Posts tagged "rowan"
How to make chokeberry wine - step by step instructions for beginners
Tell me how to make wine from chokeberry? We walked with our grandson in the woods, found just a huge bush, all covered with berries. They picked up a whole basket, although we were going for mushrooms. ...
Prepare red rowan jam - the benefits and harms of an amazing treat
In what cases can you eat red rowan jam for medicinal purposes, what are the benefits and harms of such a dessert? I only know that it boosts immunity well, ...
Fragrant and healthy black mountain ash - recipes for the winter for health and not only
This year, I was especially pleased with the harvest of the black mountain ash; I began to collect recipes for the winter of these berries in the summer. I found several types of jam, I want to prepare not so much for ...
Chokeberry wine - a simple recipe for a divine drink
Tell me how to make wine from chokeberry, a simple recipe for lazy people like me. We bought a house, there is an old garden in which several large rowan bushes grow. ...
Simple reproduction of chokeberry
Black-chokeberry propagation is carried out in several ways. Among a number of methods, the most popular is seed and layering. It is they that allow you to preserve the maternal qualities of the plant. Reproduction of chokeberry: the most ...
Useful properties of mountain ash - one of the most healing berries
Our ancestors knew that mountain ash can help with various diseases. The beneficial properties of mountain ash make it one of the most popular medicinal plants. Wherein ...
Black rowan is a beautiful, tasty and healthy shrub for your garden
Many of us remember the taste of red rowan berries from childhood, but not everyone knows that they can be of a different color. Rowan black is better known ...
Rowan Nevezhinskaya - sweet-fruited variety
Rowan Nevezhinskaya is a unique plant that has long been used in landscape design due to its elegant and slender tree shape. And the mountain ash is not only ...
Rowan pomegranate - a delicious dessert variety for real gourmets
Even our grandmothers always knew that rowan berries become sweet and lose their astringency only after the first frost. But there is one variety that can be consumed in September ...
Is it possible to eat red mountain ash
Tell me, is it possible to eat fresh mountain ash and how much? I remember that as a child, my grandmother always had whole bunches of bitter red berries in the pantry. As soon as ...
Useful properties of red rowan, possible contraindications
Bright scarlet clusters, sprinkled with snow, are created not only to decorate a gray tree in winter. The beneficial properties of red mountain ash have long attracted the attention of traditional healers. They actively used it for ...
We study the diseases of mountain ash and begin the fight
There are various diseases of rowan ordinary. But if you know how to deal with them, you can grow a beautiful and healthy tree that will delight you with abundant flowering and colorful berries. Diseases ...
Mountain ash propagation methods: cuttings, grafting, seed method
There are different ways of mountain ash propagation. All of them are effective if you follow simple recommendations.Proper procurement of planting material and appropriate care is the key to a beautiful and abundantly flowering tree. Rowan ...
Black chokeberry recipes for all occasions
Chokeberry (chokeberry) recipes are quite numerous. These are compotes, liqueurs, jams, preserves, adjika and others. All of these options are perfectly stored in winter. In addition to the fact that the mountain ash is clogged, it can be ...
Are you familiar with the beneficial properties of chokeberry?
Aronia, known as black chokeberry, was included in the number of medicinal ones back in the 60s of the last century. This was facilitated by the beneficial properties of chokeberry. What is Aronia Chokeberry ...
Known species and varieties of mountain ash for planting in the country
Currently, there are different types and varieties of mountain ash. All of them differ from each other not only in a set of positive and healing qualities, but also in appearance. What varieties ...
Chokeberry and red rowan compote for the winter
Experienced housewives brew unusual drinks with a tart taste from bright autumn berries. Today we will tell you how to make chokeberry compote for the winter and of course from ...
How to close chokeberry juice for the winter?
Chokeberry is healthy and nutritious fresh, in canned jars, and even the juice from it is no less healing. To make chokeberry juice on ...