Posts tagged "whitewash"

When to whitewash fruit trees in autumn - important nuances of gardening
When to whitewash fruit trees in autumn - important nuances of gardening
Tell me when to whitewash fruit trees in autumn? We have a young garden, bearing fruit for only a couple of years. In the spring we always pay special attention not only to preventive spraying, but also to whitewashing the trunks. ...
When to whitewash apple trees, from which you can make a solution
When to whitewash apple trees, from which you can make a solution
We bought a summer cottage with a small plot of land. Since the garden was not included in our plans, we decided to lay a small garden so that the land would not be empty. We planted a dozen different varieties of apple trees in the fall, ...
How to properly whitewash trees with lime with copper sulfate?
How to properly whitewash trees with lime with copper sulfate?
Any experienced summer resident knows that fruit or ornamental trees need additional protection of the bark from cold weather, burns and pests. Whitewashing trees with lime with copper sulfate is the most ...
Why do you need whitewashing of fruit trees in spring, the timing of its implementation
Why do you need whitewashing of fruit trees in spring, the timing of its implementation
A mandatory event for a gardener is the whitewashing of fruit trees in the spring, and the climate dictates its timing. It is important to choose dry weather in early spring and carry out protective and preventive treatment of fruit trees. ...
Protecting fruit trees by whitewashing in spring and autumn
Protecting fruit trees by whitewashing in spring and autumn
Whitewashing trees is one of the most important tasks for gardeners. This procedure is carried out in early spring to protect the bark of trees from sunburn. In addition, whitewashing also has an aesthetic function. ...


