Posts tagged "trim"

We form the crown and maintain its shape - trimming the catalpa in spring
We form the crown and maintain its shape - trimming the catalpa in spring
What is the time frame for pruning catalpa in the spring and how to do it correctly? We bought a small tree about two years old, while it is growing in our pot, but I plan ...
Hop-growing basics - when to prune the main hop rhizomes and why
Hop-growing basics - when to prune the main hop rhizomes and why
Tell me when the main hop rhizomes are pruned? Last year we planted three rows of seedlings, all of them took root. Since the bushes were young, there were no activities other than feeding, preventive treatment ...
Charming chrysanthemums - planting and care in the fall, pruning
Charming chrysanthemums - planting and care in the fall, pruning
Tell us about chrysanthemums, planting and care in the fall, pruning is especially interesting. Is it necessary to prune the bush after planting? I bought it from a neighbor for a nominal fee (so that from ...
How to prune a young pear in spring to increase the future harvest
How to prune a young pear in spring to increase the future harvest
The basic rules for the formation of crowns of trees belonging to the category of pome crops are the same. To understand how to prune a young pear in spring, it is enough to know the general principles and take into account the biological characteristics of the genus. ...
What are the rules for pruning black currants in the fall, scheme?
What are the rules for pruning black currants in the fall, scheme?
What are the rules for pruning black currants in the fall, the scheme for pruning old bushes is especially interesting. We moved with our family to the village in the grandmother's house. The village there is not bad, quite developed and ...
Pruning trees and shrubs in autumn - important nuances and timing
Pruning trees and shrubs in autumn - important nuances and timing
What is the deadline for pruning trees and shrubs in the fall? We have an old garden at the dacha, which is always out of reach. In spring, we remove only dry branches, ...
Roses - preparation for winter, pruning and winter feeding of bushes for better wintering of garden queens
Roses - preparation for winter, pruning and winter feeding of bushes for better wintering of garden queens
What activities do roses need in autumn, preparation for winter, when pruning is carried out, in what month? We live in the central zone, as I understand it, with our cold winters ...
Preparing berries for winter - black currants, pruning and care in autumn
Preparing berries for winter - black currants, pruning and care in autumn
Tell me, in what activities after harvesting does black currant need, pruning and caring for this shrub in the fall is different from spring procedures? I planted two seedlings last year ...
Clever anti-aging tree pruning: expert advice
Clever anti-aging tree pruning: expert advice
Most summer residents are trying to create an ideal landscape on their site, reminiscent of the Garden of Eden. An important step towards your goal is rejuvenating tree pruning, which gives the plant a second life. ...
Pruning according to Kurdyumov - the ability to manage the garden without much effort
Pruning according to Kurdyumov - the ability to manage the garden without much effort
In his book, Nikolai Ivanovich Kurdyumov emphasized that the goals of the tree and the gardener usually diverge. Pruning according to Kurdyumov, developed by the gardener, will help to "negotiate" with your garden about cooperation. IN ...
What to do with an old currant bush - is there a chance to return his youth
What to do with an old currant bush - is there a chance to return his youth
Tell me what to do with an old currant bush? We bought a plot with an abandoned garden, there are several of them. I haven't touched it yet, this year there were even some berries. But I ...
How to prune strawberries and why you need it
How to prune strawberries and why you need it
Tell me how to cut strawberries? In the spring she allocated a plot in the garden and planted with seedlings. I even managed to try the first crop, most of the bushes were with ovaries. I am a gardener - a gardener so far ...
Pruning yoshta will help you harvest a high yield every year
Pruning yoshta will help you harvest a high yield every year
Tell us how the yoshta pruning is done correctly. We bought a house, there is an old garden with trees on the plot. Shrubs also grow there: raspberries, gooseberries, currants and yoshta. Judging by their ...
Pruning forsythia in spring - the subtleties of the procedure
Pruning forsythia in spring - the subtleties of the procedure
Tell me how to prune forsythia in the spring correctly? I planted a seedling last year, this season I did not touch it. I water it - I fertilize the bush well, it has grown decently, ...
Pruning dracaena in order to obtain side shoots - the main secrets and rules
Pruning dracaena in order to obtain side shoots - the main secrets and rules
Explain to a novice grower how dracaena is pruned in order to obtain side shoots. I took a stalk from a friend a couple of years ago. During this time, he turned into a gorgeous, but ...
