Posts tagged "vegetable garden"

Planting potatoes under straw is a hassle-free vegetable garden with minimal costs
Planting potatoes under straw is a hassle-free vegetable garden with minimal costs
I am very interested in planting potatoes under straw, a vegetable garden without hassle - just what I need. In general, I don't mind growing homemade vegetables, but not much ...
Do-it-yourself beds made of plastic panels - easy to manufacture, reliable to use
Do-it-yourself beds made of plastic panels - easy to manufacture, reliable to use
Tell me how to make beds from plastic panels with your own hands? I decided to improve the garden so that it would be more convenient to look after it. Namely, prepare a separate area for tomatoes, peppers and ...
Black carrots - what is it and what are its features
Black carrots - what is it and what are its features
When I was buying seeds for planting, I came across a black carrot. What is it and will the roots really be black? Sowed seeds for fun, just one bed to see ...
What can be planted under agrofibre - the advantages and methods of using the material
What can be planted under agrofibre - the advantages and methods of using the material
Tell me what can be planted under agrofibre? The wife has long asked to cover her strawberry beds in order to transplant it from the garden. She has already spread all over the garden and ...
How to fix the covering material on the garden bed - several ways to fix the shelter to the soil
How to fix the covering material on the garden bed - several ways to fix the shelter to the soil
Tell me how to fix the covering material on the garden bed? I made a small greenhouse at the request of my wife, I will cover it with lutrasil stretched over arcs. And how to fix the edges of the material that ...
Original design and photo of the 21st century vegetable garden
Original design and photo of the 21st century vegetable garden
In Soviet times, many were engaged in agriculture, growing fresh vegetables on the plot. A rare photo of a vegetable garden shows traditional rectangular beds with many plants. For 30 years, the approach ...
What is green manure for the garden or how to fertilize the soil without chemistry
What is green manure for the garden or how to fertilize the soil without chemistry
Tell a summer resident - a beginner what green manure is for a garden. This year we purchased a plot, we are completing the house and we plan to move there for permanent residence in the winter. Although the buildings ...
Onion peel for a vegetable garden or garden, application and its beneficial properties
Onion peel for a vegetable garden or garden, application and its beneficial properties
Gardeners and gardeners who care about getting a healthy and environmentally friendly harvest use a lot of fertilizers in their work. Onion peel for a vegetable garden or garden, the use of which in horticultural ...
How to use a manual root remover - making your work easier
How to use a manual root remover - making your work easier
Tell me how to use the manual root remover? My son made a gift - he brought me this unit for my birthday. He says it will be easier for me to manage the garden with him, because the years ...
Cultivation of the land from late blight: effective means for the prevention and destruction of fungus
Cultivation of the land from late blight: effective means for the prevention and destruction of fungus
Tell me, what is the cultivation of the land from late blight? Last year there was no tomato crop: the fruits first set, but everything rotted. Our garden is small, I'm afraid, as it were ...
Application of the drug Actellik - a universal remedy for the garden, vegetable garden and home
Application of the drug Actellik - a universal remedy for the garden, vegetable garden and home
Please tell us what is the use of Actellik? Last year, I sprayed them with a raspberry tree, which was attacked by leaf rollers. It worked great and the harvest was saved. Where else is it used and can ...
What fertilizers are needed in the spring for a garden to get a good harvest
What fertilizers are needed in the spring for a garden to get a good harvest
Tell me what fertilizers are needed in the spring for the garden? The dacha inherited from the parents, they have not been much involved in planting lately. As a result, the harvest has not been very good for a couple of years ...
Calendula in the garden - we fight pests beautifully
Calendula in the garden - we fight pests beautifully
My grandmother always had a calendula growing. She planted it not only in flower beds, but even among potato beds, saying that yellow flowers drive the Colorado potato beetle away from them. ...
Planting peanuts in the garden
Planting peanuts in the garden
My children are very fond of peanuts and so they persuaded me to plant it. Unfortunately, I have no experience in growing. I only heard that the bushes must be hilled all the time. Tell me how ...
Universal fertilizer from grass with water: preparation and application of infusion
Universal fertilizer from grass with water: preparation and application of infusion
Tell me how to prepare and apply fertilizer from grass with water in a barrel? I heard that such feeding is very useful for garden crops. Liquid fertilizers from weeds become real ...
Green manure green manures for the personal plot
Green manure green manures for the personal plot
I have long wanted to try to sow a part of the garden with green manure. A neighbor recommends this method to improve the structure and composition of the soil, he himself has been sowing rye in turn for several years ...
How to make sandy soil suitable for growing garden and horticultural crops?
How to make sandy soil suitable for growing garden and horticultural crops?
I have sandy soil on the site. How to prepare her for growing vegetables and horticultural crops? Sandy soil is one of the poorest in nutrients. Grow on ...
