Posts tagged "forsythia"
Pruning forsythia in spring - the subtleties of the procedure
Tell me how to trim forsythia in the spring correctly? I planted a seedling last year, this season I did not touch it. I water it - I fertilize the bush well, it has grown decently, ...
Reproduction of forsythia by cuttings in spring and summer: advice from experienced summer residents
Gardeners living in the middle lane practice forsythia propagation by cuttings in the spring. Harvesting of planting material is carried out either in the summer or at the end of autumn. In June, green shoots are selected, and in ...
Forsythia Linwood Gold: planting and care
Forsythia Linwood Gold is prized for its beautiful yellow flowers that bloom on bare branches immediately after the snow melts. At the end of flowering, leaves and shoots of the first year appear, which ...
Yellow forsythia shrub - a bright decoration of the garden
The change of seasons on earth causes an unimaginable delight among many, especially flora lovers. When a yellow forsythia bush blooms in the garden, they know that spring has come. With the first ...
Planting and caring for forsythia in the Moscow region: we comply with the requirements of the plant
Planting and caring for forsythia in the Moscow region allows you to grow healthy strong plants. Plantings need to be skillfully watered, fed, protected from diseases and pests, and prepared for winter. Short description ...
Persistent beauty forsythia ovoid
Tell me, what is ovoid forsythia? I bought a seedling at the age of 2 years, they said that the bush blooms beautifully in early spring. But for some reason it did not bloom for me. ...
Forsythia does not bloom - why does this happen and what to do about it
Tell me why forsythia doesn't bloom? The bush is already three years old, all this time there were no problems, but this spring the buds have blossomed only in the lower part of the branches. Grows on ...
Charming Forsythia Giralda will delight you with gorgeous flowering
I came across a Forsythia Giralda in the nursery. I dreamed about this plant for a long time and immediately bought two seedlings. Where is it better to plant it and how does forsythia winters? In our winter ...
Why forsythia does not bloom in your garden
In early spring, when the majestic trees are still awake, exquisite shrubs delight the eye with many yellow buds. But this is not always the case, so gardeners think: why forsythia does not bloom ...
Amazing species and varieties of forsythia - a golden-blooming shrub
In early spring, when many trees are still dormant, the exquisite bush puts on its golden adornment. That is why gardeners grow various types and varieties of forsythia on their backyards ...
The subtleties of planting and care in the open field for forsythia
Blooming forsythia, strewn with hundreds of bright yellow flowers, is impossible to miss! If the summer resident wants to be decorated with forsythia every spring, planting and care in the open field are key ...