Posts tagged "turkeys"

Note to the most meticulous: turkey and turkey - what's the difference
Note to the most meticulous: turkey and turkey - what's the difference
A few days ago, my husband and I had a dispute about how to correctly name the turkey's "wife". In our family, everyone says turkey, and my husband claims that this is ...
Turkeys - breeding and keeping diet poultry at home
Turkeys - breeding and keeping diet poultry at home
Please tell us about turkeys, breeding and keeping at home. Previously, ducks were always kept, but recently my husband was diagnosed with an ulcer, now he cannot eat fat. We decided to go to ...
Three important points to know - breeding turkeys at home for beginners
Three important points to know - breeding turkeys at home for beginners
Tell me what is important to know and should be considered when planning turkey breeding at home for beginners? We used to keep ducks for our own consumption. But grandchildren appeared, and ...
Why turkeys fight and what to do - looking for the cause and fixing the problem in the poultry house
Why turkeys fight and what to do - looking for the cause and fixing the problem in the poultry house
Tell me why turkeys are fighting and what to do with the bird? I have a large herd, every year the turkeys raise their chicks themselves, and everything was fine. But the last young generation ...
How to distinguish a turkey from a turkey from the first days of life
How to distinguish a turkey from a turkey from the first days of life
Turkey has become popular in recent years due to the demand for dietary poultry meat. The weight of adults reaches 40 kg, which makes this species very beneficial in poultry farming. ...
Features of keeping turkeys of different breeds
Features of keeping turkeys of different breeds
Turkeys are American birds. They were domesticated about 1000 years ago. They came to Europe, or rather, Spain, only in the 16th century after the fourth voyage of Christopher Columbus. ...
Growing broiler turkeys Big-6
Growing broiler turkeys "Big-6"
Turkeys of the Big-6 breed grow up to 20-24 kg of live weight by the age of six months. This broiler breed has a fairly high egg production. A turkey lays 100 eggs in one year. Minus ...
When and how to prevent diseases in turkeys
When and how to prevent diseases in turkeys
Turkeys are fundamental birds. They need to be grown for at least six months. It is better to purchase daily turkey poults and feed them from the first days of life. Like any other bird, turkeys ...
Poultry keeping and breeding of turkeys
Poultry keeping and breeding of turkeys
Turkey breeding usually starts with the acquisition of chicks. Daily chicks require increased attention and the presence of a warm room, therefore, if there are no suitable conditions for poultry farming, it is recommended to purchase ...
How to solder turkey poults in the first days of life?
How to solder turkey poults in the first days of life?
I want to buy daily turkey poults in early spring. I have no experience in breeding them, and my friend also scares that the chicks are very capricious and often get sick Tell me how to look after and what ...
White wide-breasted turkeys in your backyard
White wide-breasted turkeys in your backyard
Wide-breasted white turkeys - growing and caring for this poultry is not only interesting, but also profitable. In order to get excellent dietary meat, you need to correctly ...
The main features of growing at home turkey poults BIG 6
The main features of growing at home turkey poults BIG 6
Turkey meat is a healthy product rich in protein, magnesium, phosphorus and other elements important for the human body. It is highly regarded in the market, but compared to others ...
Growing turkey poults at home is a painstaking and interesting business.
Growing turkey poults at home is a painstaking and interesting business.
It is not for nothing that the farmers call the king's bird turkey poults. Growing them at home has several benefits.Firstly, turkey meat is dietary and extremely tasty, and secondly, itself ...
Complete feeding of turkeys from day one is the key to success
Complete feeding of turkeys from day one is the key to success
Turkeys in Russian households are the largest poultry, valued for their fast growth and excellent quality dietary meat. But for the bird to reach 10-30 in six months ...
Photo and description of turkey breeds
Photo and description of turkey breeds
Domesticated by settlers from the Old World, turkeys have become a kind of symbol of the United States and Canada, but for many centuries large poultry has been grown all over the world. Over the past time ...
Signs of turkey poultry diseases and how to treat them
Signs of turkey poultry diseases and how to treat them
Young poultry always require more attention than mature, mature individuals, and turkeys are no exception. It is important for poultry farmers to know the diseases of turkey poults, their signs and treatment, which ...
At home, you can independently remove turkey poults in an incubator
At home, you can independently remove turkey poults in an incubator
Poultry breeding is possible even on small backyard plots. Unable to maintain an adult herd, the owners of the farmstead use the hatching of turkey poults in an incubator at home. Formation and ...
Features of care and breeding of turkeys at home
Features of care and breeding of turkeys at home
Among the poultry raised in Russian farmsteads, turkeys have no competitors in terms of weight gain and size. Therefore, breeding, keeping turkeys and caring for them at home ...


