Posts tagged "reproduction"
Note to flower growers: how Fatshedera reproduces, all possible ways
Tell me how Fatshedera reproduces? I already have a large bush, it has such long branches that I had to put up a ladder and twist them around the support. But it turned out beautifully ...
Subtleties and rules for reproduction of crossandra by seeds and cuttings
Crossandra is an ornamental plant from the tropics, distinguished by its luxurious appearance, fragility and capricious "character". Reproduction of crossandra at home occurs in two ways - by cuttings and ...
What care does a slipway need at home
There are plants that require minimal attention from the grower. Such crops include stocks. Caring for the slipway at home is simple. This succulent plant is named after the doctor Van ...
We breed conifers at home quickly and easily - how to grow thuja from a twig
Tell us in detail how to grow a thuja from a twig. I was on a business trip, I saw my old dream in the park - one with yellow needles. I wanted to collect cones, but not ...
How to propagate hawthorn: effective ways to grow a shrub with healthy berries without financial costs
In the middle of summer, hawthorn, a beautiful shrub covered with blood-red, orange berries, ripens in gardens and orchards. Many people want to grow it at home, but do not know ...
Growing grapes with cuttings at home - a short guide for beginner winegrowers
Tell us how grapes are grown by cuttings at home. When is it better to harvest cuttings and is it possible to cut the vine for the winter? We are going to visit distant relatives in the fall, ...
Tamarix - planting and care, reproduction of charming and unpretentious beads
Please tell us what tamarix is, planting and care, reproduction of this plant. I saw it in a catalog in one of the online stores, I wanted to order, but they had already taken everything apart. Booked seedlings ...
Vegetative propagation of a cactus: the main methods and their features
Vegetative propagation of a cactus is an easy way to grow a young plant with a beautiful, lush flowering, which does not cause any particular difficulties for flower growers. Plants root well and give minimal ...
How to propagate cyclamen - all ways to get new plants at home
Advise how to propagate cyclamen? A beautiful bush was presented to me by a friend, and now everyone who comes to visit admires my crimson flowers and asks for them. For a couple of years he ...
How to grow an orchid from a peduncle - three easy ways to get babies
Tell us how to grow an orchid from a peduncle? I gave my friend a very beautiful variety, I don't know the name, but its flowers are dark purple, almost black. How many then ...
How to grow raspberry uterine root - we propagate your favorite variety simply and quickly
Tell me how to grow raspberry uterine root? I bought a variety with yellow berries this year. The seedling was already grown, so I even managed to try a couple of berries. They turned out to be ...
How to propagate Forster's plectrantus - we grow a colorful carpet in pots and in a flower bed
Tell me how to propagate Forster's plectrantus. A friend bought herself a bush with very beautiful variegated leaves.Since I love these plants, I immediately started asking for a “piece”. If we cut a twig ...
Reproduction of beloperone - how to quickly get new flowers - shrimp
Tell me how the reproduction of beloperone occurs. I saw this flowering bush visiting friends and just fell in love with it. She asked to share, but the hostess said that you need to wait until ...
Reproduction of hydrangeas - all available ways to get new bushes
Explain how hydrangea propagates. We bought a dacha and as a bonus I, an avid florist, received a gorgeous bush with just huge raspberry inflorescences. It was my dream to fulfill ...
Reproduction of fuchsia by cuttings at home: tips and tricks
Reproduction of fuchsia by cuttings at home is one of the simplest ways to breed a flower you like. A lot of experience and serious knowledge is not required for this - it is enough to act carefully, ...
How to propagate allium - we breed blooming balls
Tell me how to propagate an allium? Last year I bought one bush for trial. When it bloomed, I just fell in love with this huge lilac ball. I want to plant a whole bed along ...
Reproduction of peperomia by a leaf - secrets and subtleties of the procedure
Tell me how the reproduction of peperomia by a leaf occurs. I have a wonderful small bush with beautiful leaves - hearts. Recently he suffered a little from a cat: the animal touched the pot, ...
Reproduction of nephrolepis in all available ways
Tell us how nephrolepis multiplies. They gave me a young bush, and my friend, as she saw, wanted to herself. Asks for a scion, but how to get it? Looked like ...
Reproduction of lilies by scales: an easy way to breed flowers
Reproduction of lilies by scales is an uncomplicated vegetative way of growing flowers of the variety you like. In this case, it is possible to get a lot of plants with all the traits and characteristics of the parent specimen. Phased reproduction ...
