Posts tagged "violets"

We analyze the healing properties of the tricolor violet and contraindications for the body point by point
We analyze the healing properties of the tricolor violet and contraindications for the body point by point
With the arrival of spring, the earth puts on a lush outfit of many small flowers, exuding a pleasant aroma. However, the medicinal properties of the tricolor violet and contraindications attract people more than its external ...
Professionals will tell you how to effectively deal with powdery mildew on violets
Professionals will tell you how to effectively deal with powdery mildew on violets
Fungal diseases are ruthless and devastating. Therefore, at the first signs of an illness, the gardener must know how to deal with powdery mildew on violets. It usually attacks a culture whose immunity is very ...
Finding out if violets can be sprayed with Epin
Finding out if violets can be sprayed with Epin
Tell me, can I spray violets with Epin? This year, the heating was not turned on for a long time, so not only us, but also my green pets froze. Most of all suffered ...
Reproduction of violets at home with a leaf
Reproduction of violets at home with a leaf
When uzambar violets appear on the windowsill, the florist necessarily has a desire to expand the collection at the expense of other varieties or to get new sockets from the existing ones. Most often at home ...
We study violet diseases and methods of their treatment
We study violet diseases and methods of their treatment
Uzambara violets, so beloved by many flower growers of our country, like other indoor plants, unfortunately, are susceptible to attacks by pests, suffer from improper care and tolerate diseases rather hard ...
How to plant a violet: the secrets of a successful transplant of an overgrown outlet
How to plant a violet: the secrets of a successful transplant of an overgrown outlet
Tell us how to plant a violet? For the third year now, my beauty has been happily living in the house and blooms like clockwork, every season. But lately she began to notice that ...
When to transplant indoor violets, how to determine the need for a procedure
When to transplant indoor violets, how to determine the need for a procedure
Tell me when to transplant indoor violets? Recently, I began to notice that my flowers have stopped growing. Violets look healthy, leaves are clean, without spots. They just don't grow and ...
Competent care is the key to the lush bloom of violets or how to please the hairy beauties
Competent care is the key to the lush bloom of violets or how to please the hairy beauties
Tell me how to care for violets? A friend gave me a luxurious violet with large double buds for my birthday, it will be a pity to ruin the flower out of ignorance. I have green pets ...
Spectacular Violet Blossom Snow Dahlia
Spectacular Violet Blossom Snow Dahlia
Was visiting a friend, and she just bloomed a very unusual violet Snow Dahlia with lush white inflorescences. Please tell us more about this variety, there is ...
Secrets of growing and flowering violets
Secrets of growing and flowering violets
Not every flower lover takes on the cultivation of violets. Despite their soft beauty, their character is rather changeable and capricious - the slightest mistake in leaving or even short-term ...
Rejuvenating an old violet or why a flower is blown off its head
We rejuvenate the old violet or why the flower is "blown off its head"
Not only people, but also flowers become adults and grow old over time. This also happens with violets: while the plant is young, it actively grows deciduous mass, blooms and ...
What to do with a discounted violet bought at a store?
What to do with a discounted violet bought at a store?
On the issue of transplanting a purchased plant, there is no consensus among flower growers: some believe that the flower should be transplanted immediately, others prefer to leave it in a store pot and soil until ...
How to save a violet from root rot?
How to save a violet from root rot?
Often, having received a beautiful blooming violet as a gift, flower growers notice that over time the plant begins to wither.It refuses to bloom and becomes lethargic. If the violet is properly cared for, ...
Problems in growing water violets: single peduncle and long leaves
Problems in growing water violets: single peduncle and long leaves
Good time of the day! My question is about the water violet. Its location is on the east window. It gives only 1-2 peduncles and does not form "caps" of peduncles. How to do it? U ...
How to make a violet bloom?
How to make a violet bloom?
I love violets very much, I already have a whole collection of them. But recently she began to notice that most of the bushes do not bloom at all. At the same time, there are signs on the plant itself ...
Ways to water violets for their successful development
Ways to water violets for their successful development
I am a beginner flower grower, and it just so happened that violets became my first plants. I acquired four varieties, they lived with me for a couple of months and began to disappear. I think, ...
