Posts tagged "apple tree"

How to protect your garden from apple blossom beetle weevil
How to protect your garden from apple blossom beetle weevil
Among the huge number of insects, the apple blossom beetle weevil is considered the most dangerous enemy. In a short time, he mercilessly destroys the entire crop. What does an insect look like from the side? On what grounds ...
Apple tree Saffron - description of the variety of one of the best universal types of culture
Apple tree Saffron - description of the variety of one of the best universal types of culture
I am interested in when the Saffron apple tree ripens, the description of the variety is also, especially in relation to the timing of ripening and winter hardiness. I bought a seedling last spring and sold it as a summer variety. And here is my apple tree ...
Taking care of the future harvest - harvesting apple cuttings for grafting in spring
Taking care of the future harvest - harvesting apple cuttings for grafting in spring
What is the time frame for harvesting apple cuttings for grafting in the spring? I want to rejuvenate an old apple tree that has been very sick in recent years. Only one branch was saved and now ...
We shoot in the fall, eat in the winter - Idared apple tree, variety description
We shoot in the fall, eat in the winter - Idared apple tree, variety description
What species does the Idared apple tree belong to, the description of the variety, the ripening period and especially winter hardiness can you find out in detail? Once in winter I was treated to these apples. At first I thought they were imported, ...
Fruit that can be stored until summer - Richard apple tree, variety description
Fruit that can be stored until summer - Richard apple tree, variety description
Tell me what is the threshold of winter hardiness for the Richard apple tree, I would very much like to know the description of the variety with details. In the spring I planted a seedling that the online store sent me as a gift. I bought it then ...
How to make an apple tree bear fruit - simple and effective ways
How to make an apple tree bear fruit - simple and effective ways
Many gardeners and summer residents are faced with poor or irregular fruiting of apple trees in their backyard. There are several simple and effective ways to make an apple tree bear fruit and give annually ...
The most decorative apple tree is the purple beauty of Nedzwiecki apple tree, variety description
The most decorative apple tree is the purple beauty of Nedzwiecki apple tree, variety description
Is it possible to eat the fruits of such a tree as the Nedzvetsky apple tree, would you give a description of the variety in detail? Once upon a time we bought two seedlings purely for decorative purposes, so ...
Apple tree, loved since childhood, Glory to the Winners: planting and caring for a fruit tree
Apple tree, loved since childhood, Glory to the Winners: planting and caring for a fruit tree
The apple tree Glory to the Winners, planting and caring for which is not difficult, was bred back in 1928 at the gardening station. Simirenko. In 1975 it was adopted ...
The Mantet apple tree is the most fragrant summer variety for your garden
The Mantet apple tree is the most fragrant summer variety for your garden
What species does the Mantet apple tree belong to when the harvest ripens, and in general from what year does it begin to bear fruit? I planted a two-year-old seedling in the spring, it took root, grew well, but so ...
We decorate our plot with a decorative Royalty apple tree
We decorate our plot with a decorative Royalty apple tree
The Royalty Ornamental Apple tree is a small tree that is widely used in landscaping. Its distinctive feature is large, scarlet flowers and purple leaves, thanks to which the tree looks ...
Growing an apple tree of the winter-hardy and fruitful variety Imrus
Cultivation of an apple tree of a winter-hardy and fruitful variety Imrus
The Imrus apple tree is a hybrid winter variety with high yields, stable fruiting and good immunity to scab and other fungal diseases. Thanks to the excellent taste of the fruits and ...
An unpretentious apple variety Zvezdochka in cultivation in a summer cottage
An unpretentious apple variety Zvezdochka in cultivation in a summer cottage
The Zvezdochka apple tree was bred by the breeder S.F.Chernenko by crossing Pepinka Lithuanian with Anisa. Fruit culture conquered experienced gardeners due to its qualities.Positive properties of the apple tree: taste; ...
The most delicious and fragrant apples from the Orlovim apple tree
The most delicious and fragrant apples from the Orlovim apple tree
Apple trees are the foundation of the garden. Among the large number of different varieties, the Orlovim apple tree will take its rightful place. Its main advantages are ease of maintenance and high yield. Even ...
We give preference to apple varieties Krasa Sverdlovsk
We give preference to apple varieties Krasa Sverdlovsk
The Krasa Sverdlovsk apple tree was bred by Sverdlovsk breeders in the 1970s. The variety is self-fertile - when pollinated with its own pollen, the fruits are not tied, so the tree must be placed nearby ...
