Posts tagged "goat breeding"
Manifestations of ketosis disease in goats and effective treatment
Ketosis is a dangerous disease of goats, accompanied by severe disorders of protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. It is very important to timely detect manifestations of the ketosis disease in a goat, because it carries a serious ...
Keeping goats in winter without heating is just a dry and light goat house
Tell us about keeping goats in the winter without heating and the minimum allowable temperature in the barn. We have little grandchildren, they are very sick with colds in the season, so my wife decided to have ...
Only an experienced breeder can handle them - Nubian goats, a description of the breed with a canine appearance and character
Tell us what productivity the Nubian goats have, a description of the breed, a photo is especially needed. I want to buy a couple for divorce, I heard that they have very tasty milk. And how much does the female give ...
How to care for a goat and how to feed it
Tell us how to care for a goat? Last year, my husband and I retired and, leaving the apartment for the children, moved to live in a dacha. Since we sit around ...
Goat breeding for beginners - increasing milk yield
Goat breeding as a business is based on the sale of milk, cheese and whey. To obtain maximum milk yield, it is necessary to balance the feed base. A healthy udder is also a guarantee of high milk yield. If the kids graze ...
One of the important stages of goat breeding is choosing a milking goat
Goat breeding should start with the formation of your own herd. But if you have never kept livestock, then you should first choose a suitable milking goat. One individual can be kept ...
In goat breeding, it is important to determine the feed base for goats
Goat breeding is, for the most part, grazing and feeding the herd. To get a lot of milk, goats need to be fed properly. Since the goat is a ruminant, it ...
Growing kids in goat breeding for beginners
Goat breeding is a great option for those who like to drink milk, but the area of the site does not allow to have a cow. If you have a large herd, then raising goats is a good business. ...
Imprint training with goats
Many years ago I was fortunate enough to attend a seminar that Dr. Robert M. Miller taught in Palmerston North, New Zealand. He talked about his technique of imprint training with newborn foals and ...
How to treat diarrhea in kids?
A month ago, a goat brought offspring. At first, strong healthy babies suddenly began to eat poorly, and the back part under the tail is constantly wet. Tell me what causes diarrhea and ...
Features of the development of smallpox in the defeat of sheep and goats
Smallpox of sheep and goats is an infectious contagious disease characterized by fever and papular-pustular rash on the skin and mucous membranes. Smallpox of sheep and goats is highly contagious ...
Symptoms of goat diseases and their treatment at home
Domestic goats are the most unpretentious animals. The symptoms of goat disease and their treatment depend on the physical condition of the animals. The stronger the body, the easier the disease progresses, the more difficult it is to diagnose. ...
Milking machine for goats frees up time, makes work easier
An unpretentious dairy animal - the goat gives the owners a healing product.The goat milking machine is designed for a fragile animal with two breasts. Machine milking is used to reduce ...
Treatment of mastitis in a goat at home
Every dairy goat owner is concerned about the health of the nurse's udder. Inflammation of the udder, mastitis in a goat can be treated at home, but this process is long, painful, lactation is disturbed. Microbes and ...
How much milk does a goat give per day?
Beginning livestock breeders who decide to have domestic goats are always worried about many questions. Among them, one of the first places is occupied by the problem: “How much milk does a goat give per day? And is there ...
Photos of goat breeds with a brief description of the characteristics
Goats are considered one of the first animals to be domesticated by humans. The breeds of goats bred to date are dairy, meat, wool and down. Also in the world there are many intermediate ...
Breeding goats at home for beginners
Keeping dairy goats will provide the family with a healthy hypoallergenic drink. Breeding goats at home for novice breeders will not seem difficult. Of all the pets, they consider the most unpretentious ...