Posts tagged "insecticides"

Shar Pei insecticide will quickly and effectively rid the garden and garden of pests
Shar Pei insecticide will quickly and effectively rid the garden and garden of pests
Tell me how Sharpei insecticide works? The Colorado potato beetle just tortured him, he doesn't take anything, he has already changed three drugs. And during this time I saw my neighbor in the garden with a sprayer ...
Insecticide Calypso: a reliable and effective assistant for the gardener and gardener
Insecticide Calypso: a reliable and effective assistant for the gardener and gardener
Tell us, what pests is the Calypso insecticide effective against? I always use it to treat Colorado potato beetle potatoes. And this year a moth appeared on the apple trees. Can they ...
Insecticide Klops is a highly effective contact-intestinal dressing agent
Insecticide Klops is a highly effective contact-intestinal dressing agent
Tell us how to apply the insecticide Klops and can it be used for treating beet seeds? Last year I re-sowed three times, but still there were very few shoots. Neighbor ...
How to deal with the bark beetle in the trees: saving the garden from death
How to deal with the bark beetle in the trees: saving the garden from death
Tell me how to deal with the bark beetle in the trees? We are already completely exhausted, in a couple of years we have lost several apple trees. We have a large garden, we always try to keep it well-groomed, and these ...
Systemic insecticides for fruit trees - list and application features
Systemic insecticides for fruit trees - list and application features
Systemic insecticides for fruit trees are preparations that are used to treat plants from harmful insects. They are effective for both treatment and prevention of pests. Insects ...
Application of the drug Actellik - a universal remedy for the garden, vegetable garden and home
Application of the drug Actellik - a universal remedy for the garden, vegetable garden and home
Please tell us what is the use of Actellik? Last year, I sprayed them with a raspberry tree, which was attacked by leaf rollers. It worked great and the harvest was saved. Where else is it used and can ...
Insecticide classification - everything from A to Z
Insecticide classification - everything from A to Z
Sadly, farmers often have to share their crops with both family members and insect pests. A detailed classification of insecticides will help the gardener find a suitable solution to combat ...
Regent insecticide won't give Colorado beetle a chance to survive
Regent insecticide won't give Colorado beetle a chance to survive
With the beginning of the gardening season, summer residents are faced with the task of not only planting crops, but also protecting them from the pest. Potato beds are especially troublesome, but using the Regent insecticide, ...
Insecticide Decis Profi - a thunderstorm of bugs and insects in the garden and in the garden
Insecticide Decis Profi - a thunderstorm of bugs and insects in the garden and in the garden
What gardeners have not tried in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle, but the most popular remains the insecticide Decis Profi. Its manufacturer is the well-known Bauer Garden company. The drug went through a series ...
Insecticide Actellic - effective and quick help in the garden and at home
Insecticide Actellic - effective and quick help in the garden and at home
Insecticide Actellic and its benefits have long been appreciated by gardeners and gardeners who are fighting pests. There is no need to purchase many drugs, because this tool can help everywhere. Actellik can ...
Insecticide Confidor Extra will protect against pests and increase productivity
Insecticide Confidor Extra will protect against pests and increase productivity
Any gardener will say that not only an effective drug, but also not addictive, will be the best for processing plantings. And this exists. Insecticide Confidor Extra occupies a leading position ...
We use Teppeki's effective insecticide against pests
We use Teppeki's effective insecticide against pests
This summer my poor apple trees were badly affected by aphids. What I just didn’t try to save them - I managed to overcome the pest only partially.An acquaintance advised the next ...
We treat the garden with insecticides - a list of popular drugs
We treat the garden with insecticides - a list of popular drugs
We have a small garden at our dacha, but this year it did not please us with the harvest. The leaves were twisting on the apple trees, the plums were wormy, but about the peaches ...
We fight pests of indoor plants with insecticides
We fight pests of indoor plants with insecticides
Tell me what insecticides can be used for indoor plants? A spider mite has already settled on almost half of my favorites, I just don't know what to do, even throw out all the flowers. Help, ...
Instructions for the use of Clipper insecticide
Instructions for the use of Clipper insecticide
Clipper is a Russian-made insecticide-acaricide. The tool is produced by FMRus CJSC and is an analogue of the American Talstar. The drug is designed to combat pests of vegetable crops in greenhouses. ...
Aktara: instructions for use for different plants
Aktara: instructions for use for different plants
Aktara is a broad-spectrum insecticide used for the rapid destruction of pests and their larvae that parasitize agricultural and fruit crops, ornamental and indoor plants. Aktara, instruction ...
Description of the drug Actellik and instructions for its use
Description of the drug Actellik and instructions for its use
Actellic is a chemical preparation for plant pest control. It is used in agricultural and ornamental crops. It is an insectoacaricide effective against insects and mites. He not only kills ...