Find a place for the Kandil Orlovsky apple tree on your personal plot
Find a place for the Kandil Orlovsky apple tree on your personal plot
Planting fruit trees in the garden is an integral part of the formation of landscape design. Among famous plants, hybrids are gaining great popularity, the leader among which is the Kandil Orlovsky apple tree. Besides ...
What the description of the Ekrannoe apple tree will tell us about
What the description of the Ekrannoe apple tree will tell us about
The description of the Ekrannoe apple variety informs us about the high yield, large size, attractive appearance and excellent taste of the fruits. The undoubted advantages of the variety are the ease of cultivation and unpretentiousness ...
Frost-resistant apple trees of the Uralets variety for your favorite garden
Frost-resistant apple trees of the Uralets variety for your favorite garden
Growing fruit crops in regions with cold winters is troublesome, but rewarding. Sverdlovsk breeders have created original Uralets apple trees, which are not afraid of frost, and ...
Why the Bashkir beauty apple tree became the most popular in the middle lane
Why the Bashkir beauty apple tree became the most popular in the middle lane
The Bashkir beauty apple tree, unpretentious in care, frost-resistant, occupies a worthy place in the list of fruit plants adapted for growing in central Russia. The variety is included in the State Register, ...
Sweet and sour fruits of the Bogatyr apple tree are worthy of your attention
Sweet and sour fruits of the Bogatyr apple tree are worthy of your attention
The Bogatyr apple-tree belongs to late, high-yielding and frost-resistant fruit trees. These characteristics have made it widespread among gardeners. Its sweet and sour fruits are distinguished by excellent taste, long-lasting ...
Planting and caring for an emigrant from Canada with a Lobo apple tree
Planting and caring for an emigrant from Canada with a Lobo apple tree
An apple tree is a welcome guest at every summer cottage and garden plot. For years, gardeners have been choosing the best varieties for planting that would meet all the requirements. An emigrant from Canada for more than ...
A detailed description of the Spartan apple tree will help you choose a tree for your site
A detailed description of the Spartan apple tree will help you choose a tree for your site
The apple tree is the most popular culture, without which not a single summer cottage can do. Breeders are working on developing new varieties, improving existing plant species. Description of the Spartan apple tree ...
Frost-resistant apple tree Berkutovskoe is an excellent choice for a summer cottage garden
Frost-resistant apple tree Berkutovskoe is an excellent choice for a summer cottage garden
Apple tree Berkutovskoe is a versatile, frost-resistant variety, bred by breeders specifically for cultivation in all regions of Russia. It has gained wide popularity among gardeners due to its high fruiting, resistance to ...
Apple tree columnar Constellation will give a good harvest, despite its diminutiveness
Apple tree columnar Constellation will give a good harvest, despite its diminutiveness
Tell me, how does the columnar constellation apple winters? We have a small plot, but this does not stop us from wanting to have our own garden. The first trees were plums, now they managed to get ...
How to get rid of lichen on an apple tree and prevent it
How to get rid of lichen on an apple tree and prevent it
Lichens that appear on the bark are a symbiotic combination of algae and fungi that damage the tree. How to get rid of lichen on an apple tree is a problem that most gardeners face, ...
The North Sinap apple variety: the hard way from planting to harvest
The North Sinap apple variety: the hard way from planting to harvest
Winter hardy, fast growing and high yielding. These are the unique characteristics of the North Sinap apple variety.It is grown in the moderately cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere, as well as in the eastern regions of Siberia. ...
Apple tree Grushovka Moskovskaya: planting and care at their summer cottage
Apple tree Grushovka Moskovskaya: planting and care at their summer cottage
The apple tree is a favorite fruit tree that can be found in every garden. Moreover, this is the first seedling from which the planting of summer cottages begins. For what purposes only ...
Delicious Apple Silver Hoof in Your Garden
Delicious Apple Silver Hoof in Your Garden
The Silver Hoof apple tree is a summer variety that can be grown in all regions of the country. The plant is distinguished by its unpretentious care and abundant fruiting. Description of the appearance of the plant Tree ...
When to whitewash apple trees, from which you can make a solution
When to whitewash apple trees, from which you can make a solution
We bought a summer cottage with a small plot of land. Since the garden was not included in our plans, we decided to lay a small garden so that the land would not be empty. We planted a dozen different varieties of apple trees in the fall, ...
The leaves of the apple tree curl: possible causes and methods of treatment
An apple tree leaves curl: possible causes and treatment
Experienced gardeners claim that the state of the plant can be almost accurately determined by the appearance of the foliage. Today we will try to figure out why the leaves of the apple tree curl, consider the main reasons for this phenomenon ...
