Posts tagged "saw"
China surprises - 2 kW circular saw
A craftsman who loves to create comfort with his own hands often has to saw wood, plastic and soft metal. Repair / construction in the country is simply unthinkable without a circular saw. Choose the right option for a multifunctional ...
Types and features of a miter saw for wood
A miter saw for wood is a tool that is designed for processing wood products. The device has many advantages. It is a precise, lightweight and easy-to-use tool that can be controlled ...
We equip a home workshop - we install a band saw on wood
Each wood band saw is distinguished by its alloy, width, as well as the size, shape and frequency of the teeth. Poor cut quality is often not caused by a bad blade, but by the wrong blade choice. ...
Choosing a circular saw for wood for work in the workshop
Each type of material or cut requires specific tools. A circular saw for wood can be stationary and mobile, have different power and additional capabilities. There are many options ...