Posts tagged "wireworm"
Fighting the wireworm: the gardener's arsenal of natural and chemical "weapons"
What frost, what heat, and the larva of the click beetle survives in any conditions, successfully eating potatoes in the garden. Wireworm control can include both agronomic measures and the use of ...
When and how mustard is used against wireworm
When mustard is used against wireworms, in addition to killing the larvae, the earth is also enriched and rests. In order to carry out a fight correctly, one should know when and at what time to carry out a fight like this ...
How to kill wireworm in garden plots
The wireworm is a larva that gets its name from the hardness of its body, since the larva itself is very difficult to crush with your hands. However, destruction must be carried out on garden plots ...
How to fight a wireworm: effective ways and methods
Any garden planting is susceptible to attack by various larvae, beetles and pests. Controlling wireworms and other pests is a necessary crop conservation measure. For this fight to be ...
How to get rid of a wireworm: folk remedies and chemicals
Tell me how to get rid of the wireworm? They began to dig up potatoes and were horrified: almost all the tubers were in holes. Of course, I can still clean it for cooking. But it was ...
How to protect potatoes from wireworm
Wireworms live in the ground, and when planting potatoes, it is very important to protect the plantation from this pest. Protecting potatoes from wireworms will be effective, because in addition to what wireworms love ...
Effective methods of dealing with the click beetle
The clicker beetle or wireworm, as it is also called, belongs to the group of parasitic insects. In nature, there are about 2500 species that can be found all over the world. The main place ...
Help get rid of the wireworm
We had a good harvest of potatoes this year, but then we were upset to see that most of the tubers were spoiled by wireworms. Dear summer residents! Advise how to get this attack from the site, what ...
How to get rid of a wireworm?
The main enemy of potato plantings is traditionally the Colorado potato beetle. But if the damage from this pest of potatoes and its larvae on the tops is noticeable with the naked eye, then the losses from stay ...
Preparing the next harvest - fighting the wireworm
Wireworms are yellowish to the touch, very tough worms up to 3 centimeters long, which cause great harm to our crops. Most of all, potato crops are susceptible to this pest. Himself by ...