How to prune a columnar apple tree - timing and pruning scheme
How to prune a columnar apple tree - timing and pruning scheme
Tell me how to cut a columnar apple tree and when is it better to do it? Last year, we planted several seedlings in the fall, nothing was cut. Do I need to cut them in the spring? The seller said ...
Early ripening apple tree Orlik in your garden
Early ripening apple tree Orlik in your garden
The apple tree is the soul of the garden. There is so much charm and beauty in its lush bloom. And if you put a table and chairs under a tree in the summer, then you can easily hide from ...
Universal apple variety Uslada for different regions
Universal apple variety Uslada for different regions
The apple variety Uslada can become the heart of any garden. Its delicate bloom pleases the eye, and the tasty and juicy fruits saturate the body with fiber, mineral salts and organic acids. Front ...
A great apple variety in your garden
A great apple variety in your garden
Apple trees of autumn ripening period, the harvest of which is well stored, are especially popular among gardeners in central and northern Russia. Apple variety Shtrifel is known under the second name "Autumn striped", ...
High Yielding Apple Dream for Your Garden
High Yielding Apple Dream for Your Garden
Apple Dream is a winter-hardy, high-yielding variety. The plant is distinguished by its compact size and good resistance to various diseases. With proper care, the tree will delight you with fruits with high taste. Apple tree ...
Apple tree Semerenko takes a worthy place in your garden
Apple tree Semerenko takes a worthy place in your garden
For more than a hundred years, the Semerenko apple tree has attracted the attention of domestic gardeners with its yield, unpretentious care and drought resistance. However, to grow strong and ...
Fruit trees for the garden - Gloucester apple tree
Fruit trees for the garden - Gloucester apple tree
When planning fruit plantings, each gardener thinks first of all about two questions: "What will this plant give me?" and "Will it take root in my garden?" Apple tree Gloucester captivates not ...
How to plant an apple tree in spring: terms and rules for planting
How to plant an apple tree in spring: terms and rules for planting
Tell me how to plant an apple tree in spring? It's already very cold here, it's good that at least they didn't have time to buy seedlings. We'll have to postpone the laying of the garden until spring, but there will be time to ...
When to graft an apple tree: the timing of vaccination depending on the season
When to graft an apple tree: the timing of vaccination depending on the season
Tell me when to plant an apple tree? My beloved old apple tree grows in the dacha inherited from my grandmother. A very tasty variety, though I don’t know what it’s called. In recent years, she began to notice ...
Pruning apple trees in the fall - everything a novice gardener needs to know
Pruning apple trees in the fall - everything a novice gardener needs to know
Please tell us in what time frame and how is the pruning of apple trees carried out in the fall? We used to have a good vegetable garden in our country house, and every year we planted it completely ...
How to plant an apple tree in spring: timing and methods, a detailed guide for gardeners
How to plant an apple tree in spring: timing and methods, a detailed guide for gardeners
Tell me how to plant an apple tree in the spring? Our garden has been badly damaged this winter. Many trees are frozen, including my favorite variety. Since the central trunk and most of the branches ...
Apple blossoms: at what age and in what month does it come
Apple blossoms: at what age and in what month does it come
Tell me when the apple tree blooms? We bought a dacha last year, there is a small garden, judging by the height of the trees, still young. Former owners said that there are several among them ...
Apple leaves: benefits and harms
Apple leaves: benefits and harms
I often heard from my grandmother that apple leaf tea is very useful. She herself drank it and for us, grandchildren, she brewed it, especially in winter, when we walked ...
Winter Wellsey apple - champion in yield and keeping quality
Winter Wellsey apple - champion in yield and keeping quality
We plan to set up a small apple orchard in the country in the spring. I was very interested in the Welsey variety, they say that it winters well and rarely gets sick. Please give a detailed description of the Welsey apple tree with ...
What is an apple tree with red leaves
What is an apple tree with red leaves
This summer, a new "tenant" appeared on the neighboring plot - a beautiful tree with red leaves. The neighbor says that this is such a special apple variety. Tell me what this miracle is ...
Pear grafting on an apple tree - when and how to do it
Pear grafting on an apple tree - when and how to do it
I have an apple tree, about which I say "hard to carry, but it's a pity to throw it away." The tree is quite good, spreading, gives good shade in summer. But the apples themselves are small and ...
What to do if an adult apple tree does not bloom
What to do if an adult apple tree does not bloom
Good day! Bought 7 years ago two Antonov apple trees, three years old (as we were told). They have never bloomed yet! What's the matter? Fertilized, trimmed, sprayed, ...
