Posts tagged "lilies"

How to treat chlorosis of lilies - causes and symptoms of the disease
How to treat chlorosis of lilies - causes and symptoms of the disease
Help with advice - how to treat lily chlorosis? Is this the lack of nutrients in flowers, or is a friend's illness a cause? I usually fertilize periodically all my plants in the flower beds. But ...
Why are red bugs on lilies dangerous and how to get rid of them
Why are red bugs on lilies dangerous and how to get rid of them
Red beetles on lilies are a common problem that often occurs when growing a luxurious flower. Insects actively eat the leaves, and then the buds of the plant. Fighting the reds ...
Reproduction of lilies by scales: an easy way to breed flowers
Reproduction of lilies by scales: an easy way to breed flowers
Reproduction of lilies by scales is an uncomplicated vegetative way of growing flowers of the variety you like. In this case, it is possible to get a lot of plants with all the traits and characteristics of the parent specimen. Phased reproduction ...
Mysterious lily tree: planting and caring for a plant
Mysterious lily tree: planting and caring for a plant
Some of the original names of garden plants raise questions or grin. The famous lily tree, the planting and maintenance of which requires special skills, belongs to such flowers. Admirers of decorative cultures ...
How to plant lilies: we determine the depth and scheme of planting bulbs
How to plant lilies: we determine the depth and scheme of planting bulbs
Tell me how to plant lilies? For two years now I have been waiting for my beauties to bloom, but there are still no buds. Yesterday I bought a few more new varieties. The seller said that ...
Planting and caring for a room lily at home
Planting and caring for a room lily at home
The house lily is one of the most beloved houseplants. It is not uncommon to be found on the windowsills of both residential and office buildings. The flower earned its popularity thanks to its large, bright ...
What to do with lilies after they have faded
What to do with lilies after they have faded
Last year I bought early lilies and planted them in the country in the fall. All took root and overwintered well, and now they are already standing with buds. These are my first beauties ...
Methods for storing lily bulbs in winter and spring before planting in the ground
Methods for storing lily bulbs in winter and spring before planting in the ground
Tell me how to preserve lily bulbs before planting? In late autumn, I accidentally acquired a variety that I have been looking for for a long time, but it was too late to plant, so I dropped the package into the basement. In winter I ...
Planting lilies in the fall - when and how to do it right
Planting lilies in the fall - when and how to do it right
Tell me, is it possible to plant lilies in the fall? I have several varieties, all of them were purchased and planted in the spring. But recently I found one rare species for which I had been “hunting” for a long time. ...
The colorful world of lilies: descriptions of varieties with photos and names
The colorful world of lilies: descriptions of varieties with photos and names
Nature gave these flowers beauty and sophistication of forms. Modern lily hybrids, varieties with photos and names given below, could not exist without the painstaking work of scientists and ...
We choose the best varieties of lilies for our flower garden
We choose the best varieties of lilies for our flower garden
Effectively blooming lilies have attracted human attention since ancient times. The modern classification, describing the species, hybrids of lilies, varieties with photos and names, will help to appreciate the prevailing variety, will amaze with incredible brightness ...
Refined lily flowers - a living decoration of the garden
Refined lily flowers - a living decoration of the garden
Since ancient times, people have treated the lily with reverence. It is believed that this flower already grew in the Garden of Eden and the first people enjoyed its scent. Much later ...
How to tell a daylily from a lily
How to tell a daylily from a lily
Novice flower growers often think that daylily and lily are one and the same plant. However, this is not at all the case. Distinguishing a lily from a daylily is not at all difficult ...
Planting and caring for lilies in the open field: recommendations and advice
Planting and caring for lilies in the open field: recommendations and advice
Lilies are flowers loved by gardeners for their colorful and long-lasting bloom. Planting and caring for a lily in the open field is not particularly difficult. Flowers are successfully grown ...
Fertilizing lilies
Fertilizing lilies
My beauties lilies are already two years old. After planting, I did not touch them, and during this time the plants have formed many children. Now I will seat them, especially since ...
Tips for creating a flower bed with lilies and daylilies
Tips for creating a flower bed with lilies and daylilies
Last spring I bought a lily at the market. A year later it turned out to be a daylily. I have nothing against daylilies, but I want lilies in the flowerbed. Tell me how ...


