Posts tagged "hippeastrum"
What to do if the hippeastrum is without roots: we revive and help the bulb to recover
Help with advice on how to save your favorite flower and what to do if the hippeastrum is without roots. It so happened that my handsome man came out of the rest period with losses. Maybe I ...
Treatment of hippeastrum bulbs from rot
Hippeastrum is a bulbous flowering plant that can be purchased at any flower shop. This flower does not form a stem. A peduncle with a closed bud immediately grows from the bulb. When the peduncle ...
Storage of hippeastrum in winter
Hippeastrum is a bulbous plant that does not tolerate low temperatures. The flower bulb dies at a temperature of + 8 ° C, so in the autumn it must be dug up and prepared for storage. Read: hippeastrum ...
Home care for hippeastrum
Hippeastrum is grown at home like a green flower. This plant blooms very beautifully on the windowsill. Like all bulbous plants, hippeastrum spends the forces accumulated in ...
The original way of reproduction of the hippeastrum by dividing a large bulb
Hippeastrum is a bulbous plant. Many people grow it at home, like an indoor flower. There are over 200 varieties of hippeastvum. There are pink, red, white and yellow flowers with different ...
How to make hippeastrum bloom?
My hippeastrum is already three years old, two of which it does not bloom. His bulb is beautiful and healthy, and the leaves are also "fragrant", only they can't bloom ...
When and how to transplant hippeastrum?
Last year I was presented with a hippeastrum with huge red flowers. Over time, babies formed on the old bulb, but this year the flowering did not come. A friend advised me to transplant ...
Why isn't hippeastrum blooming?
An enthusiastic florist selects pets so that in a cramped window sill they give beauty that changes from season to season. Not many indoor plants please with winter flowering. Hippeastrum ...
Photos of different types of hippeastrum and features of their care
The era of the great geographical discoveries brought the world not only a lot of new knowledge about unknown lands and peoples, but also helped to find and study many families and species of wild ...
What to do after the hippeastrum has faded?
Hippeastrum are famous for their luxurious flowers in a variety of shapes and colors. And although the flowering of this indoor bulbous culture lasts up to a month and can be repeated up to three times a year, ...
How to distinguish between hippeastrum and amaryllis?
The two plants from the amaryllis family are at first glance indistinguishable. Both plants release an arrow, decorated with several gramophones of amazing beauty. At first, rare flowers were grown only in greenhouses, where for ...
Home care for hippeastrum
In the wild, hippeastrum are found in South America, with a number of varieties found in subtropical climates and the tropics, while others prefer rocky slopes where conditions for growth are very harsh. IN ...