Processing apple trees from pests during flowering
Treatment of apple trees from pests during the flowering period
The apple tree is most vulnerable to pests during the flowering period, however, the first processing of the tree should be carried out even when the air temperature rises to + 5 ° C. The tree is treated with copper-containing preparations for ...
Apple tree pruning, tree crown shaping
Apple tree pruning, tree crown shaping
To get large yields, fruit trees are looked after throughout the season: the soil of the trunk circle is dug up and weeded from weeds, the trees are fertilized and abundantly watered, treated with insecticidal ...
Growing self-rooted apple tree seedlings
Growing self-rooted apple tree seedlings
Fruit trees are usually propagated by grafting cuttings to the stock, this is the most common method. Growing own-rooted seedlings is an old and undeservedly forgotten way of reproduction, because a grafted apple tree can acquire ...
How to grow several varieties on one apple tree
How to grow several varieties on one apple tree
The apple tree that your parents planted once gave big yields, and its fruits were quite large and sweet. But now the apple tree has aged, the period of its fruiting ends, by ...
How is pruning tops on apple and pear trees done
How to prune tops on apple and pear trees
The purpose of forming the crown of a tree is to give the plant consumer properties - decorativeness or increase the yield. Pruning tops on apple and pear trees frees the tree from branches that do not work on ...
Columnar fruit trees - let's create a garden on one hundred square meters!
Columnar fruit trees - let's create a garden on one hundred square meters!
Columnar fruit trees are named after the shape of the crown. The crown represents the shape of the aboveground part of the tree, the location of the branches in relation to the trunk. The columnar shape of the tree represents very short skeletal ...
Useful properties and vitamin tea from apple leaves
Useful properties and vitamin tea from apple leaves
For the beauty of the flowering of apple orchards, it has been praised more than once in poems and songs, an apple is an unsurpassed fruit in popularity, but you should not forget about the leaves, ...
Apple tree varieties for the Leningrad region
Apple tree varieties for the Leningrad region
The conditions for gardening in the Leningrad region cannot be called ideal or even good.Neither the climate of the region nor the composition of the rather poor soils contributes to the cultivation of fruit trees. The thickness of the fertile ...
Winter-hardy apple varieties for the Urals and Siberia
Winter-hardy apple varieties for the Urals and Siberia
The climate of the Urals and Siberia is characterized by a certain severity and unpredictability. Therefore, apple trees in this region must have adequate endurance and winter hardiness. Currently, quite a lot of breeding ...
Apple varieties - the best fruits for every taste and color
Apple varieties - the best fruits for every taste and color
Apple varieties have a wide range and can satisfy the sophisticated needs of the most demanding gardener. With a scarlet blush or deep red, white, burgundy and even green ... All apples are delicious in their own way. ...
Description and photos of autumn varieties of trees in the apple orchard
Description and photos of autumn varieties of trees in the apple orchard
When choosing varieties of fruit trees for an apple orchard, they invariably pay attention to how soon the apple tree will enter fruiting, the taste and size of the fruits, the resistance of the variety to frost ...
How to grow an apple tree from a seed: the subtleties and secrets of the agrotechnical process
How to grow an apple tree from a seed: the subtleties and secrets of the agrotechnical process
An apple tree is a fruit tree that can be grown from a seed or seedling. Experienced gardeners prefer the second option, often purchasing young trees in specialized stores, because they know how ...
Choosing early varieties of apples from a photo with a description
Choosing early varieties of apples from a photo with a description
The apple is traditionally considered one of the most beloved and revered fruits in Russia. And since in most regions the summer does not please with its duration and warmth, the fruits of summer varieties ...
Winter varieties of apples for growing on a personal plot
Winter varieties of apples for growing on a personal plot
Admiring the snowfall, it is so pleasant to sit with a warm blanket over your shoulders and crunch juicy fresh apples. But in order for the house to always have supplies of fruit, the garden must necessarily ...
What to do if your favorite apple tree does not bear fruit
What to do if your favorite apple tree does not bear fruit
Every gardener dreams of a healthy garden, fruitful trees. And what if the apple tree has not been bearing fruit since planting for more than seven years? Such problems often happen with ...
Let's find out how to properly plant an apple tree in summer
Let's find out how to properly plant an apple tree in summer
To begin with, it should be remembered that the summer planting of fruit trees is a necessary measure, possible only in emergency situations and should not be resorted to once again. If it's worth ...
Photos of dwarf apple trees and features of their cultivation
Photos of dwarf apple trees and features of their cultivation
Recently, dwarf apple trees are increasingly found in the garden plots of our country. They attract gardeners with their compactness and high yield, which is achieved thanks to the rapid growth of young ...
