Posts tagged "chestnut"

Educational program for gourmets - which chestnuts can be eaten
Educational program for gourmets - which chestnuts can be eaten
Tell me, what kind of chestnuts can be eaten? My daughter went on a hike with the class, brought chestnuts and decided to fry them. They put it in the oven, they smoked the whole apartment, but they ...
Elite chestnut honey: useful properties and contraindications, as well as application features
Elite chestnut honey: useful properties and contraindications, as well as application features
The most rare collection in beekeeping is chestnut honey, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which show that it has no equal. The product contains a huge amount of vitamins, trace elements, ...
Chestnut tincture - medicinal properties and contraindications of a magic remedy
Chestnut tincture - medicinal properties and contraindications of a magic remedy
Please tell us what are the medicinal properties of chestnut tincture and contraindications? With age, varicose veins appeared, and a friend advised me to make such a tincture. She says that she helped her a lot to get rid of ...
How to cook chestnuts in the microwave - fast, simple, delicious
How to cook chestnuts in the microwave - fast, simple, delicious
Please tell us how to cook chestnuts in the microwave. I tried this delicacy only a few times, and even then far from home. It used to be difficult to find edible fruits here, ...
Can chestnuts be eaten raw and which ones?
Can chestnuts be eaten raw and which ones?
Can you tell me if chestnuts can be eaten raw? While on vacation abroad, I tried this delicacy there for the first time, but fried. I liked it so much that I decided to myself at home ...
Toothed chestnut - edible, beautiful and unpretentious culture
Toothed chestnut - edible, beautiful and unpretentious culture
Tell us, is it difficult to grow toothed chestnut in our conditions? Some of the fruits of this tree were brought to me by acquaintances from abroad, praising the fact that it can be eaten. I tried fried chestnuts ...
Diseases and pests of chestnut - what are there and how to help the tree
Diseases and pests of chestnut - what are there and how to help the tree
The luxurious dense crown of chestnuts gives a pleasant coolness in summer, but very often even these mighty trees have problems. Diseases and pests of chestnut can pretty much spoil the appearance ...
Useful properties of chestnut - what do we know about the healing power of a mighty handsome man
Useful properties of chestnut - what do we know about the healing power of a mighty handsome man
The flowers, leaves, bark and nuts of the horse chestnut have long been used for the preparation of medicinal products. What are the beneficial properties of chestnut, and what diseases are "within the power" of this perennial ...
How to germinate a chestnut - we grow an ornamental culture ourselves
How to germinate a chestnut - we grow an ornamental culture ourselves
Seedlings of ornamental crops, such as chestnuts, are no cheaper to purchase from nurseries than nuts or apple trees. However, knowing how to germinate a chestnut, it is quite possible to grow it yourself. Why not ...
Planting a chestnut seedling - what you need to pay attention to
Planting a chestnut seedling - what you need to pay attention to
More and more summer residents are planting chestnuts on their plots - majestic ornamental trees. In order for these oversized perennials to be able to show all their power and beauty, it is worth knowing how ...
Simple secrets of how to grow chestnuts at home
Simple secrets of how to grow chestnuts at home
The parents have a small apiary in their dacha, and now they sow some plants every year especially for the bees. They even set up a garden for the young (of course, for themselves too). ...
Beauty and benefits in one bottle - edible chestnut
Beauty and benefits in one bottle - edible chestnut
Many believe that edible chestnuts are those trees that are found in parks and squares of large cities. In fact, this is not so, because eating their fruits ...
How to cook chestnuts: culinary tricks and best recipes
How to cook chestnuts: culinary tricks and best recipes
How to cook chestnuts to make a really tasty and healthy dish? To obtain the desired result, it is necessary to start with a careful selection of the fruit and its correct preliminary preparation. ...
We use the medicinal properties of horse chestnut for ourselves
We use the medicinal properties of horse chestnut for ourselves
Many people know such a plant as horse chestnut, its medicinal properties and contraindications, which have been known since ancient times. It is a very useful and effective look that is popular in ...
We decorate the summer cottage with an amazing horse chestnut
We decorate the summer cottage with an amazing horse chestnut
The decoration of city streets and parks - horse chestnut, can be seen in many regions of the middle lane. The tree is widely used in landscaping, as it is highly decorative all warm ...
Spectacular exhibit in landscape design - chestnut tree
Spectacular exhibit in landscape design - chestnut tree
City squares and street alleys are unthinkable without one luxurious specimen. It is the majestic chestnut tree that takes pride of place in the landscape design of many parks. They resemble powerful giants ...