How to propagate Kampsis - all ways to get a new vine
Tell me how to propagate Kampsis? We have a good high arch in our yard, there used to be grapes on it, but it gradually disappeared. There are a couple of table varieties left and that's enough for us, ...
How to propagate zygocactus - choose the simplest and most effective way
Tell me how to propagate a zygocactus. I have been looking at my friend's flowers for a long time, and I especially like the white Decembrist. I also have a zygocactus, only pink. We want to exchange with her like ...
Reproduction of blueberries is a delicate, but rewarding business
Can you tell me how blueberries breed? I have two bushes growing, they are already three years old. There are not many berries, but we have enough. Once I treated my godfather with jam, so she ...
Reproduction of forsythia by cuttings in spring and summer: advice from experienced summer residents
Gardeners living in the middle lane practice forsythia propagation by cuttings in the spring. Harvesting of planting material is carried out either in the summer or at the end of autumn. In June, green shoots are selected, and in ...
Achimenes flower, care and reproduction at home
Hello, I am very interested in the achimenes flower, plant care and reproduction. A friend shared a young bush with beautiful raspberry inflorescences. He came to me already blooming, while he feels good. ...
Reproduction of Afelandra - how to quickly and easily get new beautiful bushes
Tell me, how does Afelandra reproduce? A young bush was presented to me by employees at work, and for the third year now, it pleases me with its flowering. At home I put the pot on ...
How to propagate nolina or bokarney: two proven methods
Tell me how to multiply nolin? This wonderful flower was presented to me by my work colleagues, and it took root well in my apartment.I often go on business trips, but my tree ...
How to propagate mallow: we breed a stock-rose on the site
The beautiful mallow was undeservedly forgotten for a long time and was considered “grandmother's flower”, but today it is becoming popular again. If you have seen her bloom at least once, you probably wondered ...
It is important to know how to root plumeria in order to grow a beautiful plant
Before rooting a plumeria, you need to study the theory thoroughly. This will allow you to breed exotic plants at home. The tree in natural conditions grows up to 1.5-3 m in height, ...
How to propagate linden by cuttings - an easy and quick way to get a lot of seedlings
Tell us how to propagate linden by cuttings? I have long wanted to plant it, but in our nurseries this crop is sold extremely rarely. Recently I was visiting a friend and saw ...
Reproduction of the ludisia orchid: three easy ways to get new plants
Please tell us how the ludisia orchid reproduces? The flower was presented to me by my work colleagues and almost immediately "signed up" in the queue for the children. For a year, the bush is not very ...
Acacia propagation by cuttings: methods and timing
Please tell us how to propagate acacia by cuttings? Our site is located on the edge of the village, the dimensions are quite large, almost 40 acres. They put up a fence from the street, but the vegetable garden for now ...
Hoya propagation by cuttings - the secrets of successful rooting
Thanks to its long lashes and decorative appearance, this vine will turn your home into a jungle in a short time. In a short time, the reproduction of hoya will help to get many new plants ...
Cutting rosemary is the fastest way to get a lush spicy bush
In flower shops, you can often find pots with lush rosemary bushes. However, there is also a more affordable way to grow fragrant herb - this is by cutting rosemary. If the price is for ...
Simple reproduction of chokeberry
Black-chokeberry propagation is carried out in several ways. Among a number of methods, the most popular is seed and layering. It is they that allow you to preserve the maternal qualities of the plant. Reproduction of chokeberry: the most ...
Reproduction of bacopa by cuttings is an easy and quick way to get young lush bushes
Many gardeners grow perennial bacopa as an annual, because it cannot survive the winter in the garden. Did you know that propagating bacopa by cuttings will help you avoid the annual ...
How larch reproduces: two ways to get a new tree
Tell us how larch reproduces? The neighbors in the country house just have a gorgeous tree, I just got sick with it. Last year I approached the owners and asked for a cutting. They gave a few, I ...
Reproduction of yoshta in a vegetative way: how to quickly get new plants
If there is one yoshta bush in your garden, but it is not enough for you, in a short time you can get a lot of seedlings by rooting cuttings. Vegetative reproduction of yoshta by this method gives ...
Mountain ash propagation methods: cuttings, grafting, seed method
There are different ways of mountain ash propagation. All of them are effective if you follow simple recommendations. Proper procurement of planting material and appropriate care is the key to a beautiful and abundantly flowering tree. Rowan ...
How the Decembrist reproduces: all possible ways
Tell us how the Decembrist reproduces? I was presented with a wonderful bush with huge purple flowers and my friends just tortured me. Everyone wants such plants for themselves, but I don't ...
