Posts tagged "siderates"
Sowing mustard in the fall - when to dig up the beds
I want to sow mustard in the fall, when to dig it up? I used to sow in the spring and by the summer the site had already been processed and dug up. And what to do with the autumn crops of green manure? ...
What is green manure for the garden or how to fertilize the soil without chemistry
Tell a summer resident - a beginner what green manure is for a garden. This year we purchased a plot, we are completing the construction of the house, and we plan to move there for permanent residence in the winter. Although the buildings ...
Buckwheat as green manure: fertilizing the soil without chemicals
It is no secret that the cultivated land eventually becomes poor in nutrients, which invariably affects the harvest. Fans of organic farming know that buckwheat as a green manure is excellent ...
We sow rye in autumn as a green manure to improve soil composition
To restore the fertility and structure of the soil, organic fertilizers are systematically applied to the soil. However, if the farm does not have cow dung, then gardeners try to sow rye in the fall as a siderat. ...
Succulent vetch grass is a healthy food and a pretty plant
Vetch is one of the most popular legumes. It is widely used for green and dry animal feed. They are sown in the fields as fertilizer, for ...
Delightful solo - crop rotation and green manure
At the end of summer, gardeners begin to gradually relax. However, this is a great time to apply crop rotation and green manure to improve soil quality. They collect potatoes, onions, ...
The use of greenhouse crops in greenhouses
Green manure is a green fertilizer that enriches the soil with trace elements and minerals. In greenhouses, natural fertilizers are sown in early August, even before the vegetables are harvested. Siderates perform ...
Preparing green manure for winter
Siderata are crops that saturate the soil with trace elements necessary for the growth and development of other cultivated plants. It is a natural green fertilizer. They perform the function of mulching, loosening and structuring the soil ...
Sowing siderates in a warm bed
Supporters of natural agriculture categorically do not recommend digging up the fertile soil layer, since when digging, microorganisms die, and its fertility decreases. In order to structure the soil, gardeners plant ...
Natural farming. Three groups of siderates
In natural agriculture, the only way to structure the soil is used - sowing siderates in the garden. These plants enrich the soil with microelements that increase its fertility. Siderata are divided into three groups: ...
We grow peas as green manure and fertilizer
Peas are an annual leguminous plant whose fruiting period ends in mid-summer. Many gardeners are waiting for the beginning of autumn to mow dry shrub stalks and cover the soil with them under ...
Green manure green manure for the personal plot
For a long time I want to try to sow part of the garden with green manure. A neighbor recommends this method to improve the structure and composition of the soil, he himself has been sowing rye in turn for several years ...
Fast growing green manure oil radish
We were not very lucky with the soil in the summer cottage - the earth there is heavy, clayey.It takes effort to get the harvest. I want to try sowing a part this season ...
Siderata in the garden
The annual use of the land for growing vegetables gradually leads to its depletion. To fertilize the garden and enrich the composition of the soil, siderates are used. These are very useful plants that are grown with ...
Rye as fertilizer for potatoes
Heard a lot about the use of green manure in growing garden crops. I would like to try sowing rye on a potato plot this season. Tell me how to properly use rye in the garden for ...
Using lupine to fertilize potatoes
I noticed that with each harvest of potatoes, the tubers are becoming smaller and more often sick. A neighbor advised sowing lupines. Tell me how to use lupine when fertilizing potatoes? Probably doesn't exist ...
Why do you need siderates for potatoes
Surely, many gardeners know that almost any agricultural crop must be planted in a new place every year (this is necessary so that the soil does not deplete). Potatoes are no exception. True, ...