Posts tagged "thuya"
Thuja in the Urals - planting and caring for evergreen beauty
Tell me how thuja behaves in the Urals, does the planting and caring for this tree have any peculiarities? My wife ordered four seedlings and wants to plant them along the fence. But u ...
The best ways to cover thuja for the winter
Advise how to cover thuja for the winter and whether it should be done if we live in the central region? We planted two seedlings in the spring, bought them old enough, not ...
We breed conifers at home quickly and easily - how to grow thuja from a twig
Tell us in detail how to grow a thuja from a twig. I was on a business trip, I saw my old dream in the park - one with yellow needles. I wanted to collect cones, but not ...
Evergreen thuja in landscape design, photo examples of site design
I need advice on how to use thuja in landscape design, it would be very interesting to see a photo with examples. There is free space in front of the house, and along the street, behind ...
This is possible and not at all difficult - thuja in Siberia, planting and care, photo of varieties
Tell me if thuja grows in Siberia, planting and care, photos of suitable varieties especially need to be known and seen. Moved to these cold lands quite recently, having got married. First ...
We decide when to plant thuja and where is better
Tell me when to plant thuja? I love conifers very much and have already tried to breed them last year. I bought seedlings and planted them in October, as the seller advised. However, out of five ...
When to plant thuja, the timing of spring and autumn planting
Tell me when to plant thuja? I have long wanted to plant this beautiful tree in the yard. In the spring, while gardening, I missed the opportunity to buy conifers. Can thuja be planted in autumn? I heard that ...
Growing thuja from seeds is interesting
Thuja is a coniferous plant that not only has a stunning aroma, but also a beautiful appearance. That is why growing thuja from seeds is so popular. How exactly to grow ...
Thuja room will find its place in your house
Thuja indoor is a gymnosperm coniferous plant from the Cypress family. In its natural environment, its height reaches 7 - 12 meters. Thuja was brought to us from North America ...
What medicinal properties of thuja are known to us
The healing properties of thuja have been known to the world for a long time. The Indians in America used a decoction of pine needles and wood for the prevention of infectious diseases, getting rid of rheumatism and other diseases of the joints, muscles and ...
Choosing varieties of thuja for hedges
The hedge is gaining popularity in Russia. Many landscape designers use a green wall instead of a traditional fence in their projects. For its formation, plants that are good ...
Types and varieties of thuja grown in summer cottages
Conifers are becoming more and more popular. And one of the main roles in gardening is played by thuja, the types and varieties with a photo of which amaze with a variety of shapes, sizes and surprisingly elegant colors. ...
Common diseases of thuja and how to deal with them
It is useful to get acquainted with the information about the most common diseases of thuja for everyone who grows this beauty on his site. This will help to timely take preventive measures and prevent the development of the disease. ...
Features of planting and care at their summer cottage for the pyramidal thuja
The value of thuja is not only in its simplicity and needles that persist all year round, but also in the ability of the plant to maintain a certain shape. Thuja pyramidal can be considered a living symbol ...
Rules for growing thuja eastern Aurea Nana
Thuja orientalis Aurea Nana is a popular dwarf evergreen tree that belongs to coniferous shrubs. This shrub is very capricious to the conditions of detention compared to her ...
Choosing a place in landscape design for thuja Golden Glob
Golden needles, compact spherical crown and extreme simplicity. Thanks to these qualities, thuja Golden Globe invariably enjoys the attention of coniferous plant lovers and professional landscape designers. Small evergreen shrubs ...
Description of the decorative culture of Biota or eastern thuja
Due to the popularity of conifers, the number of cultivated varieties of thuja today is in the tens and hundreds. More often, western thuja is grown on plots, but eastern thuja deserves no less attention. Still ...
What attracts us to thuja western Yellow Ribbon?
Thuja Yellow Ribbon is a beautiful tree with golden needles. It is designed for both single and group landings. With it, you can create a sunny shade against the background ...
A special place in the landscape design of thuja Hoseri
Small western thuja with a spherical crown are unpretentious, easy to care for and appropriate in the design of large and very modest areas. Therefore, their varieties, including thuja Hozeri, so ...
Thuja Tini Tim will give a special charm to the garden plot
Ornamental coniferous crops are very popular due to the needles that persist all year round, unpretentiousness and variety of forms. Dwarf thuja Tini Tim is an evergreen shrub that will find a place on any, even ...