How to propagate a dollar tree at home
Tell me how to propagate a dollar tree? My friend has a very beautiful large bush and I have been asking her for a "piece" for a long time.But we just can't find the offshoots ...
Propagation of laurel by cuttings is an interesting activity for gardeners
The fresh foliage of an exotic indoor tree will revive any room, be it an apartment, house or office. Therefore, the propagation of laurel by cuttings attracts the attention of many gardeners who are ready to painstakingly grow this pretty ...
How to propagate dracaena: cuttings, sow seeds, make air layers
Tell me how to propagate dracaena? Once I was presented with a young palm tree, over the years it has grown into a gorgeous bush. Now everyone who is in the house is asking for a "piece" of palm tree. Yes I ...
How to germinate grape cuttings, time and subtleties of their harvesting
Tell me how to germinate grape cuttings? The neighbor promised in the fall, after pruning, to share his table variety. Then what to do with the vine and how to store it in the winter? Where to root ...
Reproduction of clematis by seeds: tips for beginners
Even a novice amateur florist can plant clematis in his garden so that a blooming, eye-pleasing liana grows from the seeds. Reproduction of clematis by seeds requires some skills and knowledge, but everything ...
How to propagate dogwood yourself?
There are several ways to propagate dogwood: seeds, layering, dividing the bush, root suckers, and grafting. Subject to all the rules and a clear sequence of actions, any method will bring an excellent ...
Reproduction of fittonia: methods and features of the procedure
Lush bushes with fluffy hanging stems and original foliage covered with a colored net ... Even if you do not plan to breed Fittonia, you will have to do it over time. She grows very ...
Successful propagation of clematis by cuttings
Amateur gardeners and professional gardeners pay special attention to such an important process as the propagation of clematis by cuttings. It is this method that makes it possible to obtain several more copies of your favorite plant variety. Process ...
Reproduction of cotoneaster: 4 main ways
Reproduction of a cotoneaster can be carried out in several ways. Each method has its own advantages and characteristics. If you know the basic rules for planting a shrub, then it will develop well, bear fruit abundantly and ...
Reproduction of aucuba: methods and their features
Aucuba is one of the most ornamental plants, which is now often used for gardening at home. The flower has earned such popularity thanks to its foliage, so many are interested in the reproduction of the aucuba. Flower ...
Reproduction of magnolia by cuttings, seeds
Reproduction of magnolia occurs according to the same principles as other ornamental shrubs. Conventionally, two main methods can be distinguished: by seeds and by a vegetative method. Using any of them, you ...
Reproduction of zamiokulkas: cuttings or leaves
How pleasant it is to contemplate at home two, three or four, but better, of course, five luxurious dollar trees. In this regard, many gardeners are interested in how ...
Reproduction of poinsettia: difficult grafting
Although the most beautiful euphorbia is a seasonal crop, many people still want to have several luxurious specimens of this handsome man on their window. In this case, the reproduction of poinsettia must be carried out without ...
How ferns breed: four ways to get a new plant
Explain, please, how ferns breed? I brought a bush from a business trip, and then a friend came to visit. Now everything does not lag behind me, asks for such a flower. ...
Croton propagation: an overview of two different ways
Croton breeding is a wonderful opportunity to expand your greenhouse. Since the houseplant has the fame of a capricious flower, it is necessary to choose the most suitable method for dividing it.As a result, culture is not only ...
Reproduction of hosts in no time
The end of August is a great time to divide perennial crops. The hosts also breed in the spring. As soon as cone-shaped shoots hatch from the soil, they are immediately dug out, completely ...
How to propagate aloe at home: 4 simple ways
Tell me how to propagate aloe at home? About three years ago I bought medicinal aloe from my grandmother at the market. The bush has grown well during this time, but that's just us ...
How to plant an orchid: terms and methods
Help with advice on how to plant an orchid. My beauty has already become so big that it will soon fall out of the pot. Once upon a time they gave me one young bush. Probably, he liked me, ...
Reproduction of clivia by seeds 4 years long
A majestic tropical lily bush should decorate not only one place, but also be in every part of the house. Therefore, the propagation of clivia by seeds is carried out at the right time and the right ...
Viburnum propagation by layering: an easy way of success
When a plant is tasty, and even more useful, then, of course, you want to have several dozen of its copies in the garden. Therefore, propagation of viburnum by layering is a simple and not laborious way ...
