Posts tagged "gladioli"

How to tie up gladioli - practical advice from experienced gardeners
How to tie up gladioli - practical advice from experienced gardeners
Tell me how to tie up gladioli? I bought new varieties from hands on the market, taking my grandmothers at their word. They turned out to be tall, more than 1.5 m.In the summer we had a heavy downpour ...
Gladiolus Priscilla - delicate charm in large inflorescences
Gladiolus Priscilla - delicate charm in large inflorescences
Tell me when the gladiolus Priscilla blooms? The last two years, I have been carried away by these beauties and have already collected a decent collection. Priscilla is my last acquisition, and I managed to find only kids and ...
Dates of planting gladioli in open ground and for seedlings
Dates of planting gladioli in open ground and for seedlings
I bought several gladioli bulbs from the market. This is my second attempt to breed them, the first ended in failure: the corms planted last year never bloomed, besides ...
Powerful scarlet handsome gladiolus Traderhorn
Powerful scarlet handsome gladiolus Traderhorn
Please tell us about the Traderhorn gladiolus variety. Does he have any special requirements for growing and care? Several tubers of this variety have recently added to my small collection of gladioli. ...
Avoiding the fall of gladioli will help their correct fit.
Avoiding the fall of gladioli will help their correct fit.
This year I just had some kind of trouble with gladioli. While the plants were young, they stood upright, but when the flower stalks blossomed, almost all lay down. About a beautiful flower bed ...
Features of planting and caring for gladioli in Siberia
Features of planting and caring for gladioli in Siberia
This delicate and elegant flower is a decoration of any garden and is not at all as capricious as it seems. Even living in Siberia, you can successfully grow gladioli, observing the rules ...
Features of planting gladioli in open ground
Features of planting gladioli in open ground
Gladioli are perennial bulbous flowers. They are grown for sale and to decorate the summer cottage. In the twentieth century, many new varieties of gladiolus were bred. On ...
We follow the rules for storing gladioli tubers
We follow the rules for storing gladioli tubers
Gladioli are perennial plants. Some growers cut the green stems of flowers even during bud formation. If you put gladioli in a vase, then they will dissolve all the flower stalks. To save ...
Three rules for growing gladioli
Three rules for growing gladioli
Gladioli are bulbous flowers. They propagate by corms, so the tubers can be divided in half and half of the onion can be planted in the ground. With this cultivation, some gladioli may not bloom, but ...
We grow gladioli at home: how to care for flowers
We grow gladioli at home: how to care for flowers
This year I ventured to plant gladioli at the dacha, although I prefer perennial flowers that winter in a flower bed. All the bulbs have taken root successfully, despite my lack of such experience. ...
Secrets of spring planting of gladioli as a guarantee of summer flowering
Secrets of spring planting of gladioli as a guarantee of summer flowering
Last year, a neighbor gave me some small gladioli bulbs. I took care of them - and watered and fertilized, but I never saw the flowers. I had to ...
Diseases of gladioli and their treatment: photos of characteristic symptoms
Diseases of gladioli and their treatment: photos of characteristic symptoms
Gladiolus is one of the most spectacular garden flowers, and it is doubly upsetting when the plants wither, the buds do not open, and the corms rot. To prevent this from happening, you need ...
Be sure to find out when to get gladioli from the refrigerator for germination
Be sure to find out when to get gladioli from the refrigerator for germination
Gladiolus is a favorite of many gardeners. With its bright, beautiful buds, it decorates the garden from mid-July to August.The size and number of flowers directly depends on the quality ...
How to properly plant and care for gladioli in pots
How to properly plant and care for gladioli in pots
Nature itself has laid in man a love for plants and flowers. People are fascinated by planting and caring for potted gladioli, admiring the magnificent flowers, inhaling the floral scent, watching ...
Photo with names and descriptions of gladioli varieties
Photo with names and descriptions of gladioli varieties
Powerful arrows, literally covered with large flowers, similar to tropical butterflies. These are gladioli, varieties and photos with the names of which can be studied for a long time and carefully. But dwell on a few ...
Planting gladioli outdoors and taking care of them is a snap.
Planting gladioli outdoors and taking care of them is a snap.
Since gladioli are bulbous plants, they need proper care. Therefore, planting and caring for gladioli in the open field requires a careful approach. As a result, you ...
DIY gladiolus flower bed - easy and simple
DIY gladiolus flower bed - easy and simple
Gladioli delight with their flowering in the summer. Beautiful velvet buds of inflorescences are an excellent option for decorating any suburban area. With gladiolus bulbs you can make your own ...


