic: features of dressings for spring and summer garlic
Garlic in our family is consumed in large quantities, so I always plant a lot of it. However, last year the harvest was meager - the heads are small, besides ...
How to grow garlic (it's very easy!)
I have been planning to grow my garlic for a long time. And not only because I regularly use it in the kitchen. Fresh garlic can also be added to the diet of chickens, and whole cloves ...
Sly summer residents do not rest in the fall
September has come. With the arrival of autumn, the main work on the site was completed. Harvesting is the most enjoyable job. Although cunning summer residents are already taking care of spring plantings and taking away ...
The technique of growing garlic in a personal plot - video
The well-known king of garlic always takes pride of place in the beds of knowledgeable gardeners and summer residents. Being a very tasty seasoning, a healing product, an antiseptic antimicrobial agent, it is grown by almost everyone ...