Posts tagged "dogwood"

Useful properties and contraindications of dogwood seeds or why they should not be thrown away
Useful properties and contraindications of dogwood seeds or why they should not be thrown away
Please tell us what are the useful properties and contraindications of dogwood seeds? This year, I was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, I drink pills, but I also try to use folk remedies. Recently read ...
How to propagate dogwood yourself?
How to propagate dogwood yourself?
There are several ways to propagate dogwood: seeds, layering, dividing the bush, root suckers, and grafting. Subject to all the rules and a clear sequence of actions, any method will bring an excellent ...
How to preserve dogwood for the winter and provide family with vitamins
How to preserve dogwood for the winter and provide family with vitamins
Knowing how to preserve dogwood for the winter, you can provide yourself and your whole family with useful vitamins and minerals. The ancient people ate mainly fresh berries, therefore, ...
Choosing dogwood varieties for your favorite garden
Choosing dogwood varieties for your favorite garden
Not everyone likes the fruits of this unique shrub, but its beneficial properties encourage gardeners to think about growing it. Before getting down to business, it would be wise to consider ...
Useful properties of dogwood: a natural carrier of vitamin C
Useful properties of dogwood: a natural carrier of vitamin C
The useful properties of dogwood can be described in several volumes. Indeed, the leaves, branches, berries, seeds and roots of the culture contain a huge amount of irreplaceable components. They, in turn, enrich ...
Dogwood jam will be appreciated even by Winnie the Pooh
Dogwood jam will be appreciated even by Winnie the Pooh
If you make the right dogwood jam, then it will appeal to even the most capricious sweet tooth. Of course, sourness in such a delicacy will be present, but not dominate. Also from ...
Dogwood Planting - Get All or Nothing
Dogwood Planting - Get All or Nothing
Planting a dogwood involves simple operations that are familiar to many gardeners. However, when growing this healthy seed crop, you should expect it to bear fruit later ...
We grow only cultivated dogwood varieties
We grow only cultivated dogwood varieties
It seems to many that this adorable shrub is not adapted to life in the northern regions. However, breeders have bred dogwood cultivars that are capable of withstanding up to -30 ° C. Wherein ...
Replacing candies with dried dogwood: useful properties of sweet berries and contraindications to their use
Replacing candies with dried dogwood: useful properties of sweet berries and contraindications to their use
The benefits of dogwood have been known for a long time, however, fresh berries can be found only according to the season, so many amateurs often harvest it for future use on their own, drying it. It is not surprising, because ...
We use the beneficial properties of dogwood in the fight against ailments
We use the beneficial properties of dogwood in the fight against ailments
Even before our era, the ancient Greeks noticed how the beneficial properties of dogwood affect the work of human internal organs. They scrupulously recorded their observations on papyrus so that the information would be preserved ...
A gardener's guide: everything you need to know about growing dogwood
A gardener's guide: everything you need to know about growing dogwood
Dogwood is one of the long-livers that have been undeservedly ignored by gardeners who can grow in one place for more than 200 years. Having started bearing fruit at a relatively late (compared to other crops) ...
Delicious and healthy recipes for dogwood compote for the winter
Delicious and healthy recipes for dogwood compote for the winter
If there are still people in the world who have never tasted cornelian compote, they have lost a lot. After all, this drink not only has a beautiful color and an unusual tart-sour ...


