Posts tagged "palm"
Such a beautiful and controversial pandanus - is it possible to keep a luxurious flower at home
What is so special about the pandanus flower, can this plant be kept at home? I bought a young bush at a sale, and the other day a work colleague came to visit, saw ...
Large-sized palm tree for a spacious hall - areca, home care, photo
What kind of lighting does the areca need, home care, can you see a photo of an adult plant? I would like to know what height it reaches the maximum. While I had a young ...
Date palm - home care, photo of adult beauties
Tell us what the date palm loves, does home care (photo is desirable) have any features for it? I already got an adult plant as a keepsake from neighbors, ...
Caring for a palm tree at home - the subtleties of growing exotics
What should be the care of a palm tree at home? I bought an adult tree at a sale, it was a little sick, but I decided to take a chance. I went out to my beauty, and she ...
We study the diseases of the date palm and how to deal with them
Diseases of the date palm can occur for various reasons, but most often due to improper care. In the 19th century, date palms appeared in greenhouses and in the homes of northern residents ...
Date palm at home - the secrets of successful cultivation
What kind of care does a date palm need at home? The plant was presented to me at work, brought it home and now I'm thinking where to put it. She needs a lot of light, or can she ...
Home palms - varieties, photos and names of ornamental plants
Please advise which palms you can plant, varieties, photos and names of plants. We had a large terrace attached along the entire house. Last year, her husband insulated her, and ...
Why do hovea leaves turn yellow and how to help the plant
Hovea is a palm tree with beautiful leaves that can transform a home or office space. The plant is completely unpretentious, but sometimes the leaves of hovea turn yellow, and the tips dry and darken. ...
Palm diseases at home: diagnosis and effective therapy
Exotic cultures are often renowned for their beautiful and unpretentious character. But, unfortunately, palm diseases at home are not uncommon. Such a tragedy in the life of a plant is a consequence ...
Growing a palm tree at home: learning all the intricacies of a difficult craft
Throughout the year, millions of people are attracted by ocean vacations. You can create such an exotic environment on the floors if you correctly organize the cultivation of a palm tree at home. ...
We grow the cicas sago palm at home
One of the most interesting varieties of palms that are used in indoor floriculture is the cicada. This tall ornamental plant with an unusual name has a very beautiful appearance and is considered one ...
Shade-tolerant hamedorea palm
Most palms love good lighting, but there are some that do well in partial shade. This primarily applies to hamedorea or bamboo ...
The unpretentious hovea pinnate palm for your home
The Hovea palm is simply created for those gardeners who dream of such a plant, but are afraid of possible difficulties in caring for it. Of all the varieties of palm trees, this is perhaps the most ...
The most hardy and useful plant is the date palm
Among the wide variety of indoor palms, it is worth highlighting the date palm. Compared to its relatives, this species is distinguished by its special endurance: it rarely gets sick and is practically not attacked ...
Interesting facts about Washington
Washingtonia is the most famous palm used for outdoor gardening and indoor cultivation. Before you get a large plant, you need to learn everything about Washington: interesting facts, breeding features, ...
How to organize competent care of the Washington palm tree at home
Caring for your Washington DC at home can seem a little daunting. But this is only at first glance. In fact, to get a gorgeous plant with a spreading crown and ...
Evergreen tree - palm from plastic bottles
Summer residents who spend the summer on personal plots by the fall are faced with the problem of disposing of plastic containers from all kinds of soft drinks. A plastic bottle palm tree can be an unexpected way to transform ...
Photos with the names of species of domestic palms
The family of palms is very extensive and, according to the last count, includes about 3.5 thousand species. But domestic palms are much less numerous. Not all inhabitants of the tropics of Africa and Eurasia are capable of ...
We grow a date palm at home
Looking at the oblong bones inside the dates loved by kids and adults, many indoor plant lovers wondered: “How does a real date palm grow from such a crumb, and what will happen ...