Posts tagged "mandarin"
Small, but remote - how are tangerines useful for women
It would be interesting to know how tangerines are useful for women. Once, in a conversation with a friend, I complained that lately my skin has become dull, my face has appeared ...
Simple secrets of how to transplant a tangerine tree at home
Tell me how to transplant a tangerine tree at home? My handsome boy is 4 years old in the spring, I raised him from a bone. Last year I noticed that there were almost no young twigs. ...
How to plant tangerine at home - terms and methods
Tell us how to plant tangerine at home? I have a bush grown from a bone. At first I wanted it to be just a compact tree. And this year ...
Mandarin diseases and how to deal with them
Since mandarin diseases can be different, it is necessary to identify the problem in time and take appropriate measures to eliminate it. Only then will the plant delight its owners for a long time with beautiful ...
How are tangerines useful and are there any harm from them
Tell us what are the benefits of tangerines? In our house, they are not only on the New Year's table. The whole family, both adults and children, love these overseas fruits. My daughter even planted ...
How to plant a mandarin: selection, preparation and sowing of seeds
Tell me how to plant a tangerine? My husband brought real tangerines from a business trip, decided to try to breed them. Once upon a time I already had a bad experience, however, I didn’t do anything much then. ...
How to grow a tangerine from a seed: selection, preparation and planting of seeds
Tell me how to grow a tangerine from a bone? Once I have already tried to do this, even the sprouts hatched, but the seedling "died safely" after a while. I think the reason is in the soil - ...
Mandarin jam recipe
All lovers of healthy treats can please themselves and their loved ones by making jam from tangerines, we will describe the recipe for cooking at home below. Since the main product is available ...
Indoor tangerine care
Mandarin is a tree from the citrus plant family. You can grow it at home from a stone, but then it will take a very long time to wait for the first fruits. To get the first harvest ...
How to grow a tangerine at home
Mandarin is a plant from the citrus family. Like all citrus trees, it must be grafted onto the rootstock. A wild lemon or tripolyate is used for the stock. Tripoliate - ...
How to increase the fruiting of mandarin
Mandarin is a tree from the citrus plant family. In order to grow a tangerine at home and get the first fruits from a tree grown from a seed, you need to observe the temperature ...
Mandarin - what you need to know about caring for an exotic plant
For my birthday they gave me an indoor tangerine. Since I don't grow flowers at home at all, the question arose of what to do with it next. Still, it will be a pity if the plant disappears, ...
Fruit battle - the health benefits of orange and tangerine
Citrus fruits are a favorite treat for adults and children. Oranges and tangerines become especially popular in winter, when other fresh natural fruits are not available (imported, of course, ...
How to make tangerine jam?
Tangerine jam tastes the same as fresh tangerines, so you will get the same pleasure of eating a sweet delicacy. You can cook a delicious treat not only ...
How to care for a tangerine tree?
The youngest son is very fond of tangerines. After another purchase and eating, I planted a bone in a pot to grow the plant myself. A year later, a small tree grew out of it. Tell me how ...
The benefits and harms of mandarin
You can distinguish tangerines from the fruits of other types of citrus fruits by their somewhat flattened shape, small compared to oranges or grapefruit, size and high sugar content in juicy pulp, ...
Properties and uses of mandarin essential oil
Mandarins, which spread around the world from China, have become one of the favorite types of citrus fruits in many countries, and in Russia they are considered practically a symbol of the approaching New Year. Indeed, the main crop ...
Growing a symbol of well-being - a pitted mandarin at home
Everything that we send to this world comes back. Creating a tangerine tree at home, a person will spend a lot of effort, especially growing a tangerine from seeds at home. The goal will be ...
Tangerine care at home
Relatively frost-resistant varieties of mandarin (nevertheless, it is a subtropical culture) withstand frosts down to -7– -12 ˚С. Skeletal branches are further damaged. Therefore, the northernmost edge of the range barely covers the southern ...
Indoor tangerine is a vivid embodiment of a good mood in the house!
Most florists agree that among the abundance of "domestic" plants, indoor mandarin takes a separate place. An ornamental shrub not only pleases the eye with a bright, cheerful color of leaves and fruits, ...