How weigela reproduces - the best ways
Weigela is very popular among gardeners for its lush and long flowering. It is not surprising that many are interested in the question of how weigela reproduces. This is no big deal: the deciduous shrub weigelu ...
How to propagate ficus: two ways of grafting and obtaining air layers
Tell me how to propagate ficus? A neighbor has long been asking me to exchange flowers, and I myself want to have another plant. Once I tried to root a leaf, but nothing ...
How to propagate hydrangea: effective ways
Hydrangea is a popular plant because of its decorative qualities due to its beautiful flowers. How to propagate hydrangea is known to many experienced gardeners. There are several ways and everyone chooses the most suitable and ...
Rooting a rose from a bouquet: three popular ways
Tell me how to root a rose from a bouquet? My husband gave my favorite white roses, which I have been hunting for two years now, and all to no avail - to a local store ...
Two popular ways to propagate quince: cuttings and young shoots
The tart sweet and sour fruits of quince are not to everyone's liking, but those who appreciated their taste and aroma dream of growing this culture in their garden and are not limited to one tree. ...
Growing a rose from a cutting: how to do it
Tell me how to grow a rose from a cutting? A neighbor has a very beautiful variety of climbing rose, I have been asking her for a long time to share and keep a place for a bush near the gazebo, and recently ...
Three ways of reproduction of dendrobium orchids
Tell me how the dendrobium orchid reproduces? I was presented with a very beautiful variety with raspberry inflorescences, so my sister has been asking for a "piece" for the second year already. Previously, my bush was young ...
What you need to know about propagation of adenium by cuttings
My old adenium is already so big it won't fit on a window. I want to cut it thoroughly in the spring, but it's a pity to throw it away. Tell us how to properly propagate adenium by cuttings. IN ...
Aloe propagation methods
Growing aloe is not troublesome. Providing it with good lighting, and avoiding waterlogging, you can soon get a powerful tree or a compact lush bush, depending on ...
We propagate guzmania by children: when and how to do it correctly
Flower growers involved in the cultivation of guzmania are well aware of one of their peculiarities that distinguishes these plants from other flowers: at a time when the latter usually bloom annually, guzmania blooms ...
Breeding rules for bearded irises or how to divide an old bush
Among the wide variety of iris species, bearded irises are perhaps, if not the most beautiful, then one of the most charming representatives of these flowers. From other plant species they are easy ...
Three easy ways to breed Fittonia
Tell me how to propagate Fittonia? Last year I bought a beautiful plant with red leaves, so all my friends were already in line for him. I didn’t give it before, because ...
Two ways of propagation of aglaonema by cuttings
One of the easiest and fastest ways to propagate aglaonemes is to cut them. Most often, the reproduction of a plant is carried out in parallel with its "pruning", that is, when the shoots are on the bush ...
Learning to properly care for the zygocactus
In winter, you can often see bushes on the windowsills, strewn with bright pink, crimson or white flowers at the ends of the branches. This zygocactus is a plant of the genus epiphytic cacti. We have it ...
Three ways to reproduce fruit trees
Fruit trees bring large yields of fruit, which is why many gardeners want to propagate them on their site. Vaccinations do not always take root on the rootstock, so novice gardeners can use others ...
Reproduction of astilba by dividing the bush
Most gardeners who grow astilba for the first time on their site plant it with seeds. This method is not bad and allows you to get a large number of seedlings at once. However, if in a private garden either ...
We propagate a cactus at home
I got a cactus from my grandmother, I don't know the exact name. It is already very old and just huge, but it's a pity to throw it out - it blooms very beautifully. I was waiting for the kids to plant ...
When and how to separate children from Guzmania?
In the spring they gave me a blooming guzmania. Now it is almost dry, but there are already quite large young plants in the pot. Tell me if you need to transplant them into a separate flowerpot and ...
Two easy ways to get new gloxinia plants - leaf propagation
One of the simplest and most affordable methods for propagating gloxinia is leaf cuttings. Often the bush loses its compact shape and begins to stretch. You can return it to its former appearance by cutting ...
Propagating indoor bougainvillea by cuttings
Cutting bougainvillea is one of the fastest options to get a new plant in a short time. Of no less importance is the factor that with this method of reproduction young ...
Propagating azalea by cuttings: the secrets of successful rooting
Almost everyone loves indoor azalea beauties, because they delight with their flowering when most of the plants are already resting. It is quite easy to grow a whole blooming windowsill using the cuttings method. ...
