Posts tagged "larch"

Weeping larch with a hanging crown - an original tree for every garden
Weeping larch with a hanging crown - an original tree for every garden
Tell us what is a weeping larch with a hanging crown? A friend has a country house with a large plot, which she turned into a real botanical garden. I was bragging about it the other day ...
How larch reproduces: two ways to get a new tree
How larch reproduces: two ways to get a new tree
Tell us how larch reproduces? The neighbors at the dacha just have a gorgeous tree, I just got sick with it. Last year I approached the owners and asked for a cutting. They gave a few, I ...
Eye charm - larch: planting and care
Eye charm - larch: planting and care
At all times, conifers have attracted the attention of people who were engaged in landscaping their backyard territory. Larch is especially impressive with its beauty, planting and caring for which brings true pleasure. It ...


