Posts tagged "insects"
Boric acid ant poison: recipes for a deadly treat
Please tell us what is boric acid poison for ants? A neighbor says that only this remedy helped to get insects out of the house. We have nothing edible in the summer ...
Proven Ways to Get Rid of Wasps
Tell me how to get rid of wasps? These insects have chosen our farm buildings. When grapes begin to ripen, there is no escape from them. Wasps eat almost the entire bush with white berries, ...
Effective methods of dealing with the click beetle
The clicker beetle or wireworm, as it is also called, belongs to the group of parasitic insects. In nature, there are about 2500 species that can be found all over the world. The main place ...
Picky assistant to gardeners - beetle fireman
In the hot season, many insects appear in kitchen gardens and gardens, which disinterestedly "work" for the good of man. One of these "helpers" is the firefighter beetle. Biologists call ...
A predatory inhabitant of fresh water - the beetle diving beetle
a quiet river backwater among thickets of duckweed and reeds, you can often see a dark brown beetle with a smooth oval body. It floats on the water, exposing the end of the abdomen to the surface, and ...
Meet the wonderful insect - the healer beetle
Disappointed with traditional medicine, people go to look for something new that will help get rid of their diseases. The healer beetle has earned its recognition due to positive reviews and the ability to cure diseases of various ...
Choosing proven remedies to get rid of a fly in a flower pot
Even an attentive and experienced grower can develop flies on indoor plants in flower pots. How to get rid of uninvited insects without waiting for them to spread to all plants, ...
The dung beetle lives in the country
The dung beetle is a fairly useful insect that is undeservedly considered harmful. It can be distinguished by its large chest, heavy body and the classic dung ball included. Insect ...
Harm from the May beetle and how to deal with it
May beetle (beetle) is a common pest of green spaces. In late spring, they can often be seen in the trees. During the flight, the insect buzzes loudly, and by this sound ...
Protection against the Colorado potato beetle drug Prestige
The cultivation of potatoes involves not only proper care of the crop, but also protection from various pests. One of the best drugs in this area is Prestige from the Colorado ...
Getting rid of whiteflies
In this article, we will share experiences from foreign farmers and tell you how to identify and get rid of whiteflies. These little insects can be a hassle and ...
All about aphid aphids
Ants cause great harm to plants in the garden. These insects carry aphids through fruit trees. It feeds on plant sap and reduces the yield, and if the aphid colonies are large, ...
The most common insect pests
With the onset of the spring season, insects become more active. In Russian gardens, the most common pests are the May beetle, furry deer and aphids. These insects can destroy a significant part of ...
Protection of fruit trees from insect pests
With the beginning of spring, when the air temperature rises to + 7 ° C - + 10 ° C, harmful insects begin to wake up. The weevil attacks fruit trees first. This beetle is brown or gray in color. Length ...
Beneficial insects in natural farming
In nature, there is no concept of "harmful" or "useful" insect. Each species performs specific functions, maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. The categories "harmful" and "useful" are relative. For example, ants, which people ...
Ticks in chickens - prevention and treatment with natural remedies
Ticks are tiny parasites that crawl along the surface of the skin. They will become a real problem if they start with birds in your chicken coop. Sources of infection can be already sick chickens, ...
Do you have insect repellent plants growing in your country house?
It is no secret that some insects cause people a lot of inconvenience. Some pose a threat to the future harvest, while others interfere with a person's full rest by annoying buzzing and even biting. What ...
Ways to combat whitefly in the garden, greenhouse
Summer residents, how to get rid of a whitefly? Unfortunately, they missed the moment of the appearance of insects, the pests have already managed to lay eggs on most of the plants, leaves in a white bloom. Has suffered the most ...
Dill pests and the fight against them
There are no insects that feed exclusively on dill. But many pests damage his crops along with other vegetables. Wireworms and false wireworms, the larvae of the beetle, bear and caterpillars of the gnawing scoop damage ...