Find out why apples crack and rot on an apple tree
Find out why apples crack and rot on an apple tree
Keeping a healthy garden is a person's hard work, multiplied by knowledge. A living tree is just as susceptible to disease as we are. Only a person can complain, go to the doctor, but a fruit ...
Choosing the best varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region
Choosing the best varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region
The Moscow region is located on an area of ​​300 km, and the conditions for gardening are different. The most favorable for garden cultivation are Domodedovsky, Kashirsky, Stupinsky and a number of other gardens in ...
We do the budding of apple trees in the summer
We do the budding of apple trees in the summer
Gardeners consider grafting with a bud or eye to be the easiest and most affordable way to get a new variety on the site or to improve an already growing tree. The name of the vaccination method, budding, comes from ...
What varieties of columnar apple trees to choose for different regions of Russia
What varieties of columnar apple trees to choose for different regions of Russia
Today, breeders have bred the most diverse varieties of columnar apple trees. They are very comfortable fruit trees that have many advantages. They do not form an extensive and spreading crown, due to which ...
When, where and how to properly plant an apple tree on the territory of a country house
When, where and how to properly plant an apple tree on the territory of a country house
A fruit tree with beautiful juicy fruits is found in almost every garden.To enjoy its fruits all year round, it is important to know how to properly plant an apple tree in your area. Exists ...
Photos of your favorite varieties of apple trees with a name and description
Photos of your favorite varieties of apple trees with a name and description
On the territory of the Russian Federation, there are a large number of various types and varieties of apple trees. This is the main problem. Since it is sometimes difficult to choose something suitable. The gardener just ...
Apple-tree Melba: description of varietal characteristics, planting and care rules
Apple-tree Melba: description of varietal characteristics, planting and care rules
In the garden at the summer cottage, there must be at least a few favorite varieties of apple trees. A worthy place is occupied by the Melba apple tree, a description of which we will provide you today. Close acquaintance with varietal ...
Meet the time-tested summer variety of the Medunitsa apple tree
Meet the time-tested summer variety of the Medunitsa apple tree
The result of many years of work by the Soviet school of breeders has become dozens of magnificent varieties, which, even after so many years, are loved and in demand by gardeners. The apple tree Medunitsa appeared in 1935 thanks to the efforts ...
The decorative apple tree of Nedzvetsky will help to decorate the landscape in front of the window
The decorative apple tree of Nedzvetsky will help to decorate the landscape in front of the window
Among shrubs and ornamental trees for landscape design and decoration of city streets, a special place is given to the apple tree of Nedzwiecki. She is stunningly beautiful at the moment of flowering, attracts with a mysterious color scheme ...
You need to know why the apple tree drops apples in order to understand what to do
You need to know why the apple tree drops apples in order to understand what to do
The abundant flowering of the apple tree in spring, the healthy appearance of the tree promised a generous harvest of everyone's favorite fragrant fruits. But the apple blossom falls, covering the ground with a veil, and later quietly and modestly began to ...
It is important to know why the leaves of the apple tree turn black and dry
It is important to know why the leaves of the apple tree turn black and dry
It is hard to imagine that an apple tree does not grow on a piece of land, even a tiny one. If it is a fruit-tree-friendly area, apple orchards become a source of income. But wherever ...
Learning to vaccinate an apple tree in the summer
Learning to vaccinate an apple tree in the summer
Grafting an apple tree in the summer is quite simple to perform. You just need to pay attention to some important points. It is also worth following the rules for harvesting cuttings, this will increase the chances of successful engraftment of a new ...
Garden work on summer pruning of apple trees
Garden work on summer pruning of apple trees
Experienced gardeners pay special attention to fruit trees in all seasons. Summer pruning of apple trees is mandatory, as it gives a lot of advantages for the tree itself, ...
Apple pest and disease control methods
Apple pest and disease control methods
Abundant spring flowering and apple fruit ovary delights every gardener. But often, the closer it comes to harvesting, the less beautiful liquid fruits remain on the branches, ...
Diseases of apple trees in the photo and methods of their treatment
Diseases of apple trees in the photo and methods of their treatment
Rust on the leaves of the apple tree, as well as other defects on various parts of the plant, indicate the presence of a disease. If such symptoms are found, urgent action should be taken. Varieties of apple diseases ...
Planting and caring for a columnar apple tree
Planting and caring for a columnar apple tree
A natural mutation of the apple tree, which has awakened the interest of breeders in obtaining high-yielding varieties of columnar apple trees, was noticed a little over 50 years ago in Canada. All vaccinated young ...


