Posts tagged "nutritional"
Breeding nutria at home - important points for beginners
What is needed to organize the cultivation of nutria at home? A friend has a small farm, and he persuaded me to do it. In the fall it gives us an adult male and several females, so ...
Nutrition in winter - survival technology
Most of the difficulties for the farmer arise when keeping waterfowl in the cool season. Nutritional breeding in winter entails additional costs, as well as taking care of the young. Rodents ...
Nutrition in summer: heavenly conditions for rodents
Nutrition in the summer includes not only balanced nutrition, but also decent maintenance. For them, a special aviary is being built, in which a recreation area is separated, as well as a place for ...
Animal Feeding in Nutrition: Spring Diet
The specificity of these waterfowl lies in the fact that they live in water bodies, therefore they feed on what grows in the coastal zone. Animal feeding in nutritional farming plays an important role in ...
What food does nutria need?
Nutria are herbivores, so food for them should be exclusively of plant origin. You cannot feed marsh beavers with eggs or other animal protein. Components of animal origin can be used ...
Making cells for nutria
Keeping nutria in captivity should provide comfortable living for animals and convenient care for them. When arranging a place of detention - cages for nutria, it is necessary to take into account the lifestyle of the animals. From ...
What do we know about the health benefits and harms of nutria meat?
South America is considered the homeland of the water rat; in the Soviet Union, the introduced animal settled in the southern swamps. The benefits and harms of nutria meat have long been studied by nutritionists. Verdict - dietary meat, healthy ...
Keeping and breeding nutria at home
Nutria have long and very successfully grown in captivity. However, it is impossible to call the cultivation of nutria mass, such as, for example, the keeping of chickens or rabbits, although interest in these animals is gradually ...