Posts tagged "cows"

Studying the Symptoms and Treatment of Ketosis in Cows to Conserve Herds
Studying the Symptoms and Treatment of Ketosis in Cows to Conserve Herds
Every farmer tries to breed healthy, highly productive animals. Therefore, it is important to know the symptoms and treatment of ketosis in cows at home. The disease is non-contagious and may seem frivolous ...
Pasteurellosis of cattle - how dangerous is an infectious disease, how to prevent pestilence of cows and calves
Pasteurellosis of cattle - how dangerous is an infectious disease, how to prevent pestilence of cows and calves
Pasteurellosis of cattle is a dangerous infectious disease. It is found in all countries of the world, spreads quickly and leads to the rapid death of a large number of livestock. Without ...
Keeping cows in a private subsidiary farm
Keeping cows in a private subsidiary farm
Cows are very large animals. They give a lot of milk, but the owners of private subsidiary farms rarely have them. There is an opinion among people that a cow will give the owners a lot of trouble, ...
High milk productivity of cows of the Galstino-Friesian breed
High milk productivity of cows of the Galstino-Friesian breed
Galshta-Friesian cows are a subspecies of the Galshta cattle breed. Thoroughbred Galshtins are given birth mainly by large industrial farms. The Galshtinskaya breed of cows has a high milk yield. Farm with livestock in ...
Amazing Galloway cows
Amazing Galloway cows
Galloway cows are ideal for outdoor keeping. These are animals with black, brown or white fur, which protects cattle from cold temperatures. There are two lines ...
Choosing a breed of cows for a personal subsidiary farm
Choosing a breed of cows for a personal subsidiary farm
Keeping a cow is a long-term process. Depending on the direction of the breed, the animal will bring you the first profit in 1.5-2 years. Choosing a breed is a very important preparatory stage for keeping ...
Dairy cows and Skittles candies
Dairy cows and Skittles candies
The case when, for unknown reasons, one of the Wisconsin highways turned into a road strewn with thousands of Skittles sweets, caused a storm of indignation in the question of feeding cattle with sweets, bread ...
The calf does not stand up, what to do, how to help?
The calf does not stand up, what to do, how to help?
The cow bears the fetus for 9 months and calving becomes a joyful event for the whole family. A blow for the farmer when the calf does not stand up, what to do, what measures to take? ...
When choosing a cow for a backyard, it is important to know how much milk she gives per day.
When choosing a cow for a backyard, it is important to know how much milk she gives per day.
Milk is an affordable and inexpensive product, a gift from nature. How much milk does a cow give per day, and what livestock is needed to provide the population of many countries with dairy products? Creation ...
We study the breeds of cows by photos and descriptions
We study the breeds of cows by photos and descriptions
In order for heifers or bulls to meet the expectations of the breeder, it is not enough to acquire the first animals that they like. It is necessary that the breeds of cows selected for the farm are adapted to the climate in a particular area and ...