How to prune figs in spring - shaping a plant for a good harvest
How to prune figs in spring - shaping a plant for a good harvest
Tell me how to prune figs in the spring? We bought a seedling with three branches, the seller said that nothing needs to be done this year. But next spring - be sure ...
How to trim a weigela in the fall - everything you need to know about the timing and procedure for a haircut
How to trim a weigela in the fall - everything you need to know about the timing and procedure for a haircut
Tell me how to cut the weigela in the fall? I bought two seedlings of different varieties, but due to the spring chores (I have a large garden) I missed the pruning time. The buds have already tied on the branches, I had to ...
How to prune a yucca - basic rules and expert advice
How to prune a yucca - basic rules and expert advice
Even a beginner can handle the algorithm on how to cut a yucca. This is an evergreen plant, unpretentious to the conditions of detention, which can reach 2 or more meters in height. Shaping and trimming ...
How to prune a columnar apple tree - timing and pruning scheme
How to prune a columnar apple tree - timing and pruning scheme
Tell me how to cut a columnar apple tree and when is it better to do it? Last year, we planted several seedlings in the fall, nothing was cut. Do I need to cut them in the spring? The seller said ...
How to prune an apricot depending on the season and purpose
How to prune an apricot depending on the season and purpose
Tell me how to prune an apricot? Last year we bought a house, on the site there are several old and neglected trees, including an apricot. There was no time for spring ...
Basic rules on how to cut lemon at home
Basic rules on how to cut lemon at home
Tell me how to prune a lemon at home? We planted a couple of seeds, but only one sprouted. But a small tree has already grown out of it, however, it does not want to branch, but ...
Professional lobelia haircut
Professional lobelia haircut
A luxurious cascade of flowers or bright multi-colored bouquets adorn the cottage throughout the summer. However, like all plants, ampelous lobelia fades, thereby acquiring not quite aesthetic ...
Pruning kampsis: how and when to cut a vine
Pruning kampsis: how and when to cut a vine
A characteristic feature of Kampsis is that it grows rapidly and suppresses everything, because it is not for nothing that it is called an aggressive vine. Therefore, pruning the kampsis is essential, important and necessary ...
How to prune Benjamin's ficus: how to form a crown
How to prune Benjamin's ficus: how to form a crown
Tell me how to cut Benjamin's ficus? I have a young flower, it is three years old. It is, of course, beautiful, but it just grows somehow wrong. Some branches stick out like them ...
Learning how to prune gooseberries in spring
Learning how to prune gooseberries in spring
Tell me how to prune gooseberries in the spring? About three years ago we bought two varieties, with pink and yellow berries. The seedlings have taken root well, but during this time the bushes have become very dense. ...
Poinsettia pruning: when and how it is done
Poinsettia pruning: when and how it is done
During the 3 winter months, the Christmas star blooms luxuriously, and then sheds its leaves, because seeds begin to set. During this period, trimming poinsettia becomes real for her ...
Pruning grapes in the fall: a step-by-step guide for beginner growers
Pruning grapes in the fall: a step-by-step guide for beginner growers
Tell me, in what time frame and how is the pruning of grapes in the fall carried out correctly? We bought a summer cottage in the summer, the plot is not bad, there are many plants, but everything is unkempt. Over the summer they cleaned up a little, some ...
Pruning apple trees in the fall - everything a novice gardener needs to know
Pruning apple trees in the fall - everything a novice gardener needs to know
Please tell us in what time frame and how is the pruning of apple trees carried out in the fall? We used to have a good vegetable garden in our country house, and every year we planted it completely ...
How to prune grapes: features and timing of pruning
How to prune grapes: features and timing of pruning
Tell me how to cut grapes? Last year, they took a part of the plot for a vineyard at the dacha and planted seedlings. Surprisingly, everyone got up and hibernated well, almost without damage. ...
Hydrangea pruning: basic rules, types and timing
Hydrangea pruning: basic rules, types and timing
Hydrangea pruning is one of the important stages of plant agricultural technology. This procedure should be carried out in the fall and spring. At the same time, the exact timing is important, they affect the subsequent growth and ...