Summer resident's calendar: seasonal work in the garden in May
Summer resident's calendar: seasonal work in the garden in May
May is not only the most beautiful spring month, pleasing with bright greenery, the first flowering and harvest of early greenery, but also the most difficult time for a summer resident. In May, everyone ...
Fast growing green manure oil radish
Fast growing green manure oil radish
We were not very lucky with the soil at the summer cottage - the earth there is heavy, clayey. It takes effort to get the harvest. I want to try sowing a part this season ...
Sprayers for the garden: tips for choosing devices
Sprayers for the garden: tips for choosing devices
I plan to install an irrigation system at my summer cottage to grow vegetables. Our climate is very hot, and without water it is almost impossible to get a good harvest. What is the best atomizer for ...
Tall warm beds for a smart garden
High warm beds for a "smart" garden
If you want your garden to give big yields, make tall, warm beds. Many gardeners are already using them on their plots. We will analyze the pros and cons of such ...
Mulch - a blanket for the garden
Mulch - a "blanket" for the garden
In early spring, as soon as the snow melts, the wind carries away with it every day up to 60 tons of moisture from each hectare of the plot area. If you dug up a vegetable garden in the fall, then ...
Siderata in the garden
Siderata in the garden
The annual use of the land for growing vegetables gradually leads to its depletion. To fertilize the garden and enrich the composition of the soil, siderates are used. These are very useful plants that are grown from ...
Smart vegetable garden without hassle
Smart vegetable garden without hassle
A vegetable garden is a very troublesome business for many summer residents. In order to significantly reduce the main and very difficult work on the site, you need to use three principles: do not dig, ...
10 gardening innovations that will make your life easier and beautify your garden
10 gardening innovations that will make your life easier and beautify your garden
If you are skeptical about all sorts of innovations in the field of gardening and prefer to dig the beds, plant huge areas of potatoes and weed the weeds for hours the old fashioned way, then this article ...
It's time to open the summer season in March
It's time to open the summer season in March
Many people who are not very knowledgeable in horticultural matters believe that since the green grass has not yet made its way through the snow cover, then get to work on your own ...
How to prepare a summer cottage for winter
How to prepare a summer cottage for winter
With the arrival of frost, you can slightly extend the life of the plants by covering them with old blankets or burlap on cold nights. But a lack of light and a drop in temperature inevitably lead to a stop ...
A vegetable garden on a long narrow section: how to equip?
A vegetable garden on a long narrow section: how to equip?
In the fall, we bought a summer cottage. We are planning to set up a small vegetable garden there, but there is a small problem - the site has the shape of an elongated rectangle.Tell me how you can equip a garden with your own hands on ...
Preparing the soil for tomatoes (growing in the open field)
Preparing the soil for tomatoes (growing in the open field)
Previously, tomatoes were always grown in a greenhouse that was simply opened. This season I want to try to plant seedlings in the garden beds. Tell me how to prepare the soil for tomatoes in ...
How to plan a vegetable garden in a small area?
How to plan a vegetable garden in a small area?
We bought a summer cottage in the fall. There is a small vegetable garden on it, which has not been used for its intended purpose for a long time. We put it in order a little and want to plant it in the spring. Tell me how ...
Garden planning for beginners - the experience of foreign farmers
Garden planning for beginners - the experience of foreign farmers
Are you ready to create your first vegetable garden and wondering how hard it is? Is it enough to just plant a few seeds in the ground, step aside and wait for them to grow? ...
Pigeon droppings as fertilizer for potatoes and tomatoes
Pigeon droppings as fertilizer for potatoes and tomatoes
A neighbor in the country breeds pigeons and recently offered us pigeon droppings. He says that they can be fed vegetables in the garden. Tell me how to use pigeon droppings to fertilize tomatoes ...
Meatlider vegetable garden: where to start?
Meatlider vegetable garden: where to start?
We have the same plots with our neighbors, however, our harvest is often much less. The neighbor says that all the merit lies in the narrow beds that he uses. Tell me why ...
Paths in the garden between the beds: what to make of
Paths in the garden between the beds: what to make of
We have a small vegetable garden in the country, we come there only for the weekend. During the rainy season, the beds are often overgrown, since weeding in the mud is not very convenient. Tell me which one is better ...
How to equip a vegetable garden on a slope?
How to equip a vegetable garden on a slope?
Recently purchased a summer cottage located on a slope. We are planning to set up a small vegetable garden there as possible in order to grow herbs and some vegetables. Advise how to properly equip a vegetable garden on a slope? ...
We split the site and plan the planting relative to the sun
We split the site and plan the planting relative to the sun
Recently purchased a suburban area of ​​15 acres. On it there is only the house itself, there are no plantings. We are planning to set up a small vegetable garden and a small garden at the dacha. Tell me what ...
Garden care in August
Garden care in August
In the spring we bought a summer cottage with a small vegetable garden, planted some vegetables and herbs on it. For our family, this is the first experience of working on land (we live in a city in ...
How to make a vegetable garden in a bottle on a windowsill?
How to make a vegetable garden in a bottle on a windowsill?
