Posts tagged "hydrangea"
Hydrangea paniculata - varieties with photos
Please tell us what varieties of hydrangea paniculata have, with a photo is desirable. Quite by accident I came across a very beautiful bush with multi-colored caps, but I don't know what it is called. I would like ...
Hydrangea tree - varieties with photos, a selection for amateur gardeners
I would very much like to see what varieties the tree hydrangea has, varieties with a photo. So far I have only one white bush, but I plan to breed a lot of them. Already and ...
How to cover a hydrangea for the winter in the Moscow region - taking care of future flowering
Tell me how to cover a hydrangea for the winter in the suburbs? We bought a house, there was a well-tended garden and several front gardens. In one of them a tree hydrangea grew. When I saw ...
How to dry hydrangea for a winter bouquet - preserving juicy summer colors
Tell me how to dry a hydrangea for a winter bouquet and is it even possible? I have several species of this beauty, the most beloved is the panicle. I don't know what it's called ...
When hydrangea paniculata blooms - in anticipation of a miracle
Tell me when the panicle hydrangea blooms? I bought a seedling in the spring, it looks pretty decent, an adult, I thought that the buds will be this year. But apart from young twigs, nothing else ...
Reproduction of hydrangeas - all available ways to get new bushes
Explain how hydrangea propagates. We bought a dacha and as a bonus I, an avid florist, received a gorgeous bush with just huge raspberry inflorescences. It was my dream to fulfill ...
Why do hydrangea leaves turn yellow: causes and ways to eliminate them
Tell me why hydrangea leaves turn yellow? My beauty is already the third year, and recently she began to notice that the leaves are beginning to lose their rich green color. I'm looking after ...
Stunning hydrangea tree Anabel for your site
The tree hydrangea, loved by many gardeners, is found wild in the United States. Here, in the state of Ohio, the tree hydrangea Anabel was discovered. The variety got this name in honor of the town ...
Hydrangea grows poorly - cause and solutions
Several years ago I planted a hydrangea in the garden. The seedling has taken root well, it has grown well in the first year. The next season, the bush even pleased with large pink inflorescences. But this summer ...
Why hydrangea leaves dry: causes and remedies
Tell me why hydrangea leaves dry? We planted a young seedling in the spring, it took root and even grew quite well. But around the middle of summer, she began to notice that they began to dry out on the bush ...
How to grow hydrangea from seeds: sowing in open ground and for seedlings
Tell us how to grow hydrangea from seeds? A neighbor gave some seeds from her beauty, a blue hydrangea. I just can't wait to sow them right now, so long ago I ...
How to care for hydrangea: features of growing a garden and indoor plant
Tell us how to care for hydrangea? I have long dreamed of a variety with large white inflorescences, and now I ordered it. While waiting for the parcel, I decided to study what the plant loves. I would like to ...
If hydrangea leaves dry, you need to look for the reason
Hydrangea is an artisanal plant with beautiful large flowers and lush green foliage.Sometimes, for a number of reasons, hydrangea leaves dry out. This development of events is upsetting and makes you nervous ...
Growing a large-leaved hydrangea in a pot: everything you need to know
Large-leaved hydrangea is a real beauty. Juicy green leaves and large caps of bright inflorescences make it a real decoration of the garden, but there is one "but": a heat-loving beauty is not always happy ...
We grow hydrangea in the garden: how to care for a shrub
Among garden plants, hydrangea occupies a special place: the bush itself seems to be both unremarkable and completely ordinary, but when the time for flowering comes and it begins ...
How to propagate hydrangea: effective ways
Hydrangea is a popular plant because of its decorative qualities due to its beautiful flowers. How to propagate hydrangea is known to many experienced gardeners. There are several ways and everyone chooses the most suitable and ...
Hydrangea pruning: basic rules, types and timing
Hydrangea pruning is one of the important stages of plant agricultural technology. This procedure should be carried out in the fall and spring. At the same time, the exact timing is important, they affect the subsequent growth and ...
Hydrangea care in autumn - 5 top activities for your pet
Once a curiosity, the beautiful hydrangea is increasingly seen in summer cottages due to its gorgeous bloom. But in order to admire the lush inflorescences every year, it is important to provide proper care for the hydrangea ...
A dignified home decoration - indoor hydrangea
Many lovers of flowering plants try to decorate with them not only summer cottages, but also their homes. Indoor hydrangea is a wonderful option to fill your home with the pleasant aroma of lush flowers. ...
A lush hydrangea in your garden: choosing the time and place of planting
Flowering shrubs are my disease. At the dacha, there was almost no free space, even along the garden I had to set aside a strip for my favorites. I still have it ...
Garden decoration panicle hydrangea - varieties and their features
Hydrangea is a deciduous shrub with lush, large and vibrant buds that delight from spring to late autumn. Hydrangea paniculata, the varieties of which are very popular among gardeners, refers to ...
Have you planted a hydrangea in the open ground in the spring?
Hortense cannot be called unpretentious. Planting hydrangeas in the open ground in spring and the subsequent care of ornamental shrubs will require attention and diligence from the gardener. But when the summer resident manages to tame ...
Long-lasting fertilizer for hydrangeas and rhododendrons
Several years ago, I planted a couple of hydrangea and rhododendron bushes. They have taken root well, but they grow poorly, and the flowering is very poor. A friend advised to feed with granular complex preparations. ...