Posts tagged "lemongrass"
How to plant lemongrass in autumn - terms and features of the procedure
Tell me how to plant lemongrass in the fall? A neighbor shared her bush, she's just luxurious and braided the entire arch in the yard. I asked for a cutting for a long time, and so she raised ...
Medicinal properties of schisandra chinensis and contraindications for use
The healing properties of Schisandra chinensis and contraindications are known to few. This deciduous vine that produces bright red fruits is very beneficial. Berries are used to treat many diseases due to their unique ...
Chinese schisandra in the country, features of planting and care
Schisandra chinensis is famous for its bizarre berries. The culture grows in mountainous areas and in deciduous forests. Lemongrass is home to the lands of Japan, Korea and China. Also, the culture is developing well ...
Lemongrass aquarium plant: features of cultivation and care
On the shores of small swampy reservoirs of Southeast Asia, you can find dense thickets of an amazing plant. Aquarium plant lemongrass, large Indian bog, straight nomaphila (Nomaphila stricta) - under these names ...