Posts tagged "smokehouse"

Smoked lard at home - a delicacy for real gourmets
Smoked lard at home - a delicacy for real gourmets
Tell me how to make smoked bacon at home? We were recently with friends on a fishing trip, and they brought a couple of pieces with them. I have not tried such a yummy yet ...
How to smoke lard in a hot smoked smokehouse: product selection rules and the best recipes
How to smoke lard in a hot smoked smokehouse: product selection rules and the best recipes
Such an appetizer always turns out to be very tender and aromatic. But before you smoke lard in a hot smoked smokehouse, you need to choose and pickle it correctly. It is advisable to buy with ...
Electric smokehouse for home use
Electric smokehouse for home use
Not always a city dweller has the opportunity to cook something "with a smoke". An electric smokehouse is ideal for these purposes. It does not spread odors around the house, does not require constant ...
Hot and cold smoked electrostatic smokehouse
Hot and cold smoked electrostatic smokehouse
An electrostatic smokehouse is a convenient tool for those who want to get tasty and aromatic smoked products in a short time. This equipment allows you to make smoked meat, fish, seafood in just ...
Smokehouse for fish: do it yourself
Smokehouse for fish: do it yourself
Tasty and aromatic smoked fish will leave few people indifferent, it will perfectly complement any treat, give it a zest and cause an increased appetite. But you don't have to buy ...
How to smoke fish in a hot smoked smokehouse to keep it juicy?
How to smoke fish in a hot smoked smokehouse to keep it juicy?
Knowing how to smoke fish in a hot smoked smokehouse, you can get a delicious and very healthy dish. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how long to hold a carcass so that it is not ...
What should be a stainless steel smokehouse
What should be a stainless steel smokehouse
Do you want to smoke meat and fish yourself, but do not know what equipment to use? A stainless steel smokehouse solves the problem, regardless of the volume of raw materials and the method of smoking. On the subject: cold smokehouse ...
From what and how you can independently make a hot smoked smokehouse for a summer residence
From what and how you can independently make a hot smoked smokehouse for a summer residence
Do-it-yourself hot-smoked smokehouse is made quickly, simply and with minimal costs. To smoke meat products on your own means to be confident in the quality and freshness, subsequently consumed delicious ...
If you have not thrown away the old refrigerator, do it yourself
If you have not thrown away the old refrigerator, do it yourself
Homemade fridge smokehouse is one of the most popular devices for preparing meat products and fish using the smoking method. Subject to the production technology, the resulting dishes are distinguished by excellent taste, characteristic ...
Everything is easy and simple - a smokehouse from a gas cylinder
Everything is easy and simple - a smokehouse from a gas cylinder
A smokehouse from a gas cylinder is an economical variant of complex and expensive equipment for smoking a product. To make such a structure, you will need both a grinder and a welding machine. In this case ...
Do-it-yourself cold-smoked smokehouse of different designs
Do-it-yourself cold-smoked smokehouse of different designs
Smoking is the processing of food, as a result of which the products are impregnated with substances that make up the smoke and are dehydrated. Products processed in a smokehouse have a specific taste, shelf life ...