Everyone in our family, even children, loves different herbs - parsley, spinach, onion feathers. Especially not enough vitamins on the table in winter. So we decided to try ...
How to deal with a mole in the garden with folk remedies?
How to deal with a mole in the garden with folk remedies?
In the spring, a strange phenomenon appeared in the garden - mounds of earth. First a few, and then more and more. As a result, after a while the garden turned into some kind of minefield ...
How to properly care for your garden in the fall to get a good harvest?
How to properly care for your garden in the fall to get a good harvest?
Last year we bought a dacha with a small vegetable garden. True, the former owners practically did not grow anything on it. And we have grandiose plans for the garden, so I want to ...
How to make money in the garden and what to grow for sale?
How to make money in the garden and what to grow for sale?
I have a plot of 20 acres near the dacha. The next year I decided to make money on it. Tell me what to grow in the garden for sale in order to earn? In our time, before people ...
Is it possible to make a roof garden?
Is it possible to make a roof garden?
Relatives from America were recently visiting. They talked about the harvest of greens and tomatoes they gathered - enough for the whole winter. And they live in the city ...
Choosing beans for your garden
Choosing beans for your garden
Beans have come to our world from time immemorial. Among the world famous plant products, legumes are the main ones in human nutrition. By the amount of beans consumed, they ...
How to grow a juicy sweet pumpkin on your site?
How to grow a juicy sweet pumpkin on your site?
Among the inhabitants of garden beds, pumpkins are not the last in popularity, but in terms of ease of care and ability to be stored for a long time, they have no equal at all. May be, ...
Planting and caring for dill in the open field
Planting and caring for dill in the open field
You can find dill in any garden. A spicy fragrant herb with a lot of useful properties can grow by self-sowing on the plantation, like a weed. But most often the gardener chooses varieties and ...
Root parsley from organic farming
Root parsley from organic farming
Wild varieties of parsley are still found in the eastern Mediterranean region, which makes this area a true homeland of the plant. The first mentions of parsley have reached us ...
Features of curly parsley and the way it is grown
Features of curly parsley and the way it is grown
The history of a person's acquaintance with this culture begins in the Mediterranean countries and dates back to the era of the construction of the pyramids and ancient Hellas. Parsley earned the greatest recognition later, among the Romans, ...
Spicy cilantro on the windowsill of your summer house
Spicy cilantro on the windowsill of your summer house
Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum or coriander, Chinese parsley, kuzbara, shlondra, kalyandra) is an annual, unpretentious, fast-growing spicy herb from the umbelliferae (celery) family. Its seeds and young greens ...
How to choose the right pump for the garden?
How to choose the right pump for the garden?
Every summer resident or amateur gardener knows how important the process of watering in a garden and a personal plot is. Fruit trees, flowers, vegetables, ornamental grass, bushes - all these plants need ...
Arrangement of a garden plot according to Kurdyumov
Arrangement of a garden plot according to Kurdyumov
Nikolai Ivanovich Kurdyumov, an agronomist by education and popularizer of knowledge on practical agriculture, has many followers. They call their land plots, equipped according to his method ...
Igor Lyadov's vegetable garden is a miracle that everyone can do
Igor Lyadov's vegetable garden is a miracle that everyone can do
The longer the land is used to grow crops, the less fertile it becomes. Harvests fall, no matter how much effort is invested in them, but what ...
What spring work in the garden are waiting for summer residents?
What spring work in the garden are waiting for summer residents?
When spring fully comes into its own, summer residents, gardeners and truck farmers have a lot of trouble. However, not everyone knows what work is carried out in the garden in the spring. To figure it out ...
Landscaping of a summer cottage in different styles
Landscaping of a summer cottage in different styles
Each personal plot is a great opportunity to embody original and interesting ideas. The landscape design of the suburban area includes the creation of recreation areas, the arrangement of beautiful reservoirs and ...
Secrets of agricultural technology - how to plant a small garden, with darkening and a poor drainage system
Secrets of agricultural technology - how to plant a small garden, with darkening and a poor drainage system
In order to decide on the vegetables that can be planted in the garden, it is necessary to answer a few general questions: How much time can you spend caring for the garden? ...
The French garden will turn your plot into a fabulous getaway
The French garden will turn your plot into a fabulous getaway
Recently, the French kitchen garden, made by hand, has begun to gain particular popularity. Such a garden will bring an original zest to your site. How is the French vegetable garden different from the usual? French ...
Useful tips on how to organize a garden on the balcony
Useful tips on how to organize a garden on the balcony
How nice it is to pick a fresh tomato from your garden or cut a few twigs of fragrant spicy herbs from green bushes! But, unfortunately, not all city dwellers have ...
Russian vegetable garden
Russian vegetable garden
Excellent harvests without chemicals, small planting areas, growing vegetables according to tradition with a slight amendment to modernity - this is the Russian vegetable garden. From the centuries of the Russian garden ...


