Posts tagged "clematis"
Unusual clematis Taiga is the main decoration of the garden
Clematis Taiga is an exotic flower of incredible beauty that changes color and shape several times during the summer. The climbing liana belongs to the newest invention of Japanese breeders. Undemanding to ...
How to make an arch for clematis - simple and uncomplicated models
Tell me how to make an arch for clematis? We planted two varieties in the spring, both took root and grew well. In the courtyard there is an arch under the grapes, but they were afraid to plant it there. The vineyard is old ...
Choosing Clematis Ville de Lyon to decorate your site
Each summer resident wants to decorate his site. An excellent option is clematis Ville de Lyon. It is a unique variety that is distinguished by its colorful and large flowers. How to properly land and ...
Reproduction of clematis by seeds: tips for beginners
Even a novice amateur florist can plant clematis in his garden so that a blooming, eye-pleasing liana grows from the seeds. Reproduction of clematis by seeds requires some skills and knowledge, but everything ...
Successful propagation of clematis by cuttings
Amateur gardeners and professional gardeners pay special attention to such an important process as the propagation of clematis by cuttings. It is this method that makes it possible to obtain several more copies of your favorite plant variety. Process ...
We professionally prepare clematis for the winter - closing the season
Everyone can create a beautiful and spectacular garden that will delight with its appearance next year. To do this, it is necessary to properly prepare clematis for the winter. Before discussing ...
Trouble happened - clematis does not bloom
A garden arch made of these magnificent flowers is always the first to greet guests and hosts. A real tragedy for a summer resident happens when clematis does not bloom. There are many reasons for this. ...
Abundantly flowering vines on your site - clematis of the first pruning group with a photo and a short description
Clematis of the first pruning group is one of the most unpretentious plants in terms of cutting. It is a pleasure to take care of them: planted, installed a support and water and tie yourself up ...
Colorful clematis of the second pruning group grow in the country - description and photos of popular varieties
Large buds, simple or double, of delicate light colors or rich colors - which of us does not like handsome clematis? Among the varieties of this creeping shrub vine, it is worth noting clematis ...
We decorate our garden with clematis, having studied the rules of planting and caring for plants
To grow beautiful clematis (as in the photo), planting and care in the open field must follow certain rules. Only in this case they will delight you with a "waterfall" of colors of different shades ...
Long-flowering handsome clematis of the third pruning group - description and photos of famous varieties
The biggest dream of gardeners growing flowering ampelous plants is for their offspring to delight with their flowering as long as possible, and at the same time there was as little hassle as possible with ...
Features of growing clematis in Siberia: planting and care, photo varieties
Cultivation of clematis in Siberia - planting and care, photos of varieties for the selection of the right type, pruning and sheltering plants for the winter and many other nuances.This flower is great ...
Choosing clematis exclusively for the Moscow region
When choosing ornamental plants for your summer cottage, you need to take into account the climate of that region. Therefore, clematis for the Moscow region (varieties, their description and photos further) should be resistant to ...
Choosing the place and time of planting clematis at their summer cottage
Clematis (photo) is the brightest, unforgettable liana on Russian sites. If the summer resident only has to "tame" clematis, planting and caring for them in the open field is the key to ...
Clematis - flowering vines in the garden (video)
Clematis are climbing, flowering plants that are somewhat reminiscent of vines. The plant comes from Japan, where it has been decorating the courtyards of the Japanese nobility and skillful summer residents for many centuries. Value ...
Beautiful country flower - clematis (video)
Clematis photo is the most successful plant with which you can beautifully decorate any summer cottage or an empty wall. The curly stem of the plant curls all the supports, covering them with its ...