Posts tagged "coreopsis"
Coreopsis Golden Ball - an unpretentious perennial for a lazy gardener
Tell me where is it better to plant Coreopsis Golden Ball and how long does it bloom? A neighbor shared this flower when she was planting her bushes. I just forgot to ask her, many years ...
Coreopsis dyeing bullfinch - unpretentious and abundantly flowering compact bush
Tell me, is the coreopsis dyeing Bullfinch a perennial? A friend shared the seeds that someone also gave her, but forgot to clarify how long the flower “lives”. We only know that the bush will bloom ...
Coreopsis Sunbarst - An unpretentious blooming perennial in your garden
Please tell us about the coreopsis Sunbarst flower. When buying seeds, I came across a bag with large yellow flowers that looked like either chamomile or marigolds. I love everything ...
A particle of the sun in a summer cottage - annual coreopsis
A miniature sunflower or an unusual chamomile. This is how the annual coreopsis appears before amateur flower growers. From Latin the name of the flower is translated bizarrely - "the fruit of the bug." In appearance, glossy boxes with ...
The original decoration of the suburban area - the bright lights of coreopsis
Probably, many will agree that, as many flowers on the planet, they have the same number of fans. Some people like roses, others like daisies, and the light-loving coreopsis has won the sincere hearts of summer residents. ...