Posts tagged "Jerusalem artichoke"

Miracle root for all diseases: useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke and contraindications
Miracle root for all diseases: useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke and contraindications
Please tell us what useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke and contraindications this plant has. Recently, I was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, the doctor prescribed to take pills once a day and adhere to ...
Jerusalem artichoke syrup: the benefits and harms of a wonderful drink
Jerusalem artichoke syrup: the benefits and harms of a wonderful drink
Jerusalem artichoke is a perennial tuberous plant, popularly known as "earthen pear" or "bulb". Jerusalem artichoke syrup, the benefits and harms of which surprise people who have learned a little more about it, ...
How to use Jerusalem artichoke and how it is useful for the body
How to use Jerusalem artichoke and how it is useful for the body
Tell me how to use Jerusalem artichoke? A neighbor gave tubers for cultivation, and now our first crop is ripening in the beds. I planted him on purpose, because for two years now, as ...
Recipes for cooking a variety of dishes from Jerusalem artichoke
Recipes for cooking a variety of dishes from Jerusalem artichoke
Recipes for cooking delicious and healthy dishes from Jerusalem artichoke are of interest to many gardeners who grow a plant on their plots. Its root is used as a remedy because it possesses ...
Growing Jerusalem artichoke at their summer cottage
Growing Jerusalem artichoke at their summer cottage
Jerusalem artichoke is considered the most unpretentious plant. It is propagated by dividing the rhizome. This crop is planted in a sunny spot on the site. With good watering and dressing, large yields can be harvested. Record indicators ...
Useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke
Useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke
Jerusalem artichoke is a very healthy vegetable. The roots of this plant are eaten in Japan. Jerusalem artichoke occupies a special place in the cuisine of Asian countries. In India and China, its roots ...
Jerusalem artichoke growing technology for maximum yield
Jerusalem artichoke growing technology for maximum yield
Jerusalem artichoke is called an earthen pear because of the characteristic shape of the wild plant's roots. Pakistan is considered the birthplace of this culture. Jerusalem artichoke is widespread in Asia, Japan and China. In Russia ...
How to grow Jerusalem artichoke in the country?
How to grow Jerusalem artichoke in the country?
I have diabetes and recently I heard that it is very useful to eat the fruits of the earthen pear. And then a neighbor brought me some Jerusalem artichoke tubers. Tell me how to grow Jerusalem artichoke in the country? ...
Growing earthen pear (Jerusalem artichoke)
Growing earthen pear (Jerusalem artichoke)
A neighbor brought me a dozen Jerusalem artichoke "potatoes". He greatly praises its taste and medicinal properties. I also decided to try to grow this plant in the country. Tell me what is ...
About the benefits and dangers of Jerusalem artichoke tubers for the human body
About the benefits and dangers of Jerusalem artichoke tubers for the human body
Tall Jerusalem artichoke plants visible from afar are hard to miss at their summer cottage. Not only that the tubers of this culture are not inferior to potatoes in nutritional properties, they have long been well studied ...
Jerusalem artichoke can and should be grown in a summer cottage
Jerusalem artichoke can and should be grown in a summer cottage
The Russians first got acquainted with Jerusalem artichoke as a garden crop relatively recently. But thanks to the record endurance of the plant, the benefits of its tubers and high yield, the cultivation of Jerusalem artichoke aroused interest in ...