Photos and names of varieties of indoor violets (part 5)
Photos and names of varieties of indoor violets (part 5)
Novice lovers of Saintpaulias are amazed at the richness of colors and sizes of varietal flowers. Meanwhile, experienced flower growers know that there are a great many varieties of violets, and, in addition to colors, plants differ in shape ...
How to help a violet if its leaves turn yellow
How to help a violet if its leaves turn yellow
Violets are a welcome guest on the windowsill, but to get a healthy plant, you need to master proper care. The first sign of trouble is usually a change in the appearance of the leaves. They, like indicators, force ...
Choosing a perennial plant for the balcony and garden horned violet
Choosing a perennial plant for the balcony and garden horned violet
If you look at the flower of the horned violet from the side of the peduncle, a sharp protruding spur resembling a horn is clearly visible. It is thanks to this feature that the plant got its name, in Latin ...
Photos and names of varieties of indoor violets (part 1)
Photos and names of varieties of indoor violets (part 1)
Uzambara violets, which appeared in the collections of flower growers in the USSR a little more than fifty years ago, have changed dramatically during this time. If our mothers and grandmothers rejoiced at the appearance of simple purple, pink ...
Photos and names of varieties of indoor violets (part 2)
Photos and names of varieties of indoor violets (part 2)
Every year there are more and more unusual varieties and varieties of indoor violets, photos, names and descriptions of which are worthy of attention of both professionals and amateurs of floriculture. Violet Rosemary Star, ...
Photos and names of varieties of indoor violets (part 3)
Photos and names of varieties of indoor violets (part 3)
We continue our acquaintance with beautiful plants grown by different breeders and received amazing names. After getting acquainted with the descriptions, names and photos of violets, you can understand what inspired the breeder to create that ...
Photos and names of varieties of indoor violets (part 4)
Photos and names of varieties of indoor violets (part 4)
If we compare from the photo the varieties of violets offered to flower growers today and the plants once discovered in the wild, it is difficult to imagine that, in fact, these are the closest relatives. So bright ...
Amazing cruciferous flower night violet
Amazing cruciferous flower night violet
Choosing ornamental plants for their garden that can give the site a unique and memorable look, summer residents often pay attention to the lush blooming species. Therefore, in the light of day, flower beds and front gardens ...
Why violets do not bloom well and how to care for them
Why violets do not bloom well and how to care for them
The growing interest of gardeners in Saintpaulias is explained by the simple care of plants, in exchange for which they generously delight people with magnificent flowers. Rosettes grow quickly, violets are easy to propagate, ...
Reproduction and care of room violets
Reproduction and care of room violets
Violets have long been considered an indicator of well-being in the room where they settled. If the owners are attentive and take care of all the inhabitants of the dwelling, then Saintpaulia will receive its share of attention and will ...
Step-by-step instructions for transplanting violets at home
Step-by-step instructions for transplanting violets at home
Saintpaulia in the apartment becomes a common favorite. She takes up little space, is touching in her outfit.However, like any plant grown in artificial conditions, it is demanding on the content. One of ...
Do you have a tricolor violet on your site?
Do you have a tricolor violet on your site?
An amazing tricolor violet flower, not overseas, own, growing in meadows and copses in the middle lane and gradually appearing in Siberia. A discerning villager, looking at a flower, gave ...
Photo with the names of varieties of uzambar violets (part 1)
Photo with the names of varieties of uzambar violets (part 1)
The history of one of the most popular indoor plants began in 1892, when Walter von Saint-Paul was making a usual walk through the picturesque surroundings of the district entrusted to him by the German government in East Africa. ...
Photo with the names of varieties of uzambar violets (part 2)
Photo with the names of varieties of uzambar violets (part 2)
The uzambar violet or saintpaulia, which appeared on the territory of the USSR only in 1960, quickly gained incredible popularity among lovers of indoor plants. Over time, flower growers were no longer content with violets ...
Caring for a violet at home
Caring for a violet at home
Violet has taken its rightful place not only on the windowsills. There is a club of lovers of these plants who breed fabulous beauty hybrid specimens, arrange exhibitions and share their experience in caring for violets ...