Summer plum pruning ritual
Summer plum pruning ritual
The mission of every gardener is to get a decent harvest of plums. It turns out that it is not at all easy to fulfill it. To collect not one, but several boxes of juicy fruit, you need to look after with love ...
Shaping a quince with a tree
Shaping a quince with a tree
When growing quince, the formation in the form of a tree is most often used, which allows you to get a compact plant that is easy to care for. Regular and correct pruning will not only give the tree ...
Jasmine: features of spring pruning
Jasmine: features of spring pruning
Last year we bought a summer cottage with a small but neglected garden. There are two jasmine bushes growing there, just huge ones, on which there are many bare branches. It's a pity to uproot them (already ...
Rules for pruning spirea varieties blooming in summer
Rules for pruning spirea varieties blooming in summer
The delicate pink beauty of spirea pleases its owners with abundant flowering at a time when many spring flowers have long dried up under the summer sun. Unpretentious and undemanding in care ...
Spirea care and autumn shrub pruning
Spirea care and autumn shrub pruning
Japanese spirea is a shrub from the subspecies of summer-flowering varieties. It lends itself well to formation and quickly recovers after pruning, so it is often used to draw up landscape compositions. Shrub well ...
Crown formation is an important stage in cherry plum growing
Crown formation is an important stage in cherry plum growing
Tell me how to properly form the crown of the cherry plum? Several seedlings were planted last year, and now they look more like bushes than trees. A lot of twigs have grown ...
Formation of a lush crown of balsam
Formation of a lush crown of balsam
Indoor balsam is a very beautiful flower. There are more than 20 varieties of this plant. Indoor balsam flowers can be red, pink, or white. There are also varieties with bicolor buds. ...
Easy preparation of the Syrian hibiscus for winter
Easy preparation of the Syrian hibiscus for winter
Syrian hibiscus is a frost-resistant perennial plant. It can be grown in regions where the air temperature in winter drops to -20 ° C, but for this, the garden hibiscus needs to create comfortable conditions: ...
Pruning is necessary for a good harvest of plums
Pruning is necessary for a good harvest of plums
Plum, like all fruit trees, requires crown formation. Formative pruning can be done in the spring before flowering, but is less effective than crown shaping in summer. Cropping ...
How and in what time frame is blackberry pruning carried out in the fall
How and in what time frame is blackberry pruning carried out in the fall
Any garden plant requires timely care. One of its obligatory steps is proper pruning of blackberries in the fall. It depends on the type of plant. Blackberry is a bush, more or less ...
Summer peach pruning
Summer peach pruning
Most gardeners will prune the peach in the fall. The autumn formation of the crown of the tree is irrational. In the summer, the peach spends a lot of nutrients on the formation of shoots and vegetative buds, most of which ...
Planting and care, use in the landscape design of the suburban area of ​​thuja West Brabant
Planting and care, use in the landscape design of the suburban area of ​​thuja West Brabant
One of the five types of thuja - western, has many varieties, among which the western thuja Brabant stands out.An ornamental frost-resistant, fast-growing tree with a compact columnar crown is widely used in ...
Important information about home care for indoor jasmine
Important information about home care for indoor jasmine
Indoor jasmine is grown in greenhouses and indoors in several varieties. The plant conquers gardeners - lovers with its extraordinary beauty. It differs from other flowers in the constant bright green color of the leaves ...
Correct pruning of an adult honeysuckle bush
Correct pruning of an adult honeysuckle bush
Honeysuckle sets fruit buds on annual shoots when it reaches 3-4 years of age. A young bush of honeysuckle grows up to 1.5 m in height. During the preparation of the bush for fruiting ...
Pruning a young honeysuckle bush
Pruning a young honeysuckle bush
Honeysuckle is a very early crop, its bush blooms in early May. Sap flow in the branches of honeysuckle stops with the first drop in temperature, usually at the end of summer or at ...
Cherry crown formation in the first year after planting
Cherry crown formation in the first year after planting
Sweet cherry is a fruit tree that needs formation from the very first week of planting. If you bought a one-year sweet cherry sapling with a height of 70-80 cm, then you need to cut it to ...
Spring pruning apricot
Spring pruning apricot
Apricots need a regular "shearing", perhaps more than all fruit trees. After all, they annually give more young growth. For example, in an apple tree, this process is not so active and ...
