Posts tagged "fungicides"

Fungicide Folicur - the use of a unique drug for the treatment and stimulation of plant growth
What diseases is the fungicide Folicur effective against, is it possible to use this drug in gardening? I have a small vineyard, last year the shrubs were badly damaged by powdery mildew. I sprayed them in the spring ...

Effective protection of the garden and vegetable garden from diseases with the fungicide Fitolavin
An important role in the prevention and control of pathogenic bacteria and fungal diseases in the garden and in the garden is assigned to bactericidal drugs. Fungicide belongs to such means ...

The universal gardener's assistant fungicide Delan
The range of antifungal chemicals is regularly updated and replenished with new improved drugs. But not all of them can be guaranteed to protect fruit crops and vineyards from pathogenic fungi, like ...

Fungicidal drug Tilt against dangerous viral infections in your garden
Fungal diseases mercilessly destroy the plantings of cereals and vegetables, fruit trees, shrubs and grapes. To protect plants from this invisible but powerful "enemy" will help the systemic drug Tilt, which ...

Indispensable fungicide Acrobat MC - instructions for use and dosage for horticultural crops
Fungicide Acrobat MC, the instructions for use of which are presented below, is an effective preparation of systemic contact action, designed to protect garden and vegetable crops from fungal and many other ...

Use the effective fungicide Poliram in the fight for the harvest (instructions for use)
Unfavorable environmental conditions are the reason for the appearance and development of pathogenic fungi on plants. The parasites attack foliage, quickly cover the entire area of vegetation and lead to crop loss. Optimal ...

For reliable protection of plants from diseases, we choose the fungicide Topsin M
During the active growing season, changes in temperature and air humidity lead to the incidence of fruit and berry crops, open cucumber beds, and cereal crops with fungal diseases. Fungicide Topsin M is an effective chemical ...

For what crops is the fungicide Switch effective
Prolonged rains and sudden temperature changes are a common cause of fungal diseases affecting garden plants. For their treatment, it can be difficult to do without agrochemical agents, such as the fungicide Switch. ...

Effective fungicides for indoor plants, drug names and a brief description
Almost all green spaces on the planet suffer from parasites and various diseases. Fungicides for indoor plants, the names and composition of which inspire confidence, are an effective help. Chemical substances ...

Instructions for the use of fungicide Thanos in great detail
A contact systemic pesticide will help protect potatoes, grapes, sunflowers and other vegetables from a wide range of dangerous diseases. Instructions for the use of the fungicide Thanos include a detailed description of the dosage of the drug, methods and ...

Quadris fungicide - instructions for using a super effective drug against fungal diseases
Tell me if the fungicide accumulates in Quadris fruits, instructions for the use of this drug.In my greenhouse, an ovary had already formed on early tomatoes, and then they were attacked ...

Fungicides for plants - names, features, advantages and disadvantages
Fungicides for plants, the names of which are different, are used for one purpose - the fight against fungal diseases. These drugs have a different composition and degree of toxicity, and on sale you can ...