We propagate spirea by green cuttings
One of the most unpretentious shrubs for a garden plot - spiraea is not only easy to care for, but also reproduces very easily. Most often, flower growers use this method, ...
The original way of reproduction of the hippeastrum by dividing a large bulb
Hippeastrum is a bulbous plant. Many people grow it at home, like an indoor flower. There are over 200 varieties of hippeastvum. There are pink, red, white and yellow flowers with different ...
Spirea propagation by layering and its spring pruning
Spirea is a tenacious shrub. This plant can take root even in heavy clay soil. It is very easy to care for the plant, the main thing is to maintain a constant soil moisture at 60%. ...
We carry out the propagation of spirea with green cuttings
Spirea is a flowering shrub, unpretentious to keeping conditions. There are over 500 varieties of this plant. Spirea can be propagated in several ways. One of the simplest is propagation by green cuttings. ...
Two methods of breeding actinidia
Actinidia arguta is a small-fruited subspecies of actinidia that can be grown in cold climates. Some varieties of this subspecies can withstand frosts down to -26 ° C.Chinese actinidia is a large-fruited subspecies of the plant. He ...
Thuja easily and simply propagates by cuttings
Popular coniferous crops in nature are more often propagated by seeds or vegetatively. But in nurseries and among gardeners, thuja propagation by cuttings in spring is more common, allowing: to save time and ...
How to grow a Syrian hibiscus in a summer cottage
Garden hibiscus is a very beautiful flower. In the twentieth century, more than 250 varieties of this garden plant were bred. Some bushes can grow up to 3 m in height, and ...
Propagation of hyacinths in an efficient industrial way
Hyacinths are unpretentious to the conditions of detention. These flowers, like all bulbous ones, can rot and die only with excessive watering and stagnant water. Suitable for growing hyacinths ...
Cutting is the best way to propagate blackberries
Blackberries have already become widespread in Russia. Breeders have bred more than 100 varieties of this crop. Among them there are varieties with thorns, as well as thornless varieties. Large-fruited and ...
We grow brugmansia: features of care and methods of reproduction
I was presented with an adult brugmansia in a tub. I don’t know what to do with her, because I’ve seen such a miracle for the first time, and then my mother also asked for a “piece”. Tell me how ...
We propagate boxwood by cuttings
Boxwood is an ornamental perennial shrub. Many landscape designers use it when creating a hedge. The evergreen shrub tolerates shearing well and can therefore be given any shape. ...
Learning how to independently propagate juniper cuttings
Juniper is a popular coniferous culture for decorating a garden or park. Reproduction of juniper by cuttings in spring allows you to get strong young plants most quickly and easily. Features of structure and reproduction ...
Proper planting, care and pruning of jasmine is the key to abundant flowering
The cultural "requests" of a tropical plant are simple, but require consistency from the grower. The planting and care of the jasmine shrub (photo) has features, subject to which the plant will delight with abundant flowering, like ...
Everything you need to know about Thuja West Smaragd
Modern landscape design is a whole science. And even if you have never studied it, you will still be known as an expert if your garden is decorated with the magnificent western thuja Smaragd. It ...
The secret of a flawless landscape - rocky juniper
Modern landscape design is not complete without conifers, they make the surrounding landscape saturated, bright and unusual, filling it with color, aroma and texture as much as possible. Rocky juniper - ...
Features of reproduction and pruning of blackberries in the country
Russian summer residents are happy to cultivate such berries as blackberries, the care, cultivation, reproduction and pruning of which is not difficult. Blackberries are rich in nutrients and vitamins, taste better ...
Reproduction of honeysuckle and care of seedlings
Honeysuckle is very fond of sunny areas, but the bushes do not grow well in higher elevations. Also, the plant does not tolerate stagnant water well. Therefore, you need to plant honeysuckle in a well-prepared planting pit on ...
How to revive discounted alocasia and propagate it with nodules
In flower shops, you can often find discounted alocasia. Due to the fact that the plants have certain defects (loss of decorative appearance, damaged or fallen leaves), they are sold according to ...
Chrysanthemum cuttings rules
Chrysanthemum is an unpretentious flower, so you can cut up to 60% of the mother bush. Green cuttings of chrysanthemums are carried out from mid-May to early July.For cuttings, it is necessary to prepare fertile soil ...
Plant propagation by means of green cuttings
Every 5-10 years it is necessary to update the planting of shrubs in the garden, but it is not always possible to find the right variety on the market or in the nursery. The solution to the problem is to multiply shrubs in the way ...