Posts tagged "ziziphus"
Useful properties of ziziphus and contraindications for use
In our time, on the shelves of supermarkets there is an abundance of exotic fruits. One of them delights buyers. To get the most out of the fruits, you need to know the useful ...
Useful properties of unabi - a magical Chinese date
Tell us, what are the beneficial properties of unabi? I have tasted these fruits only once, visiting friends, but I will never forget their sweet taste. And recently I was in the clinic ...
Exotic zest of the garden - Ziziphus Moorish
Recently I was with a friend, and she treated me to unusual fruits - Moorish ziziphus. They looked like a plum, but they tasted like a pear, nothing like that I had before ...
Planting ziziphus at their summer cottage
Ziziphus grows naturally in Asian countries. This culture is very drought-resistant and unpretentious to care for. Due to its sweet fruits and high yield, the Chinese date spread quickly to ...
Useful properties and contraindications to the use of exotic ziziphus
Ziziphus, the useful properties and contraindications of which we will consider today, is a tree and belongs to the Krushinovy family. Also, the plant is known under the names "unabi", "jujuba", "zhuzhub", "chinese date". ...