What they say about a variety such as a tomato nobleman, who planted it in cold regions

Tell us how the Nobleman's tomato behaves in the open field in cool summer conditions, who planted it in the middle lane? This year I bought this variety for the first time, sowed it for seedlings, but was afraid to plant it on the beds, left it in a greenhouse. I liked the tomatoes, large, sweet, but next year I need a greenhouse for cucumbers. The husband decided to start selling early vegetables. Now I'm thinking, will the variety retain its yield and size if it grows in the garden?

tomato noble who planted It would be a deep misconception that true varietal tomatoes, not hybrids, can only be grown in the southern regions. But the tomato of the Nobleman can completely dispel this myth - whoever planted it already knows that neither a short daylight hours, nor a cool summer in any way affect the yield and excellent taste of this variety. Moreover, it was for such conditions that it was created by Siberian breeders. With regard to the place of cultivation, it can be safely called universal. Both in the greenhouse and in the open field, the culture retains its high performance. What is the variety so famous for, despite its rather young age (only 16 years old)?

Tomato variety Grandee is also known as Budenovka and is one of the varieties tomato bovine heart... It was from him that he took both the shape of the fruits and their sweet taste.

Tomato Grandee - who planted, he did not regret, or the characteristic of the variety

tomato bush noble

Tomatoes will delight you with the compact size of the bushes, because their height is on average about 60 cm. Moreover, they are stable and require tying only when numerous fruits ripen. The variety belongs to mid-season, but in the south it ripens almost together with early tomatoes. Medium-sized bushes have leaves, and the first ovary is formed after 7 leaves.

Tomato gives a lot of inflorescences, because all subsequent ones are laid through one leaf, but you should not leave them in such an amount. To get really large fruits, it is recommended to leave no more than 5 flowers on each brush, and remove the rest.

The nobleman "behaves" well in the open field, does not get sick, grows well and has time to mature in the conditions of a short cool summer. Some difficulties may arise when growing it in a greenhouse. There may be a risk of being damaged by brown spot, but it can be avoided by carrying out preventive treatment.

Productivity and taste of tomato Budenovka

tomato yield nobleThe variety is known for its high yield. From 1 sq. m. 5-7 kg of large tomatoes are harvested. They are heart-shaped and weigh an average of about 500 g, although there are instances of more than 1 kg. Ripe tomatoes have pink, thin skin. The pulp is very juicy, firm and sweet, with a pronounced characteristic aroma.

Grandee is a salad variety, cannot be stored. It is consumed mainly fresh. When it comes to preservation, the sweet flesh works well for sauces.

Pros and cons of the variety

tomato nobleman who planted the pros and consNoble tomatoes have many advantages over other varieties, namely:

  • stable and high yield even in the northern regions;
  • large-fruited and early maturity;
  • great taste;
  • disease resistance;
  • relatively compact size.

Having bought seeds or seedlings just once, you no longer need to think about how to preserve this culture. From ripe fruits, you can collect your own seeds, because this is a natural variety.

As for the disadvantages, gardeners note the need for pinching and load adjustment. If you do not pinch the bush and do not remove part of the ovary, then there will be more fruits, but small ones. In addition, regular watering and feeding also affect the size of the tomato. Without them, the yield decreases.

Growing Tomato Grandee in the open field in Siberia


