Posts tagged "cranberry"
How to preserve vitamins in berries - harvested cranberries for the winter, recipes without cooking
Advise the ways in which cranberries are harvested for the winter, recipes without cooking are especially interesting. I want to make medicinal raw jam, what proportion with sugar should be observed? Berries at ...
Delicious and healing cranberry moonshine tincture - homemade recipe
How is the cranberry moonshine tincture made, the recipe can be found in detail? On weekends, we went for a walk with the children to the forest, collected a lot of berries. I prepared fruit drink for them ...
Incredibly delicious sauerkraut with cranberries - a recipe for a juicy dish
How is sauerkraut with cranberries made, the recipe for winter preparation can be found in details? I tried to cook it a couple of times and I can't. Cabbage is not ...
Cranberry jam for the winter - two simple recipes for a vitamin dessert
Tell me a couple of recipes on how to make cranberry jam for the winter? We are going to visit our friends, we were specially invited to pick these berries - they have a forest nearby. IN ...
Cranberry sauce for meat: recipe and cooking features
The sauce is an addition to any dish, transforms its taste, makes it more juicy and aromatic. Despite the large number of such seasonings on sale, many housewives love to make them ...
Sauerkraut with cranberries for the winter: simple, fast, tasty
With the arrival of autumn, the time for everyone's favorite winter preparations comes. Sauerkraut with cranberries is one of the most useful and simple options for dishes suitable for this time. For ...
We present to your attention large-fruited varieties of cranberries
Garden large-fruited varieties of cranberries, which are grown in private plots or for industrial purposes, differ from wild cranberries growing in nature. The breeders' task was not only to obtain varieties, ...
What you need to know when planning the cultivation of cranberries in the country
The attention of gardeners is increasingly drawn to the inhabitant of swamps and damp soil. Growing cranberries for many is not particularly difficult. There is considerable merit in this, and there are breeders who brought ...
Cranberry juice - we prepare our own natural cure for flu and colds
With the arrival of October, it becomes disgusting and damp on the street, and a cold increasingly reminds of itself to those who have not yet had time to change their light clothes to warmer ones ...
Two ways to save cranberries for the winter to make a delicious pie or fruit drink in the cold
The sweet and sour red berries of cranberries are extremely beneficial, but as you know, this plant does not grow everywhere. Therefore, everyone who is lucky enough to buy cranberries immediately thinks about how to choose ...
Cooking a healthy drink - cranberry juice
Cranberry fruit drink, the recipe for which we suggest you to cook, has been made since ancient times. The reason for the popularity of this drink lies not only in its pleasant taste, but also in ...
A close acquaintance with cranberries - where it grows and how to collect it
Among the many types of berries that nature gave people, one of the most useful is cranberries. But, despite this, not everyone knows where cranberries grow, and what vitamins ...
Cooking an amazing drink - cranberry tincture at home
“Eat, drink, be merry Russian soul” - this phrase reminds of the ancient tradition of getting together and having fun.In many regions, cranberry tincture is especially popular. Her ...
And tasty and healthy - cranberry pie for your favorite coffee and for family tea
It's hard to find a dessert that is more sophisticated than cranberry pie. It is distinguished not only by its pleasant taste, but also contains a number of useful elements. It can be cooked on a shortbread, ...
Strengthening Your Health with Healthy Cranberries
Cranberries are a very common berry of northern latitudes, growing wild in swamps. Cranberries, whose beneficial properties and contraindications are widely known, are used in various industries. ...
About the benefits of cranberries
Among the few indigenous North American fruits that are grown commercially, cranberries are considered the real star of the fall season. It is harvested from the end of September to October, and fresh berries, harvested ...
Cranberry compote
There are many variations on how to make this tasty and healthy treat. Cranberry compote has a pleasant sweet and sour taste, and you can drink it both warm and chilled ...