Posts tagged "grid"

Types and rules of self-production of a trellis mesh for cucumbers
Types and rules of self-production of a trellis mesh for cucumbers
The trellis net for cucumbers is a convenient and practical design that helps to form a neat bush and control the direction of its growth. This vegetable crop is characterized by very fast growth and ...
What is the best shading mesh for greenhouses and how to choose
What is the best shading mesh for greenhouses and how to choose
Greenhouse shading net is an effective means of protecting plants from excess sunlight. A greenhouse organization with shading provides protection against temperature extremes and maintains the required level of humidity. ...
Invisible mesh climbing plant from China
"Invisible" mesh support for climbing plants from China
Many have long been working on the beds of their greenhouses and "window-sill plantations", yet the opening of the garden season is still ahead. In this regard, you need to thoroughly prepare for it. ...
How to properly mount a chain-link fence in a summer cottage
How to properly mount a chain-link fence in a summer cottage
Installing a chain-link fence is the easiest and most inexpensive way to mark the boundaries of your summer cottage. A sufficiently strong metal mesh "rescues" our compatriots when delimiting ...
Bird & Insect Net Made in China
Bird & Insect Net Made in China
Searching for a specific variety, waiting for seeds to germinate and transplanting plants into open ground - vegetables and fruits grown with your own hands always become a subject of special pride. For this reason ...


