Posts tagged "content"

Keeping chickens regularly in cages - saving space and profitable profit
Keeping chickens regularly in cages - saving space and profitable profit
Keeping chickens in cages is the most efficient way to raise poultry. To organize it, you will not need a huge room and area for walking. Therefore, summer residents who have small ...
Kuban red breed of chickens: the main features of excellent layers
Kuban red breed of chickens: the main features of excellent layers
The Kuban red breed of chickens is a successful hybrid or cross, created by domestic breeders. This breed has several names. It is also known as UK Kuban-7 or Kuban laying hen. Chickens ...
Keeping goats in winter without heating is just a dry and light goat house
Keeping goats in winter without heating is just a dry and light goat house
Tell us about keeping goats in the winter without heating and the minimum allowable temperature in the barn. We have little grandchildren, they get very sick with colds during the season, so my wife decided to have ...
The most unpretentious pets - how to keep snails at home
The most unpretentious pets - how to keep snails at home
The son has been asking for a long time to buy him snails, he has already taken the old aquarium from his grandmother, left after the fish. Tell us how to keep snails at home? They sell in our store ...
Turkeys - breeding and keeping diet poultry at home
Turkeys - breeding and keeping diet poultry at home
Please tell us about turkeys, breeding and keeping at home. Previously, ducks were always kept, but recently my husband was diagnosed with an ulcer, now he cannot eat fat. We decided to go to ...
How to care for an unusual pony pet
How to care for an unusual pony pet
Despite their exotic appearance, ponies are quite common on many farms. Their living conditions are somewhat different from large horses, not every breeder knows how to care for a pony ...
Successful breeding of rabbits of the Soviet chinchilla breed
Successful breeding of rabbits of the Soviet chinchilla breed
The Soviet chinchilla is one of the most popular and demanded breeds of rabbits, attracting the attention of Russian farmers and breeders for its unpretentious care and excellent meat and skin characteristics. Breeding rabbits Soviet ...


