Posts tagged "doors"

Do-it-yourself high-quality doors for a sliding wardrobe from A to Z
Do-it-yourself high-quality doors for a sliding wardrobe from A to Z
Any furniture carpenter will tell you that the most difficult element in making sliding storage systems yourself is doors. However, give up making furniture at home ...
How to choose an iron door to the house
How to choose an iron door to the house
Housing for every person should be comfortable and safe. The first thing to take care of when moving is how to choose an iron door to your house. Steel structures for a long time ...
Accordion door: from advantages to installation features
Accordion door: from advantages to installation features
The accordion door is ideal for zoning large and small rooms. It includes several panels that fold easily. Therefore, the design can be used in ...
Door upholstery - a new image of the face of the house
Door upholstery - a new image of the "face" of the house
One of the most popular and effective ways of presenting an entrance is to upholster doors with special materials. Their correct selection allows you to get a completely new image of the "face" of a house or apartment. Event ...
Choosing interior glass doors for your home
Choosing interior glass doors for your home
Interior glass doors are on a par with wooden ones in popularity. In many houses, modern interiors are complemented by stylish transparent products that differ only in type, design and glass thickness. So ...
Sliding interior doors: installation features and scope
Sliding interior doors: installation features and scope
Sliding interior doors, which have many models and can be used in any premises, have become quite popular in the interior of apartments. With their help, living rooms are divided into ...
Folding doors interior book: advantages and installation rules
Folding doors interior book: advantages and installation rules
To equip the room with taste, and at the same time to save free space, folding doors interior books will help. The structure got its name due to the peculiarity of the mechanism - when opening two sashes ...
Do-it-yourself installation of interior doors: the nuances of the process and the implementation algorithm
Do-it-yourself installation of interior doors: the nuances of the process and the implementation algorithm
During renovation work, new interior doors are often installed in the apartment. This process is not so complicated, so installing interior doors with your own hands is a feasible thing. The main thing - ...
Self-installation of the front door
Self-installation of the front door
When a person buys metal doors, it so happens that he does not calculate the amount for dismantling the old one and installing a new one. Therefore, it remains to make two decisions: either he himself ...
Top 10 ways to upgrade an old door
Top 10 ways to upgrade an old door
The situation when interior doors become unusable and lose their appearance is not uncommon. Knowing a few basic tricks on how to update an old door, you can save a lot and not ...
The master's case is afraid - a metal door with his own hands
The master's case is afraid - a metal door with his own hands
A self-made metal door often surpasses many factory samples in both quality and reliability. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that a house is a small fortress, but ...
How to make slopes for interior doors with your own hands
How to make slopes for interior doors with your own hands
During the repair or simply replacing the door, it becomes necessary to install the slopes for the interior doors with your own hands. Modern manufacturers offer a huge variety of materials that can be used for decoration ...


