Posts tagged "ash"
Do you know how to fertilize strawberry beds?
A good harvest depends on a number of factors, namely weather conditions, care, plant variety and feeding. Few people know how to fertilize strawberries so that the bushes are beautiful, and the berries ...
101 ways to use ash in the household
It is good to sit near the Russian stove and look at the hot flame. Tongues of fire embrace the merrily gurgling cast-iron and slowly add logs, leaving behind smoldering coals and heaps ...
We use wood ash as fertilizer for plants
Wood ash is a very useful product for plants. It contains a large amount of potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, which plants need during flowering and fruiting. The disadvantage ...
The benefits of ash for pumpkin crops
Wood ash is a product obtained by burning plants. The ash contains: a large amount of potassium; phosphorus; calcium; magnesium. These are just the main trace elements. It is known that the composition of ...
Fertilizer for garlic in summer - wood ash
Wood ash is widely used in horticulture. When growing garlic, this fertilizer is applied in the summer, in mid-June, when the plant forms a garlic head. In order to receive ...
How you can use wood ash at home or in your garden
When burning wood, wood ash remains. There are many uses for ashes in the countryside. From one bunch of logs you get about 8 kg of ash, and sometimes even ...
12 ways to use wood ash in your chicken coop, garden or backyard
I'm sure many of you use wood all the time - for fireplaces, wood-burning stoves, bonfires. This article will focus only on "clean" wood - no ...
Ash as fertilizer - excellent result without cost
Ash is an absolutely affordable and highly effective phosphorus-potassium fertilizer containing a lot of substances and microelements necessary for the development and growth of plants. You don't need to buy it, you don't need it ...
Wood ash - as a kind of vineyard fertilizer (video)
One of the quality types of fertilizer for the vineyard is wood ash. This fertilizer is one of the most affordable. You can cook it at home, adhering to a certain recipe. Wood ash ...