Posts tagged "figs"
Fig Brunswik in the middle lane - is it possible to grow
Tell me, will Brunswick figs grow in the middle lane? We tried to grow this crop several times, but the seedlings froze out. In the nursery we were told that the variety was just ...
How to prune figs in spring - shaping a plant for a good harvest
Tell me how to prune figs in the spring? We bought a seedling with three branches, the seller said that nothing needs to be done this year. But next spring - be sure ...
A horizontal cordon is the ideal way to form figs when grown in high-risk areas
Fig is one of the most heat-loving plants. When growing crops in open ground, it is not always possible to obtain a positive result, especially with regard to climatic zones with cold winter ...
High-yielding Crimean black figs are an excellent choice for planting in sheltering structures
Among the popular types of figs, it is worth noting the Crimean Black variety. In a warm southern climate, it is found in the open ground on the territory of the Crimea, in cooler climatic conditions it is grown ...
What you need to know when growing figs in the garden?
Lovers of the exotic have long and successfully grown figs with unusually tasty and healthy fruits on their plots. If you know certain nuances, there are no special difficulties with this culture. ...
The nuances of growing figs in indoor conditions
Fig can be safely called a plant for novice flower growers, since it is very difficult to "kill" it. This is one of the most unpretentious flowers, which grows even better in indoor conditions than ...
Growing figs: two ways to propagate the fig tree
Visiting friends I saw a gorgeous fig tree. None of my plants have such large and beautiful leaves. Tell me how you can grow figs at home? ...
Features of ripening figs
Several years ago he planted figs in the garden, and this year he has already set the fruits. Now my wife and I have a controversial question - when to expect the harvest? ...
We use the beneficial properties of figs in the fight against severe ailments
For centuries, people have tried to find a "magic" drug that would protect the body from disease. Over time, scientists discovered the beneficial properties of figs - a nondescript exotic fruit. Oblong shape ...
Figs, growing at home - is it possible?
Not everyone is lucky enough to live in the Mediterranean. The fig tree is also called fig tree or fig tree - cultivation at home has been practiced in Europe since the 16th century. The benefits of fruits, healing ...
The benefits and harms of eating dried figs
All dried fruits have a pleasant sweet taste, perfectly satisfy hunger and contain many useful substances. But today we propose to talk about dried figs, the benefits and harms of which are known ...
Fig jam recipe with different ingredients
Basically, everyone uses dried figs, less often fresh fruits. And not everyone knows that you can make a delicious dessert from a fig tree. Knowing the recipe for fig jam ...