How to prune cherries for good fruiting
How to prune cherries for good fruiting
Cherry refers to stone fruit trees. Its saplings, as well as peach, apricot and plum saplings, are grown on rootstock. Many gardeners think that, unlike others ...
Pruning pears in early spring
Pruning pears in early spring
Pear is a light-loving tree that does not tolerate crown thickening. Therefore, in order to increase the yield, pear pruning is carried out in early spring. But, unlike other fruit trees, the pear is pruned ...
Spring pruning of gooseberries
Spring pruning of gooseberries
Gooseberries are a relative of currants. Like currants, the shrub is not picky about the composition of the soil, so the gooseberry grows well even on heavy loam. Many gardeners notice that at 4-5 ...
Apple tree pruning, tree crown shaping
Apple tree pruning, tree crown shaping
To get large yields, fruit trees are looked after throughout the season: the soil of the trunk circle is dug up and weeded from weeds, the trees are fertilized and abundantly watered, treated with insecticidal ...
How to prune a walnut
How to prune a walnut
Walnut pruning is a must in horticulture. It requires at least preparation, since one possession of garden tools is not enough. How to get started All on ...
Pruning and propagating poinsettia at home
Pruning and propagating poinsettia at home
When the winter bloom of poinsettia ends, it may seem that the plant is dying, but this is not the case. Pruning and reproduction of poinsettia at home helps prolong the life of a flower. On time and correctly cut ...
Pruning and reproduction of nematanthus at home
Pruning and reproduction of nematanthus at home
Nematanthus (lat. Nematanthus) belongs to the Gesneriev family and is a semi-shrub, shrub, or grass up to 60 cm in height. Since this is an ampelous form, and besides ...
Everything you need to know about transplanting, reproducing and pruning pedilanthus
Everything you need to know about transplanting, reproducing and pruning pedilanthus
When pedilanthus appears in the collection on the windowsill, transplanting, pruning and propagation of the flower become important stages of care. This will allow you to enjoy juicy greenery for many years and the active growth of amazing ...
We do pruning and form a pachistachis bush
We do pruning and form a pachistachis bush
If pachistachis appears in the gardener's collection, pruning and shaping the bush will help its owner to achieve abundant and long flowering from the flower. Knowing about this feature and maintaining optimal ...
Cherry pruning - ensuring the yield of the tree
Cherry pruning - ensuring the yield of the tree
Cherry pruning is a necessary technique that regulates tree growth, yield and is a prevention against diseases. Inexperienced gardeners feel sorry for the young tree, and admire the dense crown. But the branches are getting old, ...
Peach pruning in different climates in spring, summer and autumn
Peach pruning in different climates in spring, summer and autumn
One of the must-haves for tree maintenance is pruning the peach in spring, summer and fall. The tree needs maximum light, but builds up the ground part intensively. As a result, the crown ...
Why and when pruning of plums is carried out
Why and when pruning of plums is carried out
Plum pruning is an essential part of fruit crop care. If pruning is neglected, the spontaneous growth of the crown will not only negatively affect the appearance of the tree, but also lead to a deterioration in quality ...
How is pruning tops on apple and pear trees done
How is pruning tops on apple and pear trees done
The purpose of forming the crown of a tree is to give the plant consumer properties - decorativeness or increase the yield. Pruning tops on apple and pear trees frees the tree from branches that do not work on ...
Why do you need apricot pruning, its types and timing
Why do you need apricot pruning, its types and timing
Before the apricot gives the first harvest, you have to work hard. One of the compulsory agrotechnical techniques in crown formation is apricot pruning. It is not enough to buy a tool, you need to understand the meaning of the operation, ...
How to trim dieffenbachia?
How to trim dieffenbachia?
Dieffenbachia inherited from my grandmother. She is over three years old, and clearly not a beauty - all the leaves were on the top, and the high trunk is completely bald. Tell me ...
How to properly prune dracaena to get a beautiful plant
How to properly prune dracaena to get a beautiful plant
Dracaena grows at home up to 15 years. In this case, the evergreen plant grows with its top, and the lower part of the stem is bare. Leaflets, having worked for a little more than a year, gradually ...
How is currant pruning done in autumn
How is currant pruning done in autumn
Pruning currants in the fall is one of the mandatory procedures that every gardener must perform before frost. A well-chosen period for this procedure and certain rules allow you to increase fruiting ...


