Posts tagged "juniper"
Altai juniper: what is a plant
Tell us what the Altai juniper is. My husband brought a small bush from those parts, being on a business trip. We planted him, and now a lush pillow has grown in front of the house. ...
How to grow a juniper at home in a pot and get joy
What could be more pleasant than a lush evergreen that gives the interior a chic look. Many grow junipers at home in a pot and get real satisfaction. After all, a small tree fills the room ...
Juniper diseases and their treatment with effective drugs
Not everyone knows what juniper diseases are and their treatment. But in order to achieve the desired result, and return the plant an attractive appearance, it is necessary to learn to recognize diseases ...
"Weeping" Horstmann juniper - coniferous long-liver on your site
We ordered a juniper seedling in the nursery, there were no special requirements for the variety, so we took what was available. So we got a bush with the "name" Horstmann. The seller promised ...
Reasons why juniper turns yellow in spring, and ways to solve the problem
A juniper grows in our country house. The bushes are already quite large and were green all the time, but this spring, yellow needles appeared on many. Some bushes are right half way ...
Medicinal properties of juniper fruits
Juniper is widely used in landscaping parks and in the landscape design of country houses. There are three subspecies of this culture: horizontal, medium and tall. The coniferous plant releases into the environment ...
Juniper varieties for landscaping
Juniper is widely used in landscaping. It is a plant from the cypress family. There are about 80 species of juniper in the world. They are distributed all over the world. Different peoples have these ...
Choosing Cossack juniper varieties for giving
Juniper is an ornamental plant that is widely used in landscape design. There are about 80 varieties of this culture. They are used to decorate home gardens and municipal parks. Juniper belongs ...
Juniper mite on ornamental plants
Juniper is one of the first plants that were used for landscaping large noble estates. It is still widely used in the preparation of landscape compositions in parks. Selected varieties ...
Popular perennial - Cossack juniper Tamaristsifolia
The natural zone of distribution of the Cossack juniper, one of the most popular species of ephedra in landscape design, covers the south of Europe, west and center of Asia, east of Siberia. Juniper Cossack Tamariscifolia - popular ...
Stunning Lime Glow juniper at their summer cottage
Numerous varieties of horizontal juniper are actively used in landscape design. The Lime Glow juniper is no exception. A dwarf shrub with decorative needles and a capricious disposition is excellent for decorating ...
The luxurious representative of conifers - juniper Kurivao Gold
My husband brought two seedlings of Kurivao Gold juniper to the dacha. We have not yet had conifers, so I am afraid to ruin them with the wrong approach.Tell me where it is better to plant a juniper ...
Learning how to independently propagate juniper cuttings
Juniper is a popular coniferous culture for decorating a garden or park. Reproduction of juniper by cuttings in spring allows you to get strong young plants most quickly and easily. Features of structure and reproduction ...
Alpine slides decoration - juniper Andorra Compact
Landscaping of embankments, alpine hills, sandy slopes is not complete without planting junipers with a creeping crown. Juniper Andorra Compact is a slow growing shrub with a dense open crown about ...
Find a place in the landscape design of the site for the Repanda juniper
Junipers with shoots creeping along the ground form a green living carpet and have long been popular in landscape design. One of these shrubs is the Repanda juniper, undersized, winter-hardy and ...
Decorate the site with Meyeri juniper
Scaly juniper cultivars have long been widely used for landscaping. Meyeri's juniper is no exception. Landscape designers and bonsai lovers are attracted by the original crown shape, especially during the period ...
Cultivation and use of juniper varieties Mint Julep in landscape design
Juniper Mint Julep is considered to be a short, evergreen shrub with fragrant, spreading needles. First introduced in the United States of America. It is a hybrid form formed by crossing Chinese and Cossack junipers. ...
Features of scaly juniper and its popular varieties
Many species and varieties of juniper are in demand in landscape design. No exception - scaly juniper with a squat, creeping or open crown. Coniferous evergreen shrub native to the east and ...
Growing Chinese Strict Juniper
Juniper Chinese Strickta was bred in 1945 by breeders from Holland. This tree belongs to the genus Juniper of the cypress family. Used in landscaping gardens, parks, suburban areas. Having an attractive appearance, ...
Unique properties of juniper oil
Evergreen juniper is known for its decorative, resinous aroma with tart notes of smoke and freshness. The reason for this smell is juniper oil, the properties and use of which for a long time ...
What are the medicinal properties of small juniper fruits?
The genus of junipers is one of the oldest representatives of the plant kingdom. It is not surprising that juniper berries, medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of small blue-gray fruits interested several thousand people ...
Choosing a creeping juniper for our site
The creeping juniper is one of the most valuable coniferous shrubs. Its main difference from other familiar juniper trees is its appearance. This species is often used as an ornamental plant due to ...
Meet the wonderful varieties of Chinese juniper
Conifers have traditionally been used in gardening art in China, Korea, and Japan. Native species, including the Chinese juniper, became available to European gardeners and quickly gained popularity. Read about horizontal juniper! ...
We choose the scaly juniper Blue Carpet for the design of our site
Juniper Blue Carpet is an evergreen coniferous shrub. It is characterized by a flat, highly branched crown. The variety got its name for its silvery-blue needles. Under favorable growing conditions, it can tie berries ...
Choosing a horizontal Blue Chip juniper to decorate your garden
Among the ground cover varieties, Blue Chip juniper is considered the best. Its shaggy shoots, with a slightly raised core and ends, spread evenly and densely along the ground, forming a green carpet. Needles ...
We decorate our site with a rocky juniper of the Blue Arrow variety
The rocky juniper Blue Arrow is recognized as one of the most decorative species of conifers and shrubs. Thanks to the original shape of the crown, its bright blue color and good adaptability even to ...
Blue Alps Juniper is always beautiful
Juniper Blue Alps came to Russia and Europe from China, it is a coniferous evergreen shrub, whose height reaches 4 meters, with a powerful spreading crown up to 2 meters in diameter. ...
Let's grow Blue Star scaly juniper on the site
Compositions of coniferous plants look very beautiful and elegant, and they also purify the air and fill it with fragrance. Among these horticultural crops, it has a special appearance ...
Description of varieties of common juniper to help the summer resident
The common juniper is the most widespread, typical, but by no means the most common species of the extensive genus. It is difficult to imagine a group of plants whose representatives could look like 10-meter trees, large ...
Description of the Virginia juniper and its most popular varieties.
Juniper Virginia is an evergreen, mostly monoecious plant belonging to the Cypress family. Depending on the specific variety, it can be a horizontal shrub or a vertical tree (more about ...
Features of the cultivation and reproduction of Cossack juniper
Coniferous shrubs are very popular in modern landscape design. Juniper Cossack is the most common and unpretentious representative of its family. This plant is used not only in backyards and ...
The secret of a flawless landscape is rocky juniper
Modern landscape design is not complete without conifers, they make the surrounding landscape saturated, bright and unusual, filling it with color, aroma and texture as much as possible. Rocky juniper - ...
Photos with a description of the species and varieties of juniper for a summer residence
Evergreen junipers, which have settled in nature from the polar regions to the subtropics, are recognized not only by some of their oldest plants, but also by the most valuable crops for landscaping. Having studied the common junipers, species ...