The nuances of planting and caring for Woodwardi thuja in the garden
Tui with a rounded crown traditionally become the center of attraction for eyes, wherever they are. Thuja Woodwardi is one of the old, well-proven varieties with a dense crown, livable ...
The most popular varieties of thuja
There are more than 200 varieties of thuja. These varieties are usually divided into tall and undersized, and varieties with yellow needles are also distinguished. Landscape designers use thuja not only to shape ...
Self-cultivation of thuja seedlings
Thuja seedlings are purchased in the nursery. But if a certain variety of thuja is already growing on your site, and you want to propagate it, then you can grow tree seedlings yourself. For ...
Planting a thuja seedling in open ground
Tui are beautiful conifers. They are planted on the site in order to enjoy the pine scent. Thuja grows up to 9 meters in height, therefore it well protects the site from ...
Thuja diseases and frostbite
Tui are used by landscape designers when decorating curb flower beds, as well as when planting hedges. Tui are conifers that need to be looked after. If planted on your site ...
Thuja easily and simply propagates by cuttings
Popular coniferous crops in nature are more often propagated by seeds or vegetatively. But in nurseries and among gardeners, thuja propagation by cuttings in spring is more common, allowing: to save time and ...
How to solve the problem when your favorite thuja turned yellow after winter
Going to the site in early spring, the summer resident expects to see signs of the awakening of nature and the fresh needles of evergreen crops, but sometimes he will be disappointed. Why did thuja turn yellow after winter, what ...
The special role of thuja Holmstrum in the landscape design of a summer cottage
Thuja with a dense conical crown are becoming more and more popular every year. Thuja Holmstrup is universal. It can become part of a green hedge that retains its bright color, decorate the lawn ...
Amazing varieties of folded thuja will take their rightful place at their summer cottage
Thuja folded is one of the most common evergreen conifers. Belongs to the Cypress family, a kind of gymnosperms of the genus Tuya. The birthplace of this tree is East Asia, as well as ...
We plant the thuja western Globoza and its varieties on our site
Thuja Globoza (Thuja occidentalis Globosa) is an evergreen dwarf shrub from the cypress family. Thuja reaches a height of 1 m and a diameter of 1 m.It grows very slowly, adding to ...
Care, features of growing thuja varieties Columna
Thuja Columna is one of the most popular evergreen conifers. Belongs to the Cypress family. Most often, "western" is attributed to its name, since its name in the scientific ...
The highlight of the garden: thuja with a spherical crown shape
Thuja globular is a frequent visitor to the gardens. The size of this plant can vary from several tens of centimeters to one and a half meters. The color of the crown also differs in different varieties. Grow it ...
Meet the wonderful Western Teddy Thuja
Thuja western Teddy is a small coniferous plant that looks like a ball. This variety is new, however, very popular among landscape designers and gardeners for its unique shape. The plant fits perfectly ...
Choosing the best varieties of thuja for a hedge on the site
Evergreen thuja of different heights and shapes have long been actively used in landscape design. Thanks to the dense crown, the needles that persist throughout the year and sufficient unpretentiousness, the hedge from ...
The benefits of thuja oil and how to use it
Thuja oil is obtained by steam distillation of young cones and needles of this tree. For the manufacture of 1 liter of oil, at least 250 kg of raw materials are required. The result is ...
Find a place on your site for western thuja Danica
Small compact varieties of thuja are extremely in demand in landscape design. Thuja western Danica - a plant with a dense rounded crown up to 80 cm high and about a meter in diameter refers to ...
Planting thuja in open ground and plant care rules
Evergreen coniferous crops are very popular due to their high decorativeness and undemandingness. Among such plants are thuja, planting and care in the open field for which even beginners can do it. ...
Planting and care, use in the landscape design of the suburban area of thuja West Brabant
One of the five types of thuja - western, has many varieties, among which the western thuja Brabant stands out. Decorative frost-resistant, fast-growing tree with a compact columnar crown is widely used in ...
Everything you need to know about Thuja West Smaragd
Modern landscape design is a whole science. And even if you have never studied it, you will still be known as an expert if your garden is decorated with the magnificent western thuja Smaragd. It ...
Yellow thuja needles in spring. What fertilizers will help correct the situation?
Good day to all! This year I planted several thuja for beauty in a private house. But the neighbors say that they can quickly turn yellow if in the spring they do not ...