Tips on how to get rid of aphids on dill
Several species of aphids parasitize on dill at once, giving from 12 to 18 generations per season and causing serious harm to green culture. Ants using and settling these insects ...
Let's find out why dill turns yellow and what to do to save the harvest
It is unlikely that there is at least one gardener who has not allotted a little space for spicy-flavoring crops. Dill refers precisely to such plants, without which a salad is not a salad. Unpleasant ...
Beet pests and control
Caring for garden crops includes pest control measures. In cramped conditions, even crop rotation does not save. So, pests of cruciferous plants simultaneously harm haze. Developed on fruit bushes ...
Photos of diseases and pests of peas, control measures
If the plant is weakened, the requirements of agricultural technology are not followed, the balance of nutrition and temperature is disturbed, pests will appear. In order for the garden not to suffer from the invasion of uninvited guests, one should observe ...
You need to know why the apple tree drops apples in order to understand what to do
The abundant flowering of the apple tree in spring, the healthy appearance of the tree promised a generous harvest of everyone's favorite fragrant fruits. But the apple blossom falls, covering the ground with a veil, and later quietly and modestly began to ...
We study photos and descriptions of diseases and pests of honeysuckle
Both decorative varieties of honeysuckle and plants producing edible fruits are increasingly being attacked by pests and all kinds of diseases. The previously existing opinion that a shrub with blue berries ...
Effective folk remedies for the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes
The Colorado potato beetle is one of the most vicious opponents of every gardener. Vegetable growers treat potato tubers and plants with various chemicals several times throughout the growing season, but ...
Potato pests and control
Pests annually cause serious damage both to summer cottage plantations of potatoes and to the fields of farms. As a result of such damage, not only the aerial parts of plants and their roots suffer, but ...
How to poison the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes?
Fragrant fried potatoes with a crispy brown crust, boiled delicate mashed potatoes, casseroles and pancakes - all this causes not only profuse salivation, but also pleasant emotions. ...
Carrot pests
A delicious vitamin vegetable is liked not only by humans. Carrots love various insects and other animals. By feeding on plant sap, they harm the fruit. To be able to preserve the harvest, you need ...
All about potato diseases
Growing crops requires proper care for the future harvest. Potato diseases can cause serious damage if the necessary measures are not taken in time. What diseases do farmers face and ...
Cabbage pests and methods of dealing with them
Cultivated in almost all household plots, cabbage is the most common and popular vegetable along with potatoes. There are a large number of varieties and types of cabbage, but they are all prone to ...
Cabbage whitewash is a crop pest
This harmful insect does a lot of harm by destroying cabbage. It occurs very often, but not everyone knows how to get rid of it. In this article, we will take a closer look ...
Cabbage scoop and methods of dealing with it
Pests sometimes interfere with growing a healthy crop in the garden. Sometimes they can completely destroy vegetable crops. To prevent such cases from arising, you need to know some rules for dealing with malware ...
Cabbage moth - measures to combat it
Summer in the country is associated not only with delicious berries, fruits and vegetables, but also with the struggle for a good harvest. If growing an early variety of cabbage is not too difficult ...
Gooseberry diseases and their treatment
Like other plants, gooseberries can be affected by insect pests. There are also various gooseberry diseases. It is very important to react in time to any of their manifestations and prevent negative impacts on ...
Aphids on roses - how to get rid of quickly?
The first appearance of aphids on roses coincides with the period of appearance of stepchildren on tomatoes and arrows on garlic. Therefore, both of these vegetables are excellent raw materials for preparing a remedy for ...
Spider mite on a rose - what to do
Every florist and gardener knows a spider mite by sight. This is the most harmful insect that wraps around plants with cobwebs and sucks out all the juices from it, due to which the leaves and ...
Useful insects of the garden and garden - the natural salvation of your site
Many gardeners and gardeners have a problem with pest control. The poison that helps to exterminate them needs to be changed almost every year, since the old ones no longer work. Wherein ...